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Washington State County Challenge


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I have removed the date restriction on the WA County Challenge cache due to a few complaints addressed in the forums. For those of you who have completed the Delorme Challenge & could not complete this challenge due to the dates of your finds, it's wide open now. Come get your smiley. Special Congrats to you all who completed this challenge the hard way.


Due to the reduction in difficulty, I will most probably not be able to afford to continue this as a true treasure cache, so fair trades are appreciated.


I don't have the "hard shell" necessary to take the beating I was getting on this - hope this will make the majority content. You all win

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Tomorrow will be our 60th wedding anv. We actually celebrated it back in September by geocaching in Kauai. We also finished all the 48 lower states and all of the Washington Counties. However we did it our way. We don't have time left in our lives to start anything over. We will pick up Alaska this summer and work on the Delorne Challenge. When you say it is now wide open does that mean micros and virtuals will count. We really enjoyed looking for both caches in the states and in Washington. We had forgot just how beautiful it can be. Not asking for any favors and good luck to those that have the time and gasoline to do it the hard way. Dick and Arlene

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As still posted on the cache page:


The Rules:


* Caches listed on geocaching.com are the only caches valid for this challenge.

* The cache must be large enough to accept Travel Bugs & trade items. Micro Caches DO NOT qualify. So if it is listed as a Micro on the cache page, find another qualifying cache.

* Physical caches only - They must contain a logbook. Virtual, Earth, Webcam, and Event caches do not qualify.


I'd say the cache rules have been modified enough...lets leave the rest alone!

Edited by Allanon
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quote "I'd say the cache rules have been modified enough...lets leave the rest alone"


I have no problem with that. As I said, not asking for any favors, just clarfication. We set our goal and have happly met it. We do what we can do. I lost three tendons in my right arm and have given up flyfishing, golf, cross-country skiing but I can still drive and feed myself. We consider being lucky to do what we can. I don't expect others to limit theirself to what we can do. Dick

Edited by W7WT
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Although I was completely content to work on this cache "the hard way", I'm certainly not going to reject this offer to simplify my life. Here's another way to look at it: for those people who have already driven all over the state, it makes this particular cache that much more environment-friendly!


Thanks, Lizzy, and Happy Holidays! :rolleyes:

Edited by grossi
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I have removed the date restriction on the WA County Challenge cache due to a few complaints addressed in the forums. For those of you who have completed the Delorme Challenge & could not complete this challenge due to the dates of your finds, it's wide open now. Come get your smiley. Special Congrats to you all who completed this challenge the hard way.


I understand folks wanting a way to check off that they have done a cache in every county. For those that want a 'new' challenge how about starting a "WA County Challenge - 2008 Edition"? Only finds in 2008 will count. It can be archived in a year, and a new one started if there is interest?

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I hope you don't mind if I continue to work on this the "Hard Way". I just wouldn't be fun to use my previous finds... I would have been able to claim a find on day 1.

Kudos, RWW, I couldn't agree more. I never understood the complaints about the date restriction on this cache. I'd already completed the DeLorme when this came out, so without a date restriction, I could've claimed a find on Day 1 without leaving my computer. But where's the "challenge" in that?

Edited by hydnsek
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Well, I was able to find active regular caches for all counties except Chelan, Whatcom and Pend Orelle and have them listed on the cache page. Under Counties Found list my count of 36 has a * beside the number like this 36*. What does the * mean. I read all the fine print and just wondered what that meant. Thanks Dick

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Well, I was able to find active regular caches for all counties except Chelan, Whatcom and Pend Orelle and have them listed on the cache page. Under Counties Found list my count of 36 has a * beside the number like this 36*. What does the * mean. I read all the fine print and just wondered what that meant. Thanks Dick

Without specifically saying - check the email I sent you on January 6th. It's my way of keeping things straight.

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Thanks Lizzy. I didn't get your e-mail until 0430 this morning. Comcast must also be throttling e-mail as well as PQ from GC

Yes, I had three typo errors on my list and they have been corrected. With my poor eyesite it is difficult for me to tell the difference between 2 and Z ect.


Thank you. Dick

Edited by W7WT
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