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How long does it take to receive a pocket query


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Good Evening:

I've been away from geocaching for some time and have just upgraded to Premium member. How long does it usually take to receive a pocket query back via e-mail. I was under the impression that it would be quickly, but apparently not.


Thanks for the help. (Please forgive if this has already been answered. I searched for a similar post but didn't find it.)



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I have gotten then back within minutes... but keep in mind how many caches you asked it to return... Mine took 5 minutes for 150 caches.


When I ran my first one, I forgot to check the day of the week it currently was, and my query never ran... Make sure you did that... I sat there and waited and waited and waited...

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I just did one and got it in less than 2 minutes.


You might want to check on the Pocket Query page to see if the PQ was generated and at what time.


If you've been away for a while, is it possible that your account needs to be validated?




If all that checks out, it could be that your ISP is holding the email. You might try a different email address.


Edit: Ooops, I see you found the answer while I was typing.

Edited by Motorcycle_Mama
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When you go to your PQ screen when you see a bold date and time next to the query you want you can expect the email just about 1 millisecond after that. Well perhaps a little longer as it takes electrons to fly down the internet, and it might actually take the query server a second or so to run your query, but if there is no bold date/time then there will not be an email yet.


Edited to add,

and you neer know how long it takes your email server to process an incoming message. And then there is the issue with email servers bouncing large messages, and messages it think are from spam sites. Check other forum posts on these.

Edited by trainlove
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