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TNT Ebay geocoin auction fund


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My thoughts and prayers are with you Tony as well as your family. If anyone would like to I started a candle group where you can light a candle for Tony. Anyone can light one and it'll burn for 48 hours. If for some reason you can't find the group you can do a search on that site and look for the group I named TANK.


Light a Candle for Tony


Bumping this link

I lit a candle for TANK as well.

May the Spirit of the Lord place his healing Power over you this day.


Has any one heard how Tank is doing?

Thanks USA 45

Hello guys.

Timing was good it seems on me getting home for a few. Tank is not doing so well. We will making the decision to pull his ventalator or place a trach tube Weds. Not completely sure which way it is going yet. We have little if any response from him yet. Medically his body is doing great but brain actitivy is slight. Justin is in Col. with Grandparents and will be back Jan. 3rd , trying to hold any major choices till then.


I cannot tell you all how humbled I am by all this support. You give me hope when there is not much here. We have a full set of poker coins and can fill in any blanks that come along with those. We will surely add ours and Quick_at_em's which is one of the two not listed on site.


Will try and keep everyone posted as to how things are here.

Thanks again.

Tracy , Justin, Hallie



To update all. Tank is not doing so well. What steps forward we had thought he was taking are now not showing . We will continue to look for the answers doctors cannot give. Thanks for all the prayers and positive thoughts. We will making the decision to pull his ventalator or place a trach tube Weds. Not completely sure which way it is going yet. We have little if any response from him yet. Medically his body is doing great but brain actitivy is slight. Justin is in Col. with Grandparents and will be back Jan. 3rd , trying to hold any major choices till then.


I cannot tell you all how humbled I am by all this support. You give me hope when there is not much here. Thanks to all those involved in the many auctions and donations being recieved. I have not fully begin to think of the longer term needs that will be met through those. One hour, one day, at a time.



Tracy, Justin, Hallie


For the rest of the coins you can either send them to me or Robin to list on Ebay. Again my Email is Socalgeocoins@aol.com and you can ship any items you wish to dontate to:


Matt Schapiro

Attn: Tank Geocoin Fund

P.O. Box 1266

Lomita, CA 90717


Or if you want to help them by donating some money to them you can send it directly to their paypal account at:




Matt and Nan



I have a large quantity of coins coming to you as well, please let me know when they arrive. Thanks


A little late getting it together, but sending out some coins now. Please let us know when they've arrived.


I know this decision is a huge one for you. I know you'll make the one that is best. My prayers are with you and Tank. I hope that you (and he) can feel all the love that's coming your way, and the closeness of God by his bedside.


Has any one heard how Tank is doing?

Thanks USA 45

Hello guys.

Timing was good it seems on me getting home for a few. Tank is not doing so well. We will making the decision to pull his ventalator or place a trach tube Weds. Not completely sure which way it is going yet. We have little if any response from him yet. Medically his body is doing great but brain actitivy is slight. Justin is in Col. with Grandparents and will be back Jan. 3rd , trying to hold any major choices till then.


I cannot tell you all how humbled I am by all this support. You give me hope when there is not much here. We have a full set of poker coins and can fill in any blanks that come along with those. We will surely add ours and Quick_at_em's which is one of the two not listed on site.


Will try and keep everyone posted as to how things are here.

Thanks again.

Tracy , Justin, Hallie


I am sorry to hear this, I'm sure God will guide you with your decision!! Stay strong and know we all care and are sending all the help we can...it's truly in God's hands now!!


Continued prayers sent your way!!



To update all. Tank is not doing so well. What steps forward we had thought he was taking are now not showing . We will continue to look for the answers doctors cannot give. Thanks for all the prayers and positive thoughts. We will making the decision to pull his ventalator or place a trach tube Weds. Not completely sure which way it is going yet. We have little if any response from him yet. Medically his body is doing great but brain actitivy is slight. Justin is in Col. with Grandparents and will be back Jan. 3rd , trying to hold any major choices till then.


I cannot tell you all how humbled I am by all this support. You give me hope when there is not much here. Thanks to all those involved in the many auctions and donations being recieved. I have not fully begin to think of the longer term needs that will be met through those. One hour, one day, at a time.



Tracy, Justin, Hallie


Just got home from the candlelight service, you were the first ones mentioned in my prayer. I'm sorry your news is not more positive :rolleyes: We're with you in spirit. I wish there was more we could do to help you through this rough time.





I had bought some Geojellies from MrExplorer3 to help out with his identity theft and getting some cash. I just got them today and would like to turn them right around and send them to you if you do not have them already. I will email you with the info.

I also got a Mr Explorer 3 nerd. I will have to see who is collectiong those and get that forwarded. I think someone was looking at doing those, right?

Posted (edited)

Howdy --


I've added a couple of eBay sales to support Tank & Tracy as well; please check out:


2007 Czech Geocoin (unactivated)

2007 Misawa Navy Ball Challenge Coin (untrackable)

Liverpool '08 Geocoin (unactivated)


The Navy Ball coin is the one I designed for the local shindig this year. Also, I have another auction going here:


Custom First-to-Find Certificate


I'm donating some time and artwork to the winner, in the form of a digital first-to-find certificate. You can decide on a certificate for a single cache, or something you can reuse as your own personal FTF certificate for all your caches.


I suggest that you other fabulous artists out there might want to auction off custom work, such as custom pathtag/geotag/etc designs or other custom design. I don't know if people will jump on it, but hopefully they will! : )


Edited to add: Oops! Forgot to mention that I've set up the auctions so that the payment goes directly to TnT, and I'm also eating the shipping (that's right, no shipping for the winner) as part of my contribution to the cause.

Edited by Jackalgirl

That is not what I wanted to hear!!! :rolleyes:


Whats it gonna take to bring a Christmas wish????? Of all wishes I say, at least this ones one that counts!!!


Gotta send what I can and dang if I cant gaurantee our wishes!!! ;)


I hope today brings the Christmas spirit back in Tony!!!...Oh I wish Tony a prosperous day of recovery, where he will enlighten us all with great progress and well being...Oh I wish!!!


Hang in there Tracy...This is tuff, but hang in there!!!!


ShmilyNME and SolCalGeocoins you both mentioned that you would be willing to put these on auction. Which one of you would like to have the coins sent to you?




I sent an e-mail to SolCalGeocoins to see if they would like to handle all the auctions or if they would like for me to handle the Poker Coins and a few misc coins that Horsegeeks is sending to me. For now I would say send your misc coins to them and hold onto your Poker Coins until we decide how to handle those. We'll post back here ASAP.



Okay, we've worked out that I will handle the poker coin auction and a few misc coins and SolCalGeocoins will handle the others. I'll contact the donors individually with the mailing address...thanks all!


In case anyone missed these already up and running....BID BID BID!!!!! Some great coins going far to cheap here!!


I would suggest anyone doing this put TNT in the Title. I have been searching:


geocoin* tnt and getting only one hit. Having TNT in the title would help find these coins.






ShmilyNME and SolCalGeocoins you both mentioned that you would be willing to put these on auction. Which one of you would like to have the coins sent to you?




I sent an e-mail to SolCalGeocoins to see if they would like to handle all the auctions or if they would like for me to handle the Poker Coins and a few misc coins that Horsegeeks is sending to me. For now I would say send your misc coins to them and hold onto your Poker Coins until we decide how to handle those. We'll post back here ASAP.



Okay, we've worked out that I will handle the poker coin auction and a few misc coins and SolCalGeocoins will handle the others. I'll contact the donors individually with the mailing address...thanks all!


and then you can just mail them to me when i win the auction :rolleyes:



I just sent you an email. I just got my Rainbow Bridge geocoins in yesterday and would like to donate one of the KE antique silver versions. Only 13 of these were minted with tracking numbers. (it was supposed to be 15, no idea where the other 2 coins went). I hope this helps. I'll look through my extras to see if I have anything else lying around.

Tracy, I think about you & your family all the time. If there is anything I can do please don't hesitate to ask.



Ok, since I sent out the emails this morning I've already seen or heard from these people willing to donate at least one or two poker coins. Please correct me if I'm wrong?


Bad Dawg 83


Hi Dude_98




geoholic - sent me an email


sfwife - posted in the TNT needs our help thread


Randaddy - posted in the TNT nees our help thread






ShmilyNMe - I just got an email, thanks


dflye - ok your on the list, thanks


Mr Jiffy - just added, thanks


That makes 9 so far out of the 15 I sent emails to plus us which makes 10 . I think there were 19 groups participating? Tank and Tracy said that 2 were going out as gifts but I don't know who to? Some people may be on vacation out of town right now so we may not get a response out of everyone I sent emails to til they get back. I don't know when we should try to get these on ebay but if we could get someone to volunteer to have these coins sent to them and put them on ebay for us it will be greatly appreciated. We no longer have an ebay acct. and can't really afford the fees. Thank you to everyone who has said they would donate a coin(s) toward the cause so far.


These are the 15 people that I sent emails to that were listed in the Who's up for a poker party? thread:


1. sfwife - On the list to donate


2. THE RANDADDY - On the list to donate


3. TEAM 9-ER -


4. Bad Dawg 83 - On the list to donate


5. MRJIFFY - On the list to donate


6. earthrooster -


7. HiDude_98 - On the list to donate


8.ShmilyNMe - On the list to donate


Nochipra -Not included in email - On the list to donate


9. Dorsetgal - On the list to donate


10. geoholic28 - On the list to donate


T"n"T - Not included in email


11. usyoopers -


12. TheBisch -


13. Sinclair of Rosslyn -


14. dflye - On the list to donate


15.pixieslayer -


We have 10 people out of the 19 sets sent out that are willing to donate. If we get a TNT coin plus the 6 we have not heard from yet plus the other two whom I know will be getting theirs for Christmas( I know of one who will be asked once they receive them), only then can we claim a whole set but as it stands now we have an almost complete set which I still think could get a good price but we may have to wait til after Christmas to put these up for auction since some people may be away for the Holidays. My suggestion is to wait til after the New Year to see if anyone else is willing to participate. In the meantime we could send these coins to whomever is willing to put them on the auction.


ShmilyNME and SolCalGeocoins you both mentioned that you would be willing to put these on auction. Which one of you would like to have the coins sent to you?


Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to send their coins so far. Hopefully we can help bring a little releif to a great family.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!




We are in...we just need an address to send to!


Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with Tank and his family! I believe in Christmas miracles...I am a PA and work at one of CT finest critical care hospitals....I HAVE seen miracles happen! Keeping the faith...

DrJeepStr and family


Hoping and praying for a miracle ... I am living proof that it CAN and does happen sometimes (18years ago I had a devastating brain injury in late November and was still "away with the fairies" until the new year).


Also praying for strength for you Tracy.


In case anyone missed these already up and running....BID BID BID!!!!! Some great coins going far to cheap here!!


I would suggest anyone doing this put TNT in the Title. I have been searching:


geocoin* tnt and getting only one hit. Having TNT in the title would help find these coins.






If you go to post # 75 coins they have listed ebay have links there.

There are a couple of other links in some of the post. Hope that helps.

USA 45


Thanks for all the prayers and wishes. Today was an up and down day. Few steps forward, we think. Taking his time making up his mind. Body is doing well and responding well to treatments. His is very strong adn that is helping, now the mind needs to catch back up. We had a few possitive signs earlier tonight. Mom and I are heading back up there for the night. They have several tests set for tomorrow morning. keep praying and thanks for the good vibes.


I would also like to add my prayers and wishes for a full recovery


One night a man had a dream. He dreamed He was walking along the beach with the LORD. Across the sky flashed scenes from His life. For each scene He noticed two sets of footprints in the sand. One belonging to Him and the other to the LORD.


When the last scene of His life flashed before Him, He looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of His life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times of His life.


This really bothered Him and He questioned the LORD about it. LORD you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me.


The LORD replied, my precious, precious child, I Love you and I would never leave you! During your times of trial and suffering when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.


Thanks again, I can't tell you how much this means to us here. We had an up and down day. No easy choices yet. We had a few really hopeful but small things happen today. They are doing a series of tests and re-checks tomorrow and hopefully we will know more after that. Tank seems to be continuing in his tradition of being a fighter and it looks as if we will continue to fight for him also, by allowing him some more time to heal by using the trach tube. Will keep everyone posted.


As to auctions, thanks again. and the idea of TnT or something in title might help. I have recieved a few e-mails for people that had heard about them but were having trouble finding them.


On the way back to hospital now.


Tracy, Justin, and Hallie


The money from the first Nerds charity auction $132.50, will be donated to TnT to help them out. The first auction was a set of 36 different nerds. WI_Robin is collecting nerds for another auction and she hopes to get a complete set to auction.


Where can we send donations to? I have the money from the nerds auction in my paypal account, so I can paypal the money, or send a check instead, but need to know where to send it.

Posted (edited)

Today I put up 3 New Auctions so please bid generously. The 1st one is Donated by Gator Nation

Gator Nation Donation

Hollora Donation

Cache Maine


More auctions will follow in the next few days and as I get more information to list other items.


Again if you want to just send in some money to them you can use their direct paypal address which is located in the 1st post.


Thanks again Everyone for your generous donations.



Matt and Nan


<Typo edit by request - Eartha>

Edited by Eartha

We have been working to get Tracy some money to help with Tank's Medical Bills, If you wish to help please check out the forum Link below and you can send any donations directly to Tracy or if you prefer you can send in some geocoins to be auctioned off to help. Currently there is Approx 30 Auctions and there are hyperlinks in the Topic below.


TnT Geocoin Auctions, Donations and other info



Matt and Nan


Tracy and family,


Please know you are in my thoughs and prayers at this time. It is never easy to go through this up and down, not knowing what will happen next emotional roller coaster. Small signs give large hope so keep the faith and know that God will keep Tony in his loving hands.


As everyone has said before, if there is anything any of us can do to help you, please let us know.


Thanks for all the prayers and wishes. Today was an up and down day. Few steps forward, we think. Taking his time making up his mind. Body is doing well and responding well to treatments. His is very strong adn that is helping, now the mind needs to catch back up. We had a few possitive signs earlier tonight. Mom and I are heading back up there for the night. They have several tests set for tomorrow morning. keep praying and thanks for the good vibes.


Keeping you in our prayers every day. We're here for you and we'll keep the vibes positive and strong.


My thoughts and prayers are with you Tony as well as your family. If anyone would like to I started a candle group where you can light a candle for Tony. Anyone can light one and it'll burn for 48 hours. If for some reason you can't find the group you can do a search on that site and look for the group I named TANK.


Light a Candle for Tony


Bumping this link


I just got an email from Scavok and he is putting up a Full set of his handmade geocoins, which I will be putting up for Auction tonight and Another from Mike at Geocoinclub.com with 5 coins I will be putting up tonight also.


Thank You to everyone who has helped this wonderful cause,


Matt and Nan

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