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FIN: Geokätkögallup 2007


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Hello. Vote for the best Finnish geocache! Here are the instructions:


Send your votes via email to my address: varis.tommi(at)gmail.com. The

deadline for sending your votes is at the end of this year. You can cast

your vote in as many sections as you like and leave the others

empty. The results will be published in January 2008. Your anonymity

is guaranteed. You may not vote your own cache. If you add the

waypoint codes (GC?????) or links to listings it will help me process

the results (not compulsory).


Only caches within the boundaries of the Finland are

allowed (this includes the autonymous island of Åland)


You should use subject "GKG 2007" in your email and copy the text

below into your message and insert your answers between the questions.



1) Your geocaching nickname or link to your profile page. Your

anonymity will be guaranteed, this is only for statistical purposes. If

there are several people using the same nickname, it is possible to

cast separate votes for each person but this must be clearly noted in

your email.


2) Unambiguously the best cache in Finland.


3) The best location where this hobby has brought you. A place of

historical significance, a naturally beautiful place or otherwise a

great place (the size and quality of the cache itself doesn't matter



4) The best technical implementation: a lot of effort has been put

into it and it has required skilled handicraft.


5) The best multi-cache


6) The best unknown, i.e. mystery cache.


7) The best extreme cache. Injury was near when fetching this one, but

eventually you had the container in your hand.


8) The best newcomer. The cache must have been published in 2007 or

after the previous vote in 2006.


9) The hider of the year.


10) Anything to add, comments.


Vaikka äänestys on loppu, ja niin edespäin, on pakko kommentoida.. :D

Tulin vasta parhaalta kätköltä, mitä toistaiseksi olen kokenut.

Suurkiitos JupeN:lle ja Joko123:lle Seutula II - Radioasema -kätköstä.



Tätä kätköä olisin äänestänyt, jos olisin voinut. Se julkaistiin viime vuoden puolella.. Mutta nyt saatte vain erityismaininnan!!! :D


Laitetaanpas tämä tännekin, jos joku ei geocache.fi:n foorumia lue.


Alla olevasta osoitteesta löytyy GCG2007 lopputulokset kaikista sarjoista + linkit bookmarkkeihin:



Jos joku huomaa, että äänestämänsä kätkö puuttuu, on syy näpyttelyhäiriössä (nuo piti naputella kaikki käsin, kun excelistä ei saanut tuloslistoja hölömölönä inhimillisessä muodossa ulos) tai sitten sensuurin punakynässä. Mulle tai Haaskikselle voi lähetellä asiasta mailia, niin korjataan tilannetta tarpeen mukaan.


"Ensi viikko" on sitten suhteellinen käsite :huh:

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