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Anyone else get seperation anxiety from their cache?


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I put quite a lot of thought and energy into my first cache. I found the perfect spot in a conservation park. I hid it well, and said goodbye. Now, all I can think about is how my little box is all alone in the dark, in the middle of the woods, with no one to talk to. Not to metion worrying about if a muggle will find it, or if it will stay where I put it. I think it may be time to let go. :)

Edited by funiverse
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I admit that I did feel some sort of seperation anxiety when I placed my first cache. I checked everyday for at least a week.........just to make sure it wasn't muggled. Now I have 5 caches and I check on them when appropriate. My first cache I check once a week, but my 3rd I'll only check once every month or so, etc, etc.

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not necessarily. I meant more so that my 3rd is an easy micro cache. people find it and it is always there etc. So I dont really need to check on it. My first is a VERY tricky hide that is not attached to anything so a cacher could move it on accident or whatever. People find it and they don't know exactly where it belongs etc. So I check it often to make sure it looks right. My 2nd cache is regular so I only check it when I'm dropping coins and such. My 4th and 5th really don't need maintanence since they are clear of muggles and only need a new log every couple months. So I never check those. Ya know what I mean?


but, well.........yes, my first is my baby :)

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it's kinda funny but my first cache is an idea that I still have yet to see done (after 1,091 finds) and people who find it really like it. Even though that cache gets damaged a lot and all in all is not what makes a "good cache", I have spent well over $100 keeping it going since I fist placed it last summer. Everytime it is damaged, the idea of archiving it never enters my mind. Maybe because it is my first, but I think I'll keep it going as long as I possibly can. You're right. It's my baby

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I put quite a lot of thought and energy into my first cache. I found the perfect spot in a conservation park. I hid it well, and said goodbye. Now, all I can think about is how my little box is all alone in the dark, in the middle of the woods, with no one to talk to. Not to metion worrying about if a muggle will find it, or if it will stay where I put it. I think it may be time to let go. :(


I suggest pitching a tent and maintaining a visual until these feelings subside. It's really the only way to be sure that it is safe.

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Kind of funny...never thought about this since I never experienced it. Only time I've checked on my hides is per request.


I am going to check one this spring with all the snow/ice we've had to see if I need to reconsider container and/or location though, but not due to separation anxiety. :(

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I drove past my first hide every day to and from work. I could see the hiding spot and tell if there were any problems. So yes I was a little fussy but it was a high maint. cache, I thought it was the best thing in the world when I thought of the idea and the location. Things got old after a while and parts came up missing and it became more trouble than it was worth.


I still get excited when I am in the planning stages - scouting locations, finding the perfect container, decorating the container, finding strange and odd swag. Working on a couple right now, just a matter of time.

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My first cache I check once a week, but my 3rd I'll only check once every month or so, etc, etc.


So your first cache is still your baby, huh? I was afraid of that.


They are all my children! I worry about all of them! You don't know how much it hurt to have to archive one of my children! Even after it had been muggled twice, and only found five times. :anicute: But the park has been closed for renovations for over a year now. I try to hide them well, so that they will be safe. Some require more maintenance than others. Come to think of it, I have not been back to visit my first hide. She's been out there for three and a half years, and has never had a problem.

But two or three DNFs will send me out to check on them. Or a report of a wet log, or some (insert nationality here of cachers who remove the Ziplock bags...) Yes, Charlotte is my eldest daughter, and she is doing well. And there's the anxiety of waiting for my reviewer. :blink: Does my youngest meet the requirements? I'm waiting to find out. They're all my children!

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I work in the IT service industry so I am on the road all day driving between customer sites so the GPS is always on and if I am near something easy I try to stop if I can squeeze a few minutes from the schedule or lunch time. Weekends are for getting "batches" of finds with the other half of the KJcachers team.

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I had one cache that I spent about 4 months planning and making the container, almost 50 bucks on materials and practice containers, meeting with the person who did boat rentals in the area to teach him about geocaching, explain where the cache was going to be, and to make sure he was ok with people renting his boats to collect that geocache with, dragging my own boat out to hide it, etc. Was going to require a crapload of time and work for maintenance due to events on the lake, but I thought it would be worth it. way too much effort for one cache.


it only had one find before it was muggled.


epic failure. :anicute: I don't have any caches anymore. hehe.

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