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Still here, I can't bear to look at Getting Started anymore. I don't sell GPS units anymore so I'm not the fountain of pertinant information I once was. I also get upset with people that say "GPSr" and I'd have a complete melt-down if I ever saw another "How do I Use My NewGPS®" thread (RTFM idiot, it's easier than your remote control AND posting in a forum). "What GPS® Should I Buy?", "What Does IDIOM Mean", "It's Hunting Season", "Do You Carry a Gun?" and "The Religious Question" put me over the edge too. Hence, I don't even look at them. I still get out with my non-vocal account, I should start finding a few more with my classic name and GPS-48.


BrDad hangs out in some Maine forum.

:anicute: If we has a nickel for everyone of those threads we'd be millionaires! I think you forgot "What PDA should I buy?"


Still here, I can't bear to look at Getting Started anymore. I don't sell GPS units anymore so I'm not the fountain of pertinant information I once was. I also get upset with people that say "GPSr" and I'd have a complete melt-down if I ever saw another "How do I Use My NewGPS®" thread (RTFM idiot, it's easier than your remote control AND posting in a forum). "What GPS® Should I Buy?", "What Does IDIOM Mean", "It's Hunting Season", "Do You Carry a Gun?" and "The Religious Question" put me over the edge too. Hence, I don't even look at them. I still get out with my non-vocal account, I should start finding a few more with my classic name and GPS-48.


BrDad hangs out in some Maine forum.


You know the fact is that if everyone used the search feature of the fourms to get answers and opinions...there would be no new posts at all. We could just make the fourms an archive for research. Having been around here for over 6 years, I don't think you could ask a question or start a thread on something I haven't seen before. :anicute:


What some of us "Oldtimers" tend to forget is that the forums are used by people as a way of becoming a part of the community. It's been my observation that people start threads or ask questions as a way of testing the waters so to speak, and trying to show others that they are interested in this game/hobby/sport.


Back on topic. I post rarely because as stated above, there aren't many current topics that I haven't seen or already posted my views and opinions on. Not many cared for my views or opinions back then, and I doubt they would care for them now. I check in on a regular basis, but I'm now more of a lurker than a poster.


El Diablo


This is the report on Mr. SNAZZ: Moved out of Bend OR in late 2005 to Virginia. Left Virginia sometime this year and is now living in Ft. Worth TX. He is a software engineer and still is the site administrator for oregongeocaching.org. I think he plans on coming back to Bend since he still has a few caches here and keeps in touch with local cachers.

Posted (edited)
Still here, I can't bear to look at Getting Started anymore. I don't sell GPS units anymore so I'm not the fountain of pertinant information I once was. I also get upset with people that say "GPSr" and I'd have a complete melt-down if I ever saw another "How do I Use My NewGPS®" thread (RTFM idiot, it's easier than your remote control AND posting in a forum). "What GPS® Should I Buy?", "What Does IDIOM Mean", "It's Hunting Season", "Do You Carry a Gun?" and "The Religious Question" put me over the edge too. Hence, I don't even look at them. I still get out with my non-vocal account, I should start finding a few more with my classic name and GPS-48.


BrDad hangs out in some Maine forum.

You know the fact is that if everyone used the search feature of the fourms to get answers and opinions...there would be no new posts at all. We could just make the fourms an archive for research. Having been around here for over 6 years, I don't think you could ask a question or start a thread on something I haven't seen before. :anibad: El Diablo

I think he was just being humerous. I think I got Markwelled on my first or second post. We were all noobs at one time. :anicute:


Our local threads are used to post places to meet up and go geocaching as a group in the upcoming weeks. We also congratulate people on milestones and post cool photos we took while geocaching. So the forums are very useful. I should start a thread like this in our local forums. A lot of cool local cachers have faded away over the years.

Edited by TrailGators





Cape Cod Cacher


Dru Morgan

Cachew Nut



Lazy Boy and Mitey Mite





IV Warrior



I'm still here. Like others have said it gets tiring after 6yrs of the same 10 or so threads. I still read most threads, but rarely have anything new to add.


I miss about half of the people mentioned so far. Still talk to Brdad and IV Warrior fairly often.


BTW: Link 1 & Link 2. See what I mean? :laughing:


I miss SparkyWatts


And for some of you cachers............. What about Ringbone? B):DB)


Sorry I just had to mention this,"Why does my post say,Ringbone." B):lol:


I think Ringbone only had a handful of posts. As Ringbone, that is. B)


Hey, I was reviewing an old thread, and I stumbled on this guy: WH May be a bannation issue, and it looks like he's left the game completely.


I notice he's also mentioned in one of the threads linked to by Mopar.


I miss SparkyWatts


And for some of you cachers............. What about Ringbone? :DB)B)


Sorry I just had to mention this,"Why does my post say,Ringbone." :D:lol:


I think Ringbone only had a handful of posts. As Ringbone, that is. B)


I was just having a sarcastic moment. B)B)

She who must not be named.




I remember what happened to her.

I still miss her, there hasn't been another woman to to take her place since the day she left the forums.
The UK forum had someone who tried, but I don't think that many people bit.
Posted (edited)


I still miss her, there hasn't been another woman to to take her place since the day she left the forums.


fixed. :lol:

That's the best looking man I ever saw! That man deserves a "Wo!" in front of "man." :lol:


My woman from Tokyo

She makes me see

My woman from Tokyo

Shes so good to me


Name that group....

Edited by TrailGators
Posted (edited)

"Were / Are You Military / Scout?"

I did that thread WAAAAAAAAAAY back in '01 :lol:

I started to feel a bit queasy when after a quick scan, I saw I've been here the longest in this thread (insert queasy smiley attempt to follow) :queasy:


Back in the day ( when we used to go Geocaching barefoot, in the snow, uphill both ways), EVERYBODY was learning, so posting was pretty interesting. Amusing anyway. What whippersnapper with a brand new GPS® 3000 with holographic display and 10 TG memory wants to listen to someone that is using a 10 year old GPS48 ? :lol:


Deep Purple, Trail Gators


Edited a comma between the 2 names

Edited by Cape Cod Cacher
Posted (edited)

I'm still here!


I do hang out in the Maine forums more now, but I do check in here on a semi-regular basis and I have friends in like Planet who alert me if someone mentions my name or posts a subject she thinks I might be interested in. It's too hard to keep up with all the topics here nowadays.

Edited by brdad

Let's not forget Solohiker


I still have a copy of his avatar that was deleted from his profile. I was quick on the draw back in them days. Frankly, the avatar was completely over the top disrespectful to Jeremy.


As far as SH goes. He's a pretty good example of it's not so much what you say as it is HOW you say it. His version of keepin' it real was a little less pallatable than others who were saying basically the same things. :)


I always read his posts when I saw he was posting.


I still have a copy of his avatar that was deleted from his profile. I was quick on the draw back in them days. Frankly, the avatar was completely over the top disrespectful to Jeremy.


I can't remember if I saw it or not. I thought the blank one was pretty funny.

He could ruffle some feathers.


I still have a copy of his avatar that was deleted from his profile. I was quick on the draw back in them days. Frankly, the avatar was completely over the top disrespectful to Jeremy.


I can't remember if I saw it or not. I thought the blank one was pretty funny.

He could ruffle some feathers.


That white avatar came from Hydee if I recall correctly. It was enforcement and not a statement. The picture it replaced was SH's face doing the Jeremy avatar pose, but using his middle finger. Basically flipping the bird horizontally with his thumb up. I saved that puppy the instant I saw it because I knew it wouldn't be there for long. :wub:


So many people come and go from geocaching and from the forums that you just can't keep up but some make waves with tons of posts. Where do these people go?


Here's a few examples >>

* sparkywatts - memorable wet cat avatar and thousands of posts, then nothing. Poof!

* knight2000 - newbie cacher with a flurry of posts and then gone as quickly as they came.

* vtmtnman - multiple posts in just about every forum here and has since disappeared.

* sept1c tank - old timer, never see him here any more.

* El Diablo - another old timer that rarely posts.


Who else is MIA?


Who are those guys???? LOL.


Mac McKinney aka Breaktrack






Cape Cod Cacher


Dru Morgan

Cachew Nut



Lazy Boy and Mitey Mite





IV Warrior




Hey Snat, figured I'd drop in and let you know that I, at least, am still around, but only visit in the forums on rare instances. Still maintain all my caches that are left, even the virtuals, but haven't been caching a lot since the kiddos went to live with their mom...sigh.


Anyway, still alive and kicking, and also missing Divine. He is a good guy.


Mac McKinney aka Breaktrack





Mac got a motorcycle and a life. :santa:


He still lurks and we hear from him locally every now and then.


Man, Snoogans, that is about the best way I've seen it put, ever!! LOL.


Yeah, I pop in every once in a while.


How're YOU doin'?


Mac McKinney aka Breaktrack

She who must not be named.




I remember what happened to her.

Ah, the memories...




Hahahahahaha, oh man, I hadn't thought about, er, uh, "her" in a million years it seems....LOL, LOL.


Mac McKinney aka Breaktrack





Mac got a motorcycle and a life. :santa:


He still lurks and we hear from him locally every now and then.


Man, Snoogans, that is about the best way I've seen it put, ever!! LOL.


Yeah, I pop in every once in a while.


How're YOU doin'?


Mac McKinney aka Breaktrack

Good to hear you're doing ok Mac! :santa:

Posted (edited)
She who must not be named.




I remember what happened to her.

Ah, the memories...




Hahahahahaha, oh man, I hadn't thought about, er, uh, "her" in a million years it seems....LOL, LOL.


Mac McKinney aka Breaktrack


9Key, I'm sorry I sorta derailed a perfectly good thread with her. I promise this is the last time she will be brought to life by me.



Edited by mikemtn

So uhh who is she anyways? :(


Mitsuko was a sock puppet account, as you can see from the pictures "he" was a very attractive woman.


Uh-oh, you said her name.


you never know when a BLAST from the PASt will show up in here, do ya?


Poo poo to you Criminal!!


BTW - I finally married MITSUKO!!





...Yeah, but I thought flask's 30 day ban was over 2 months ago...
Wow, it's been that long? Sometimes I wonder if the tendancy to suspend otherwise good members is counterprodutive. Sure a disruptive troll should be banned. But someone like flask who has something like 2,000 good posts for every edgy one just begs the question of why drive away the folks who make the forum what it is?
I think she got caught up in an effort to tone things down. There was this global warning thing going on with the threads at that time. She always made me laugh.
Odd... the same day this topic gets resurrected, I get an email from flask!




Does anyone know what happened to deafhunt?


From his profile he found caches back in Feb. If he's like most teens he likely has another "something" to occupy his time. Shows he was last on site just a few weeks ago. And likely when he thinks about geocaching again he'll be back.


you never know when a BLAST from the PASt will show up in here, do ya?


Poo poo to you Criminal!!


BTW - I finally married MITSUKO!!







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