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calling ashford cachers

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Hi Little Miss Naughty,


I,m Rob, would luv 2 join u 4 some cacheing fun. I,m pretty new to this so please be patient. Lookin foreward 2 that half. I normally cache with my daughter, aged 11, hope you dont mind.


I'm looking into the posability of organising a Mr & Mrs Santa TB Swap Event in Llandudno at the end of February, which will be child friendly :D . So keep a eye on the newest caches list.




ps: before someone asks :) a Mr & Mrs Santa TB Swap Event is one were everyone bringing TB's and Geocoins to swap, must wrap them up just like a christmas gift :D. On arrival their all thrown into Santa's sack, the suprise being that Santa has left a couple of unregistered TB tags and possibly even a unregistered Geocoin in the bag :) everyone dips the same No of presents :) as they bring.


pps: doesn't the forum look the pits when using IE compared to Firefox :D and I've discover FF spell checker doesn't work in IE Tab Add On :D:D

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I'm looking into the posability of organising a Mr & Mrs Santa TB Swap Event in Llandudno at the end of February, which will be child friendly :) . So keep a eye on the newest caches list.




ps: before someone asks :) a Mr & Mrs Santa TB Swap Event is one were everyone bringing TB's and Geocoins to swap, must wrap them up just like a christmas gift :). On arrival their all thrown into Santa's sack, the suprise being that Santa has left a couple of unregistered TB tags and possibly even a unregistered Geocoin in the bag :D everyone dips the same No of presents :D as they bring.



What a brilliant idea, will save the initial rush for all the best coin icons. Now how do you wrap/disguise a coin to look like a giant TB so nobody will grab it? :D:D

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I'm looking into the posability of organising a Mr & Mrs Santa TB Swap Event in Llandudno at the end of February, which will be child friendly :D . So keep a eye on the newest caches list.




ps: before someone asks :D a Mr & Mrs Santa TB Swap Event is one were everyone bringing TB's and Geocoins to swap, must wrap them up just like a christmas gift :D. On arrival their all thrown into Santa's sack, the suprise being that Santa has left a couple of unregistered TB tags and possibly even a unregistered Geocoin in the bag :D everyone dips the same No of presents :D as they bring.



What a brilliant idea, will save the initial rush for all the best coin icons. Now how do you wrap/disguise a coin to look like a giant TB so nobody will grab it? :):)


Bubble wrap or a McToy :) wrapped with it works wonders :D

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I'm looking into the posability of organising a Mr & Mrs Santa TB Swap Event in Llandudno at the end of February, which will be child friendly B) . So keep a eye on the newest caches list.




ps: before someone asks B) a Mr & Mrs Santa TB Swap Event is one were everyone bringing TB's and Geocoins to swap, must wrap them up just like a christmas gift :). On arrival their all thrown into Santa's sack, the suprise being that Santa has left a couple of unregistered TB tags and possibly even a unregistered Geocoin in the bag ;) everyone dips the same No of presents :) as they bring.



What a brilliant idea, will save the initial rush for all the best coin icons. Now how do you wrap/disguise a coin to look like a giant TB so nobody will grab it? ;):)


Bubble wrap or a McToy :grin: wrapped with it works wonders :)


I just hope Santa has a large sack ........





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im living in ashford and i do most of my caching on my own.

recently i have noticed that a lot of other people do to. so if anyone is intrested in meeting up an doing a few caches in the area then maby a swift half please let me know.




I havent been over your way (Ashford Kent) for some time now and I know there are quite a few there on my to do list

I would usually come over on a weekday and cache all day (one journey saves petrol)


so if you are able to do midweek caching I could arrange a meet up some time

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