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TNT Ebay geocoin auction fund


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I don't have much, but I'm willing to donate one of each of my and Hanna's geojellies... maybe some other jelly owners want to get together and put a bunch in an auction, all three versions, and make it a big parcel instead of just my 2 wimpy jellies? Maybe a mix of jellies and nerdz?


Anyone interested We don't have to mix the jellies and nerdz, if there is enough interest we could do 2 different "packages" or could even do parcels of nerdz, chicks, jellies, sig items, etc?


Naomi :)

Posted (edited)

Every little bit will help. We have 20 Items going up for auction tomorrow for seven days, so please bid generously. The money is set up to go directly into Tracy's PayPal account.



Matt & Nan

Edited by SoCalGeocoins

Thanks so much for all you folks are doing. I am o the way back to hosipital. Last night was kinda rough and I had a small breakdown and had to have the EMT's called to house. I am trying to be strong and have some down moments. The good news is things are stable. They ran a long series of texts yesterday and we should be hearing something today. Thanks for all the prayers and thanks for the offers of help. The e-mails, phone calls, and visits at the hospital have really helped. Thanking 3Doxies for all their wonderful support and Matt and Nan for helping with the end of things we really had not begun to think about. Will keep posted.


Guys, I am not in any shape to donate at this time...but I feel I must try to help. I will be going through my coins and seing what can be donated.


Will be back soon!


THANKS for spearheading this project...no insurance and a very sick family member is a bad combination, let's all try to lend a hand!!


Thanks so much for all you folks are doing. I am o the way back to hosipital. Last night was kinda rough and I had a small breakdown and had to have the EMT's called to house. I am trying to be strong and have some down moments. The good news is things are stable. They ran a long series of texts yesterday and we should be hearing something today. Thanks for all the prayers and thanks for the offers of help. The e-mails, phone calls, and visits at the hospital have really helped. Thanking 3Doxies for all their wonderful support and Matt and Nan for helping with the end of things we really had not begun to think about. Will keep posted.


PLEASE oh PLEASE take care of yourself!! In this bad times, your youngsters NEED your strength and guidance...and Tony needs you as well!! Not only that, but WE need you kiddo!! Reach in and FIND that strength being sent you by all of us...we are here and want to help!! You need to slow down and let yourself unwind a bit (I know...not exactly an easy thing)....relax and renew your faith and strength!!


You're doing very well for someone in such a position, please don't push yourself over the edge. We all care for you, Tank and the kids VERY much...draw from our prayers and vibes...and have faith!! Keep the faith kiddo!!


Love and prayers continually heading your way...be safe and strong!!


TNT just finished getting out the personalized poker chips out to everyone just before this happened. If we can get everyone who participated in that project to donate at least one of their chips, I'm sure we could get a good price for a set on ebay? We would be willing to donate one or two towards a set or two to sell on ebay.


TNT just finished getting out the personalized poker chips out to everyone just before this happened. If we can get everyone who participated in that project to donate at least one of their chips, I'm sure we could get a good price for a set on ebay? We would be willing to donate one or two towards a set or two to sell on ebay.


Of course. Just let me know


PLEASE oh PLEASE take care of yourself!! In this bad times, your youngsters NEED your strength and guidance...and Tony needs you as well!! Not only that, but WE need you kiddo!! Reach in and FIND that strength being sent you by all of us...we are here and want to help!! You need to slow down and let yourself unwind a bit (I know...not exactly an easy thing)....relax and renew your faith and strength!!


You're doing very well for someone in such a position, please don't push yourself over the edge. We all care for you, Tank and the kids VERY much...draw from our prayers and vibes...and have faith!! Keep the faith kiddo!!


Love and prayers continually heading your way...be safe and strong!!


I couldn't have said it better myself. We're all here for you and pulling for you all

Posted (edited)

PLEASE oh PLEASE take care of yourself!! In this bad times, your youngsters NEED your strength and guidance...and Tony needs you as well!! Not only that, but WE need you kiddo!! Reach in and FIND that strength being sent you by all of us...we are here and want to help!! You need to slow down and let yourself unwind a bit (I know...not exactly an easy thing)....relax and renew your faith and strength!!


You're doing very well for someone in such a position, please don't push yourself over the edge. We all care for you, Tank and the kids VERY much...draw from our prayers and vibes...and have faith!! Keep the faith kiddo!!


Love and prayers continually heading your way...be safe and strong!!


Roddy, thank you for finding just the right words!


Still praying here,

Naomi and family ;)




Edited by mousekakat

My thoughts and prayers are with you Tony as well as your family. If anyone would like to I started a candle group where you can light a candle for Tony. Anyone can light one and it'll burn for 48 hours. If for some reason you can't find the group you can do a search on that site and look for the group I named TANK.


Light a Candle for Tony


Bumping this link


Great idea and thanks for passing along the info. While I'm having some 'issues' right now with paypal, assuming everything gets squared away come mid-January, I'll throw some stuff up and post a link here as soon as I can.


So, does anyone want to put a bunch of different edition geojellies together and put them up for auction with me?


Like I said, the same could be done with other smaller coins, like the nerdz, mwgb chicks, etc....


Naomi ;)


TNT just finished getting out the personalized poker chips out to everyone just before this happened. If we can get everyone who participated in that project to donate at least one of their chips, I'm sure we could get a good price for a set on ebay? We would be willing to donate one or two towards a set or two to sell on ebay.


This is a great idea! I'll ante up!


So, does anyone want to put a bunch of different edition geojellies together and put them up for auction with me?


Like I said, the same could be done with other smaller coins, like the nerdz, mwgb chicks, etc....


Naomi ;)


I'll throw in my Sunflower Power GeoJellie. B) Just let me know where to send it and whatnot.


as a new collecter with a grand total of 3 coins i am not in a position to provide one for sale.

However i would be more than happy to buy a couple.


Let us know what auctions are for this cause and we'll see what we can buy.


My heart goes out to Tracy and her family.




I have one XLE WI Robin left that I am willing to donate. I would also be willing to donate one each of my Nerds. Could someone please PM or e-mail me Tank and Tracy's paypal e-mail and I will set it up so the payment goes directly to them. Thanks!


So, does anyone want to put a bunch of different edition geojellies together and put them up for auction with me?


Like I said, the same could be done with other smaller coins, like the nerdz, mwgb chicks, etc....


Naomi ;)


I'll throw in my Sunflower Power GeoJellie. B) Just let me know where to send it and whatnot.


Being that I'm not in the US, I think it's better to have a central place in the states to send them to.


Who wants to step up to the plate and collect the jellies and other small things like that to auction?


Naomi B)


I have one XLE WI Robin left that I am willing to donate. I would also be willing to donate one each of my Nerds. Could someone please PM or e-mail me Tank and Tracy's paypal e-mail and I will set it up so the payment goes directly to them. Thanks!


It's in the OP WI!! Great job!! THANKS!

Posted (edited)

So, does anyone want to put a bunch of different edition geojellies together and put them up for auction with me?


Like I said, the same could be done with other smaller coins, like the nerdz, mwgb chicks, etc....


Naomi ;)


I'll throw in my Sunflower Power GeoJellie. B) Just let me know where to send it and whatnot.


Being that I'm not in the US, I think it's better to have a central place in the states to send them to.


Who wants to step up to the plate and collect the jellies and other small things like that to auction?


Naomi B)


Whoever it is, they should be able to take pictures and set up the ebay sales as well as ship the items...no small undertaking!! I would do this, but I don't have the ebay skills...sorry!

Edited by Rockin Roddy

My thoughts and prayers are with you Tony as well as your family. If anyone would like to I started a candle group where you can light a candle for Tony. Anyone can light one and it'll burn for 48 hours. If for some reason you can't find the group you can do a search on that site and look for the group I named TANK.


Light a Candle for Tony


Bumping this link

Great idea! In my family we always light a candle for each other if needed. I dind't know that there was a place on the internet for things like that (well, I guess you find places for everything on the internet...)


Still sending my best wishes and prayers to Tank and his family!


One auction up and running: XLE WI_Robin E-bay auction for Tank and Tracy . I will list my nerds as well, but first I am going to see if I can do a group of nerds.


I think that with the nerdz and other non-trackables like that, that a group sale is the best bet, but I could be wrong!


Wish I were in the US right now, I'd happily take on the task of holding them and doing the auction!


And Robin... I just LOVE your coin, the colors are so different and it's so beautiful! Some day I hope to have one come into my posession! Until I can trade for it, though, I'll just happily drool over it, hehe!




So, does anyone want to put a bunch of different edition geojellies together and put them up for auction with me?


Like I said, the same could be done with other smaller coins, like the nerdz, mwgb chicks, etc....


Naomi ;)


I'll throw in my Sunflower Power GeoJellie. B) Just let me know where to send it and whatnot.


Being that I'm not in the US, I think it's better to have a central place in the states to send them to.


Who wants to step up to the plate and collect the jellies and other small things like that to auction?


Naomi B)


Ill throw in a kidney flavored jelly, also.


I will throw in a couple of my jellies also. I'm also in the states so if you need someone in the states to collect them all just let me know I would be more than happy to help by keeping them all and then mailing them to the winner.



God Speed TnT.


















Still sending.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++fe_ke_20.gif


I will throw in a couple of my jellies also. I'm also in the states so if you need someone in the states to collect them all just let me know I would be more than happy to help by keeping them all and then mailing them to the winner.


Ok, can you list the auction, too, or do you need someone else to do it?


Let's give it till Jan 10 to get the jellies to ya, that way with all the postal holidays it gives a decent amount of time, what do you think? Tank and Tracy are going to need the help for a while, so the delay in getting the auction posted shouldn't really hurt!


Let's get the jelly rollin', hehehe!


Naomi ;)


Ok, I got an answer...and have a coin to offer. Before I offer this, I just want everyone to KNOW I wouldn't EVER sell this coin save for a special need as this. Also, keep in mind that I would never sell ANY coins gifted me from ANY of you...this one time, I will make an exception though!!


If someone would like to handle the sales of my 2006 LACKEY coin, I would be happy to mail it to the winning bidder. Coin can go on ebay any time someone wants to handle the sales.


CONSIDERABLE soul searching was needed before I could even THINK about this...and even typing now, I have reservations...but the health of Tony and the welfare of Tracy and the youngsters is MUCH more important than my having this coin...and I will still have my 2007 LACKEY to remind me of the WONDERFUL gift Bryan gave me!! This coin is being sold with Bryan's permission.


Whoever will post the coin on ebay, please contact me!


Ok, I got an answer...and have a coin to offer. Before I offer this, I just want everyone to KNOW I wouldn't EVER sell this coin save for a special need as this. Also, keep in mind that I would never sell ANY coins gifted me from ANY of you...this one time, I will make an exception though!!


If someone would like to handle the sales of my 2006 LACKEY coin, I would be happy to mail it to the winning bidder. Coin can go on ebay any time someone wants to handle the sales.


CONSIDERABLE soul searching was needed before I could even THINK about this...and even typing now, I have reservations...but the health of Tony and the welfare of Tracy and the youngsters is MUCH more important than my having this coin...and I will still have my 2007 LACKEY to remind me of the WONDERFUL gift Bryan gave me!! This coin is being sold with Bryan's permission.


Whoever will post the coin on ebay, please contact me!


Rod, that is a very generous thing to do! I am really impressed!


Naomi ;)

Posted (edited)

That is very nice thing for you to do. I'm sure the Lackey coin will really help out.


For anyone interested in donating their jellies I'm going to collect them until the 10th of Jan and then list the auction for the group of jellies collected. If you want your jellies included in the group just email me and I will send you my address.

Edited by bluecherry

The Geocoin Nerds did a charity ebay auction where we auctioned off a set of 36 nerds. We raised $132.50 from the auction. The proceeds were to be donated to St Judes Childrens Research Hospital. I sent an email out to the group, and so far everyone agrees that instead of donating the money to St Judes, we would like to donate the money to Tank and Tracy. ;)


Ok, I got an answer...and have a coin to offer. Before I offer this, I just want everyone to KNOW I wouldn't EVER sell this coin save for a special need as this. Also, keep in mind that I would never sell ANY coins gifted me from ANY of you...this one time, I will make an exception though!!


If someone would like to handle the sales of my 2006 LACKEY coin, I would be happy to mail it to the winning bidder. Coin can go on ebay any time someone wants to handle the sales.


CONSIDERABLE soul searching was needed before I could even THINK about this...and even typing now, I have reservations...but the health of Tony and the welfare of Tracy and the youngsters is MUCH more important than my having this coin...and I will still have my 2007 LACKEY to remind me of the WONDERFUL gift Bryan gave me!! This coin is being sold with Bryan's permission.


Whoever will post the coin on ebay, please contact me!


That really is a super generous thing to do Rod!! ;)


WOW - The WI_Robin coin is already up to $51! Way to go gang. I sent an e-mail out to the geocoin nerds group. I had one e-mail that got sent back as undeliverable. If you don't see it check your junk mail. I would like to collect one of each (if possible). I think I have enough nerds left to do trades to get them all if it will help. So if you have a nerd and want to donate it to the auction or trade for one of mine send me an e-mail. Thanks. This Christmas if you feel you have nothing to be thankful for just consider your health as one of the greatest gifts you can have; anything beyond that is a bonus!!

Posted (edited)

I just got home from work. Wow what a great response from EVERYONE! Matt is out of town right now but Im going to have him log on so he can take care of any requests to list anyone's coin they want to auction off. He deals with all that. Matt said he has several of our coins to go up automatically on Ebay at 6:30pm PST tonight as well. They will have a 7 day auction. So watch for them. I'll be out tonight and will check back soon.

Thank you so much to everyone who has responded with your generousity,donations and concerns.


Nan & Matt


Just a thought, if you decide to list your own auctions it might be a great idea to put on the listing page that they are coins to help a cause or something along that lines. That way the geocachers that dont frequent the forums are also made aware and will more be more likely to spend more on the coin. ;)

Edited by SoCalGeocoins

On the sub-title for my listing it says that it's a "Tank and Tracy auction". Last time I did a "charitable" auction on E-bay it got pulled because it said in the description that the proceeds where going to help----. You have to be careful how you list it because if it says in the description that it is for charity E-bay will pull it.


I will be doing a Nerds auction as well. I have gotten several responses already. Thanks to all who are donating their nerd!


On the sub-title for my listing it says that it's a "Tank and Tracy auction". Last time I did a "charitable" auction on E-bay it got pulled because it said in the description that the proceeds where going to help----. You have to be careful how you list it because if it says in the description that it is for charity E-bay will pull it.


I will be doing a Nerds auction as well. I have gotten several responses already. Thanks to all who are donating their nerd!


Good to know. I'm not sure how our listings are worded. Hopefully they are okay.


We would like to donate a geo-jelly for the group auction, but dont know who to send it to, Who ever is collecting them for the group auction could you please email me your address so I can get it to you as soon as possible. Thank you.


Here are the coins that went up for Auction at 6;30 pm and will go for 7days, all the money will go directly to Tank and Tracy. Please help as much as you can.




















coins20 and 21


Thanks to everyone who has emailed me and given us generous offers of coins to post. Please send me a picture and any info you have and I will put them up for auction tomorrow or Monday. You can send all info to this email address Socalgeocoins@aol.com . And if anyone else wants to send in some coins you can ship them to me at:


Matt Schapiro

ATTN: TNT Geocoin fund

P.O. Box 1266

Lomita, CA 90717


Thanks to all for your generous support,






If someone wants to do the Nerds and geogelly Auctions let me know and we will forward them on to you. Or if you perfer you can ship them all to me. I dont mind either way.


Thanks Again,


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