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Cycle Chaos


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Seeing as SUSTRANS have won the £50m lottery grant to improve the national cycle network, it seems a good time to devise a caching series around it, ala Motorway Mayhem and its compatriots!




Hide a cache on a cycle route, call it CYCLE CHAOS - N91 Rivington Village Green for example, and I shall bookmark it!


Cycle Chaos caches are intended to provide a caching opportunity for cyclists. They are all set on dedicated cycling routes, where a reasonable amount of cycling can be undertaken safely.


Background image : http://www.sustrans.org.uk/webimages/maps/route_69.gif


If a cache is on a known route, then reference it, ie N91 for National Route 91, or R87 for Regional Route 87. If unsure then you can always omit this.


Good idea? Get hiding, I guess...?


There is the 'Route 77' series in Perthshire


There is a series on the 'Formartine and Buchan' cycleway in Aberdeenshire.


Sure there must be a lots of cycleway caches already around, would be nice to have them all on a central bookmark.


In Aberystwyth my Oaky Pokey Series and part of the Rainbow Series are on a dedicated cycle route.

(Rainbow - Blue, Indigo and Yellow are on the cycle track and Red is just off it but still accessible by bike).


More caches to do - great!


More shared use cycle paths - grrrr!!! Here's what I posted in another thread (as a keen geo-cyclist):


Footpaths and cycle paths (especially shared use paths) are a recipe for conflict (at least) or worse, disaster. Pedestrians are far less predicatable, are not required to indicate and don't have brake lights. Pedestrians with dogs, especially ones on extendable leads, are particularly hazardous for cyclists. Don't get me wrong here - I'm not having a go at pedestrians (I am one a lot of the time) or dog walking muggles (or cachers for that matter). They've got as much right to be on a path, sometimes more right, as your average cyclist. Put me on a bike on an arterial road in Birmingham during rush hour and I'm basically happy, maybe a bit frustrated from time to time, but basically happy. Put me on a bike on a busy shared use canal towpath or footpath/way (whatever you want to call it) and frankly - it's rarely enjoyable.


When I absolutely have to cycle on a path (normally because there's a cache on it ) my motto is expect the unexpected. That means dead slow when there's people (or dogs) about and give them as wide berth as possible.


So here's one cyclist you're very unlikely to meet on a path, especially a Sustrans-type shared use path. In other words, support for the OP from a perhaps surprising quarter!


The irony is that although this is supposed to be about promoting cycling all you'll end up with is a growing urban myth about how mad / dangerous cyclists are - all becuase of a minority of psycho ninja morons who think it's cool to weave between the peds at speed. I'd string 'em up at dawn myself! :D


There's tens of thousands of miles of cycle paths in the UK already. They're called roads. :D


Sorry but you will have to wait for my new cycle chaos cache.... :D


We are still awaiting the spending of the £50M... Our local new cycleway/walkway/bridalway/caching route !! in Harrogate which links Ripley to Bilton has not been built yet !! :laughing:


But dont worry, I think the local cachers will be lining up to pop one on there when it does appear !

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