+Vinny & Sue Team Posted December 22, 2007 Posted December 22, 2007 A Modest Proposal Here is an idea that I have been mulling over for several months now: I would like to suggest that Groundspeak consider offering a new and higher-level of paid membership for those who may wish to to support the organization and website in an ongoing manner at a higher level of support than that offered by Premium membership; I suggest that the new level be called Platinum membership. I make this suggestion at this time because Jeremy, in his recent announcement message about Project Phoenix (aka Project Puyallup), mentioned that the pace of the implementation of Phoenix (v2) will depend upon availability of funds. You will find more details about my idea below, but first: Why Did I Post this Thread to the Geocaching Topics Section? I had originally considered starting this thread in the Geocaching.com Website section of the forum, but, on reflection, I realized that my proposal goes WAY beyond the scope of simply proposing a new feature for the Geocching.com website; my proposal not only involves membership and ways of supporting Geocaching.com, but also, and most importantly, the primary purpose of this current thread is to explore, in the General Topics forum, the general response of other forum members to this idea and also to gain some sense of what kind of support might exist for creating such a higher level of membership. More Details, Possibilities A number of us have been joking for a couple of years now about the existence of a clandestine, invitation-only higher level of membership -- called the Platinum level -- beyond Premium member level, and in fact, based upon inquiries which I have received from other geocachers after joking on the forums about Platinum membership in the past, some geocachers really seem to believe that the Platinum level of membership already exists as a kind of clandestine invitation-only upper-echelon level of membership. Here, in brief is my proposal and some of the features/terms that I suggest: that Groundspeak create a new level of membership called Platinum membership. that the monthly membership fee be in the range of $8 to $10 per month. I personally like the figure of $9 per month. that Platinum-level membership will be open only to geocachers who have found at least 60 caches, and who have posted at least 30 quality (i.e., real content and not junk, not troll material, not flame material, not simply empty posts.) that Platinum-level membership will allow geocachers to contribute in an ongoing way -- and, most importantly, in a meaningful and fun way -- a higher level of support to Groundspeak than afforded by Premium level membership. and, let me note, what better time to implement an additional level of membership than now, while Groundspeak is in the process of implementing Project Phoenix? of course, Platinum members would have the choice of having the membership status label on their forum posts read "Platinum Member". while I do not envision the Platinum level as offering lots of new site/membership perks and features above and beyond those offered at the Premium level, I do propose that the Platinum level would afford at least a few unique Platinum-level-exclusive site features and membership perks. I am open to suggestions for what those features and perks might be; some of the ideas that I have been playing with are listed in the bullet items below: option of displaying "Platinum Member" membership status level on profile page and on forum posts Notify announcements sent via email and text message, including those for new cache listings, would be sent to Platinum members 20 minutes sooner than to other members. This particular perk would mean nothing to me, as I am most decidedly NOT an FTF hound, but I offer this suggestion for two reasons: the FTF hounds would love this feature, and I feel that we need at least one controversial proposal to keep this thread interesting! a "Platinum" geo-event, held every six months in a different part of the country, open only to Platinum-level members who have prepaid for a year or been a monthly Platinum member for at least 4 months. Platinum members who have prepaid for a year or been a monthly Platinum member for at least 6 months non-stop would receive an official printed "Platinum level geocacher" membership card from Groundspeak, along with twenty printed business-card-sized handouts explaining geocaching. Platinum members who have prepaid for a year or been a monthly Platinum member for at least 6 months non-stop would receive some kind of free item from the Groundspeak store. Platinum-level members would enjoy two or three extra perks/features on the Geocaching.com website. Platinum-level members would be able to place and seek Platinum-member-only caches On the cache listing pages for caches owned by Platinum-level members, the watchlisted count would include not only inclusion on watchlists but a count of inclusions on bookmark lists as well I could easily come up with a few other ideas, but I would rather pause at this point and see what kind of response other members of the forum have to this proposal, and also what kind of benefits/features/perks folks might wish to see at the Platinum membership level. I hope you all have fun with this! And, please try to keep any angst to a minimum! This is a fun idea for a means to help support Groundspeak while having fun at the same time, and this is not a suitable venue for venting lots of angst or drama. No drama queens allowed on this thread! Enjoy! Quote
+team lagonda Posted December 22, 2007 Posted December 22, 2007 (edited) i,d like to make a motion that anybody who dosent want to pay any more make a resolution also....we,ll call em ''el,cheapo''members.''...and i,ll be the preaident of the el cheapo,s....i garentee a chicken in every pot n a six pak in every fridge..vote fer me....and we git ta wear the ''el.chepo'' tag under our name.... Edited December 22, 2007 by team lagonda Quote
+Vinny & Sue Team Posted December 22, 2007 Author Posted December 22, 2007 BTW, if it is not already obvious, I guess that I should jump in here and say that if such a level of membership were offered, and were offered at a rate of perhaps $9 per month, I would go for it in a hearbeat! Quote
+team lagonda Posted December 22, 2007 Posted December 22, 2007 (edited) well speakin fer the el,cheapo,s,,go fer it....hope you do well....i,llsee ya next election....EL,CHEAPO,S UNITE.... and be proud ta wear the ''ell,cheapo'' badge''....i,m already proudly wearin the ''not so primium member''badge.... Edited December 22, 2007 by team lagonda Quote
+Confucius' Cat Posted December 22, 2007 Posted December 22, 2007 (edited) do present platinum members have to pay? Are palladium members grandfathered? Edited December 22, 2007 by Confucius' Cat Quote
+team lagonda Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 (edited) confucius......another person lookin fer a badge....look closely at her thread..its realy elitest.... Edited December 23, 2007 by team lagonda Quote
+briansnat Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 Do we get a secret handshake? I'm not paying no $9 a month without a secret handshake. Quote
+The Leprechauns Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 Thank goodness I upgraded to Titanium Elite Membership before Vinny let all the rabble in. Also, Star-bellied Sneetches are better. Quote
+team lagonda Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 you forgot the decoder ring from the box of sugarpuffs.... Quote
+Walts Hunting Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 (edited) You might find some people who would be willing to do it just because they believe this is a great hobby and they want to support it strongly. I for one am amazed at how little it costs for how much joy it gives. That is opposed to the "What do you mean I have to pay 50 cents to park to get this cache, everything should be free!" Of course they have their latest Garmen 76csx. Although I wonder how you would judge 30 good posts on the forum. Would posts supporting proposal automatically qualify for double points. Don't forget the secret handshake. Edited December 23, 2007 by Walts Hunting Quote
+team lagonda Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 (edited) but realy though..shouldnt somebodly like this only be lookin fer premium membership caches only....aint too many out there.... Edited December 23, 2007 by team lagonda Quote
+tabulator32 Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 I have two thoughts on this subject that come to mind right away: 1. I would skip the single great annual party in a different part of the country each year for various reasons: Geocaching is international and we would either have to have numerous parties each year in numerous places or people would complain that it is never close enough to them and, besides, any kind of luncheon or meet'n'greet can very quickly eat up any funds raised. 2. Having eliminated the largest funds-consuming portion of the project (the annual luncheon, which has apparently caused a lot of dismay...see above) I would set the price at $5.00 a month. I say this because I think FAR MORE MONEY would be raised by the number of people who would pay $5.00 a month than by the number of people who would pay $9.00 a month. The above is my opinion and should be taken with a granule of sodium chloride. Thanks. Quote
+Isonzo Karst Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 You forgot 20 logs per cache on a PQ. Now, THAT'S a Platinum feature. Plain bellied Sneetches have excellent night vision. Quote
+team lagonda Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 if the place realy needs money,get it equaly and forget the SNOOB factor n be done.... Quote
+tabulator32 Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 Of course, I would pay $9.00 a month for a "troll-boot" button for use in the forums. Quote
+Karen2408 Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 Although I'm still a "newbie" (at least in my own eyes with only 34 finds), I am greatly enjoying my new hobby and would be happy to support upgrades to the system. Although the requirement for 30 quality posts would be the challenge for me as I mostly just lurk around and read the forums! Can always count on Vinny to post entertaining items! Happy Holidays! Quote
+team lagonda Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 (edited) would love a ''DERAILER BOOT'' also....would save a whole lot of net space.... Edited December 23, 2007 by team lagonda Quote
+team lagonda Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 (edited) as far as sue goes..just slap a platimium sticker on her head and send her home and we can forget this whole mess.... Edited December 23, 2007 by team lagonda Quote
+Vinny & Sue Team Posted December 23, 2007 Author Posted December 23, 2007 do present platinum members have to pay? Are palladium members grandfathered? Please do not mention those things in public -- you know better than that! Quote
+Vinny & Sue Team Posted December 23, 2007 Author Posted December 23, 2007 Okay, I have a few more Platinum-level membership benefits to suggest, the first few courtesy of my wife Sue: Whereas PQs run by Premium members are limited to 500 cache in the returns, Platinum members would enjoy an upper limit of 2,000 caches per run. Whereas Premium members are currently allowed to run a maximum of 5 PQs per day, Platinum members would be allowed an upper limit of 15 PQs per day. And here is one of my own afterthoughts on benefits: Platinum members get use of the Groundspeak helicopter for one hour/one trip per year at the reduced Platinum rate of $50 per hour. And one more: Platinum members would be allowed up to two days free stay every five years on the top-secret invisible Groundspeak recreational space station in orbit around the earth. And one more: Platinum members will be allowed to log up to 1,000 "attended" logs on each event cache! Quote
+team lagonda Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 (edited) as soon as Sue gets her ''Platinum membership '' im dropping my ''PRIMIUM''membership....''CHEAPO,S UNITE''.... Edited December 23, 2007 by team lagonda Quote
+tabulator32 Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 Okay, I have a few more Platinum-level membership benefits to suggest, the first few courtesy of my wife Sue: Whereas PQs run by Premium members are limited to 500 cache in the returns, Platinum members would enjoy an upper limit of 2,000 caches per run. Whereas Premium members are currently allowed to run a maximum of 5 PQs per day, Platinum members would be allowed an upper limit of 15 PQs per day. And here is one of my own afterthoughts on benefits: Platinum members get use of the Groundspeak helicopter for one hour/one trip per year at the reduced Platinum rate of $50 per hour. And one more: Platinum members would be allowed up to two days free stay every five years on the top-secret invisible Groundspeak recreational space station in orbit around the earth. And one more: Platinum members will be allowed to log up to 1,000 "attended" logs on each event cache! I got first dibs on the helicopter! Anyone wanna go split with me on it for a few hours while we make fast work of some otherwise arduous 5/5's?! Quote
+WRASTRO Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 I would be happy to support this proposal and I think if you really want it to gain traction it should include a Platinum coin, available for purchase in pairs. One for releasing and one for the owner to keep and treasure. Of course the one for releasing would need some sort of a tracking device embedded so the owner could locate it after some neer do well misappropriates it. All kidding aside, we would sign on in a heartbeat to help keep the fun coming. Quote
+The finch farmers Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 $5.00 ~ $6.00 per month would be fine. Secret hand shake is a must! Platinum identifier is a must! Also how does this affect the jelly of the month part of the deal? Quote
+tabulator32 Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 $5.00 ~ $6.00 per month would be fine. Secret hand shake is a must! Platinum identifier is a must! Also how does this affect the jelly of the month part of the deal? And, of course, free and unlimited access to the gym and pool facilities...right?! Quote
+team lagonda Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 (edited) OH,,i think we should all pay 400.00 a month anualy..whatcha all think....i mean thats cheap if you get ta wear a PLTINIUM sticker on yer head.... Edited December 23, 2007 by team lagonda Quote
+The finch farmers Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 $5.00 ~ $6.00 per month would be fine. Secret hand shake is a must! Platinum identifier is a must! Also how does this affect the jelly of the month part of the deal? And, of course, free and unlimited access to the gym and pool facilities...right?! OOP's Forgot that one Quote
+team lagonda Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 (edited) hey,,the platimium sticker on yer heads worth ten times that much....i mean,,why cant it be a platium sticker incrusted with gold n diomond chips ? ? i mean if were gonna do er , lets do er all the way..cant have Sue,sy runnin round half naked.... Edited December 23, 2007 by team lagonda Quote
+2Dee2Dee Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 Okay, I have a few more Platinum-level membership benefits to suggest, the first few courtesy of my wife Sue: Whereas PQs run by Premium members are limited to 500 cache in the returns, Platinum members would enjoy an upper limit of 2,000 caches per run. Whereas Premium members are currently allowed to run a maximum of 5 PQs per day, Platinum members would be allowed an upper limit of 15 PQs per day. And here is one of my own afterthoughts on benefits: Platinum members get use of the Groundspeak helicopter for one hour/one trip per year at the reduced Platinum rate of $50 per hour. And one more: Platinum members would be allowed up to two days free stay every five years on the top-secret invisible Groundspeak recreational space station in orbit around the earth. And one more: Platinum members will be allowed to log up to 1,000 "attended" logs on each event cache! I would be most interested in greater PQ capabilities for a Platinim member to add greater value for greater subscription cost: Whereas PQs run by Premium members are limited to 500 cache in the returns, Platinum members would enjoy an upper limit of 2,000 OR MORE caches per run. Whereas Premium members are currently allowed to run a maximum of 5 PQs per day, Platinum members would be allowed an upper limit of 15 PQs OR MORE per day. ROUTE PQs WOULD ALLOW WIDTHs up to 50mi and limits of 2,000 or MORE. Whereas Premium members are currently allowed 40 Active/Inactive PQs held for use, Platinum members would be allowed 150 OR MORE PQs held in design and Active form. 2Dee Quote
+team lagonda Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 i think suezy ought ta be road up the nile river dripping in golld.... Quote
+team lagonda Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 (edited) i think suezy ought ta be road up the nile river dripping in golld....and i think we should all pay....so she can have her pltinium badge.... Edited December 23, 2007 by team lagonda Quote
+tabulator32 Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 I think another great feature for Platinum Premium Members would SPELL CHECK. Quote
+team lagonda Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 lets git a poll together ta see whos gonna help row'' Quote
+team lagonda Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 (edited) been on here entirerly too long.. i realy dont care bout the platimium thing..it was fun bickering though.. have a merry cristmas .... n a safe new year.... Edited December 23, 2007 by team lagonda Quote
tttedzeins Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 No way I am paying $50/hr/trip for the helicopter, my current status gets me free use of it whenever I want. Ever wonder why you guys never get to use it. On a serious note I would happily pay $50/yr for membership, it would be worth it for the fun. Quote
+Arndtwe Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 I don't like to read really long posts, nor do I like to 30 posts when I haven't read any of them, so forgive me if this has been posted (by the OP, or by someone else). On a serious note, if they actually made this member feature available, would it be to much to ask for the ability to search archived caches? Quote
+StarBrand Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 ....ok, no problem. I can go for the reduced rate of $9 per month for platinum. Just tell me, does the Jelly of the month selection continue at this new price?? ((Worth it at twice the price...)) Quote
+TexasGringo Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 I'll Pay $150 a Year...If I can get a dedicated line to Geocaching.com servers. No Waiting, No Server Busy Errors. When I log in...it blows everyone else off the system so I can get 100% of the CPU to Search and Log my finds. Quote
4wheelin_fool Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 For Platinum membership, cachers should have to pass a spelling test. They all should also be required to get matching tattoo's on their buttocks, and a $1500 option to have a ID chip implanted under their skin, which would identify other platinum members from a distance, complete with a 100GB Flash drive to upload cache pages and store other info. Platinum members should also be encouraged to carry special "Muggle Tasers" in the event of an unpleasant or aggresive encounter with a non-cacher, or to undergo specialized training in "geojitsu" (which is a type of muggle resistant self-defense) Quote
+tabulator32 Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 Platinum members should also be encouraged to carry special "Muggle Tasers" in the event of an unpleasant or aggresive encounter with a non-cacher, or to undergo specialized training in "geojitsu" (which is a type of muggle resistant self-defense) I could have used that this past week. Quote
+Team Cotati Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 (edited) I would consider something like this ONLY if the membership was at least $50.00/month to help keep out those of lower economic means. Edited December 23, 2007 by Team Cotati Quote
+tabulator32 Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 I would consider something like this ONLY if the membership was at least $50.00/month to help keep out those of lower economic means. From the guy who can't afford to put on a shirt. Quote
+Sarge104 Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 For Platinum membership, cachers should have to pass a spelling test. They all should also be required to get matching tattoo's on their buttocks, and a $1500 option to have a ID chip implanted under their skin, which would identify other platinum members from a distance, complete with a 100GB Flash drive to upload cache pages and store other info. Platinum members should also be encouraged to carry special "Muggle Tasers" in the event of an unpleasant or aggresive encounter with a non-cacher, or to undergo specialized training in "geojitsu" (which is a type of muggle resistant self-defense) To the above quote: Matching tattoo's where?...ROTFLMBO! Seriously, the helicopter needs to be upgraded to a harrier or osprey. Why are we living in the past people? Get in the now! Quote
+tabulator32 Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 Seriously, the helicopter needs to be upgraded to a harrier or osprey. Why are we living in the past people? Get in the now! I've seen helo flights for as little as $50 an hour but often much more. Harriers and Ospreys probably cost that much per minute, don't they? Quote
+Vinny & Sue Team Posted December 23, 2007 Author Posted December 23, 2007 (edited) Seriously, the helicopter needs to be upgraded to a harrier or osprey. Why are we living in the past people? Get in the now! I've seen helo flights for as little as $50 an hour but often much more. Harriers and Ospreys probably cost that much per minute, don't they? My own experience when chartering helicopters (for extreme geocaching purposes) is that I pay about $250 per hour for a lightweight 2-seater (i.e., a Robinson R22), about $$360 to 440 per hour for a lightweight 4-seater (i.e., a Robinson R44) and from $470 to $730 or more per hour for a heavy-duty 4-seater with large lift capability. The rates which I have quoted may be a bit low, because my helicopter facility gives me a 10% discount because I am a (fixed-wing aircraft) pilot (and also because I am a geocacher, but that is another story...) Edited December 23, 2007 by Vinny & Sue Team Quote
+Clothahump Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 [*] that Platinum-level membership will be open only to geocachers who have found at least 60 caches, and who have posted at least 30 quality (i.e., real content and not junk, not troll material, not flame material, not simply empty posts.) I agree, up to this point. How about making it combined finds plus hides = 100? There are some dedicated people (like me) who hunt but don't do that much hiding. Quote
+Vinny & Sue Team Posted December 23, 2007 Author Posted December 23, 2007 [*] that Platinum-level membership will be open only to geocachers who have found at least 60 caches, and who have posted at least 30 quality (i.e., real content and not junk, not troll material, not flame material, not simply empty posts.) I agree, up to this point. How about making it combined finds plus hides = 100? There are some dedicated people (like me) who hunt but don't do that much hiding. Sounds good to me! I realized that limitation/drawback of that part of my proposal shortly after I had posted it! Quote
+TheAlabamaRambler Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 If it ain't broke don't fix it! I already have my Platinum Membership for $3, shhh, keep it quiet! And, the idea that Jeremy needs more cash to operate about made me fall out of my chair! Paid memberships, a free Reviewer staff, millions from almost zero-cost TB and coin numbers... Groundspeak should PAY Platinum Members to keep this cash-cow mooing! Quote
+loande Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 I also would gladly pay up to $9 a month for a platinum membership. But I don't post very often, so I would like to see the membership criteria be some combination of posts, finds and hides. By the way Vinny, I love reading your posts and your creative ideas. They often brighten up an other wise dull and boring day especially here in the NE where caching in 2 feet of snow has slowed me down! Merry Christmas to all! Quote
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