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Cachers are old b*ggers really!


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Come on you lot...own up! :unsure: No one under 30 really goes a caching! .All those kids that "supposedly" take part are only being cajoled/bribed/forced to do so by their parents. :o And why are all YOU parents enticing your kids along for a day of "treasure"hunting FUN!!!!..I believe the main reasons you do so are to take your offspring away from their TV/PC/X-Box and more probably YOUR drinks cabinet. :o No child of any age could possibly get excited by the possibility of finding a plastic box crammed with such tat as old McD toys,keyrings, stuff from the £ shop and a soggy scrap of paper. :huh: PS..I'm no child but every FIND is like Christmas Day to me! :ph34r: (and I bet all you old b*ggers get the same pleasure too!) :lol:


My sons both cache - the more active is mcd1 who is about three months shy of 18. He doesn't cache much but does go without me (two reasons for this: he's away at school and doesn't live with me anyway)


I have a bunch of scouts 11-14 who enjoy doing this so much so that 2 of them have persuaded mam & dad to join in. + my 12 year old loves the adventure of exploring places we didnt know about. He grabs the gps and is off while i plod along behind.


It's rude to ask a lady her age... but i will admit that i am a very young 28!

i'd cache more but i've just moved and have transport issues! (i Don't drive at 28, I know)


WE're not all old farts :ph34r: .. i'm getting there but not yet :unsure:


There's me and at least one other my age around this area.

Our parents don't cache, either.


I also know of a few (3) sporadic young cachers in the Bristol area whose parents dont cache.

Posted (edited)

At the ripe old age of 28 I object to being called a bagger.

I have absolutely no interest in collecting plastic bags.


Now, plastic tupperware is another matter altogether :unsure:

Edited by Jaz666

Late twenties seems to be quite a popular age! I started when I was 27 and I've just turned 29. But then again I look and act like I'm about 16! :unsure:

Come on you lot...own up! :o No one under 30 really goes a caching! .All those kids that "supposedly" take part are only being cajoled/bribed/forced to do so by their parents. :ph34r: And why are all YOU parents enticing your kids along for a day of "treasure"hunting FUN!!!!..I believe the main reasons you do so are to take your offspring away from their TV/PC/X-Box and more probably YOUR drinks cabinet. :lol: No child of any age could possibly get excited by the possibility of finding a plastic box crammed with such tat as old McD toys,keyrings, stuff from the £ shop and a soggy scrap of paper. :huh: PS..I'm no child but every FIND is like Christmas Day to me! ;) (and I bet all you old b*ggers get the same pleasure too!) :o
You summarized my three kids (16, 18 and 20) fairly well. They have gone caching with me but they much prefer playing video games.


By the way, while I am caching I never feel like an old bugger. I think caching makes old buggers feel like young buggers. So maybe if you are already a young bugger then this feeling is a bit redundant. So maybe that's why younger buggers don't cache as much. :unsure:

Come on you lot...own up! :( No one under 30 really goes a caching! .All those kids that "supposedly" take part are only being cajoled/bribed/forced to do so by their parents. B) And why are all YOU parents enticing your kids along for a day of "treasure"hunting FUN!!!!..I believe the main reasons you do so are to take your offspring away from their TV/PC/X-Box and more probably YOUR drinks cabinet. :mad: No child of any age could possibly get excited by the possibility of finding a plastic box crammed with such tat as old McD toys,keyrings, stuff from the £ shop and a soggy scrap of paper. ;) PS..I'm no child but every FIND is like Christmas Day to me! B) (and I bet all you old b*ggers get the same pleasure too!) :back:
You summarized my three kids (16, 18 and 20) fairly well. They have gone caching with me but they much prefer playing video games.

That about sums up team TRaMP as well :back:

The older half do most of the caching but our sons (18 and 21) have gone out alone. Mostly a few years ago now when they were at home bored with revising for exams and I spot a new cache while at work. Now they have both joined the rat race it is getting more difficult to prise them away from the video games B)




My 16 year old voluntarily left her PS2 and pile of DVD's which were her Christmas presents :back: to go out yesterday to do a Multi involving a good walk in Manchester City Centre ;) . And that was with 2 old codgers B) myself and Mongoose39uk :back:. The silly girl wore fashion boots instead of trainers and paid the price :mad: , but she'd do it all again tomorrow :(


I dont thing that is true. I am a 14 year old kid who geocaches and found the website my self and most the cahes I have done have been by myself or with a freind apart from the ones abroad which I have done wth my family.



I dont thing that is true. I am a 14 year old kid who geocaches and found the website my self and most the cahes I have done have been by myself or with a freind apart from the ones abroad which I have done wth my family.



That's good to hear. Welcome to the Forum Akash. :back:


MrsB <--- over 30 ... in case anyone was wondering :back:


Hello from the young section of the audience! I'm 27 (joining the 28 club in under a month) and consider myself an active cacher! My partner is the same age!

I have to admit that everyone else I know are over the 'oldies' dividing line, albeit by small amounts in several cases.


Unfortunately only the other half of the team is under 30. He's 28, I'm 30. We started after going camping with friends in September and visiting interesting places we wouldn't have seen otherwise. They told us about caching a couple of years ago, but I never had a spare £100 for a GPS. After the camping trip I managed to find a cheap bluetooth GPS for my phone. Had great fun since, we even went out Christmas Eve and discovered a place I've passed hundreds of times and never noticed.


The thing that I've found most disturbing reading this thread is that I am shocked :rolleyes: to find that I am not as young as I perceived myself to be within the geo-community. I am one of the old b*ggers! :(


Where's me slippers? :)


Well theres 5 or 6 of us that have been a couple of times now. The line up is a bit different everytime. But were all aged 14-17 and I manage to organise everyone together, usually :rolleyes:


But a friends dad wants to come along now, wonder whether we should let the wrinklies in or not? :(


My grand daughter ~*Tinkerbell*~ is eight years old and has been caching for nearly 18 months. Her parents (Dancing Samurais) are 39 and 34. She loves caching and will go out at any time, day or night, or even ALL night sometimes. She now has her own GPS which I bought her for christmas and she loves it. There's no stopping her and she has found 392 caches, four of which are events, which she really enjoys. She has her own series of caches called Nursery Rhymes which are very popular.


As for myself, guess I am an old bigger... :rolleyes:


im just 20 and i go out on me own B)





Just how bad was the spelling before it was edited? B)


See... it proves education is not what it once was! B)


i can spell i just cant type that fast B) , was rushing to go out B)

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