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Visiting Germany


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My wife and I are visiting Germany in April 2008 and were wondering if anybody had any tips or some must visit geocache's. We are flying into Frankfurt and taking the train to Hiedelberg. We are staying in Hiedelberg for a few days, then taking the train to Munchen. We will be staying there for a few days then taking the train back to Frankfurt for our filght out.

Posted (edited)

My wife and I are visiting Germany in April 2008 and were wondering if anybody had any tips or some must visit geocache's. We are flying into Frankfurt and taking the train to Hiedelberg. We are staying in Hiedelberg for a few days, then taking the train to Munchen. We will be staying there for a few days then taking the train back to Frankfurt for our filght out.


You simply have to drive the Autobahn at least once and DO say hello to the Frankfurters for me!




Sorry, I just couldn't help it after the comment you made in your other post.



Edited by tabulator32

While in Heidelberg on a tour, I found a cache a short walking distance from the castle, and a short distance from the edge of the street: "Castle cache by Carrie,Rob, and Jessie (GC890F)", still active and recently found. I came close to a couple of caches in Munich, near the Olympic site, but could not break away from the group to go chasing into the woods. The cache I found in Frankfurt was about 0.25 miles from the hotel... a good reason to get up early and go for a walk.


I loaded as many caches from PQ's as I could in a reasonable radius around our hotels and caches on a route as POI's in my Garmin MAP60CSX. Without WAAS, the error is higher and some caches should have been easier than they were and resulted in more DNF's. Lots of fun though.

:back: During my visit to Germany in May, I spent a final day in Munich. I was able to locate this cache while walking around the market area looking for the Hofbrau Haus. The only other cache I was able to locate during my time there was in the Ansbach area. It's kind of out of your way. Enjoy your travels.

We have been in Heidelberg and did some caching too.

Well it looks like the cache we managed to found is now archived, but anyway I recommend to visit top of the Heiligenberg and catch a nice views from old monastry ruins.

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