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Should I Buy a Garmin eTrex Vista HCx?


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Hi everyone. I recently went on my first geo-caching expedition and am totally hooked. Luckily, Christmas is coming up, giving me an opportunity to get my own GPS! I've never owned a GPS before, and after looking around a bit, I'm leaning towards the Garmin eTrex Vista HCx. It seems to be the best hand-held model that Garmin makes for geo-caching. However, I've read about a lot of problems with this GPS, such as inability to track speed or distance properly, especially when on foot.


I've looked at the units Magellan makes, and the new series with the touch-screens (Triton 1500 and 2000) looks interesting. However, when I compare the prices, the Magellan GPSs seem to cost literally twice as much as the Garmin I'm looking at.


Could anyone recommend any other GPS model I should be looking at for comparison purposes, or is the Vista HCx the way to go despite the known issues it's having?


Thanks so much for your help!


the only issue my vista hcx has is the odometer (which will be fixed in a future firmware update), and ummmm I never used the feature geocaching or in my car while using my GPS..the only time I might use it is when I upload the tracks to my computer and review the route, which it calculates quite well fixing the flaw....also I see no issues what so ever with it tracking my speed unless you are completely anal retentive and want the information updated in milliseconds so the GPS lets you know even when you are thinking of changing directions.........I would much rather have 20 hours of battery life under constant use and forefit useless features rather than know such silly distracting information


The vista hcx for the money is the best receiver on the market, as many have stated on this forum over and over again......the tritons still have to prove how long those touchscreens will last after several drops/scratches

Could anyone recommend any other GPS model I should be looking at for comparison purposes, or is the Vista HCx the way to go despite the known issues it's having?


I'm a satisfied/biased Garmin user, so I'm not the best person to ask regarding other brands. The only significant issue that I'm aware of is the problem with the trip computer when hiking at slow speeds. It affects the readouts for the odometer and for moving time. If you need that information while in the woods, it's a problem - but there is an effective workaround because it does not affect the track logger and you can determine the distance you've hiked from the track log.


Imho, the current firmware reduced the error but did not solve the problem. I'm still optimistic that Garmin will fix the problem, eventually - I wish I new how long "eventually" will take.


I appreciate the greater sensitivity of the Vista HCx. Had I known the problem that I have experienced with the trip computer, I think I would still have purchased the unit.


Welcome to the Forums! :ph34r:


I have the Garmin Vista HCx, which was an upgrade to my trusty Vista C that I still have as a backup unit. I think the Vista HCx is the best choice, although I am biased because I have always preferred the smaller eTrex units when compared to the 60CSx or 76CSx.


Choosing Garmin over Magellan is a no brainer when you consider which company has the best Customer Service.


Choosing Garmin over Magellan is a no brainer when you consider which company has the best Customer Service.


I second that emotion!


I bought a Vista HCx, and I haven't been the lease bit sorry. Low speed odometer error and all, it's MILES past anything else in its class.


I also have been considering a Garmin Etrax Vista HCX as a Christmas gift for a geocacher who has a Garmin Etrex Vista with a cracked (but functional) screen. The other one I've been thinking of is the Garmin 60CSx. Does the Garmin extrex HCX show the "given name" of geocaches, or just their waypoints?


Welcome to the Forums! :ph34r:


Depending on which software used to load the Vista HCx, it can show the GC code, or a more useful waypoint name, as well as give the name of the cache, and even the Hint.


If a person uses GSAK in conjunction with Garmin's POI loader, the caches can be sent to the GPSr as POIs with lots of information in the POI description.


I really appreciate everyone's replies (and any future replies) to this thread. I'm surprised that no one has posted telling me to stay away from this model or to look at another model. I guess that's why I decided to ask you "experts." There seemingly isn't a GPS that works perfectly, so the minimal flaws of the Vista HCx are apparently not a big enough deal to consider another model. I like that Garmin apparently comes out with regular updates for their GPS's that correct issues. Hopefully the next update will address the problem with the inaccuracies of tracking slower foot speeds.


I have a 60CSx and just bought a Vista HCx and my prefrence is (slightly) the 60.

Maybe I'm just more used to it, and there are some things I like about the Vista better.

"Should I Buy a Garmin eTrex Vista HCx?"




Hello, Pigpen!


Do you have any time to expand on why you prefer the 60 (my current lust-after), and what you find better about the Vista? I'm also trying to decide. I've seen (as above) references that the Vista's screen is noticeably brighter. Has anybody posted pics of the two side-by-side in the same light to show it? These 50+ year old peepers are starting to need close-up help...


Plus anything else you have the time to add...






Not pigpen4X4, but I have had experience using both GPS units. I have the Vista HCx and a friend has the 60CSx.


I'm sure it is because I am very used to the buttons on the Vista HCx, compared to the Map60CSx, but I can use my GPSr in the dark. The other unit has too many buttons, for me . . . And, I just cannot get that rocker button to behave the way the "click-stick"" does. I like that the "click-stick" is also the "Enter" button. On the 60, you have to navigate using the rocker button, then move to the "Enter" button for action.


However, the GPS Map60CSx has that "Cool" factor the Vista HCx does not have . . . :grin:


I also have been considering a Garmin Etrax Vista HCX as a Christmas gift for a geocacher who has a Garmin Etrex Vista with a cracked (but functional) screen. The other one I've been thinking of is the Garmin 60CSx. Does the Garmin extrex HCX show the "given name" of geocaches, or just their waypoints?


It can show either. The default is the cache's waypoint name as the waypoint name and the given name shows in the notes field. You can use GSAK to flip those if you prefer, though the waypoint name is limited to 14 positions so depending on the length of the given name, you might not fit all of it in there.

Posted (edited)

Because I rarely ever have any cash to blow, I wanted to get something that gave me the most bang for my buck. I looked & looked, & researched & researched, posting questions & doing comparisons online where I could. The few Magellanowners that chimed in when I asked what Magellan model would stack up to the Etrex Vista HCX, they SEEMED to indicate that the Magellan Explorist 600 was the closest thing. I looked into it a bit, but they appeared to be out of circulation.


There were several things about the Magellan that appealed to me, but in the end the Vista HCX had it all, & had a large base of supporters. Then the REI sale came along & I got it for $198 shipped, that was the clencher.


I would have considered spending a little more on the Magellan Triton 500, but in the end it was out of my price range, I would have had to pony up more for the data cable, I would have been gambling on an unproven device, & the release date for the dadgum thing was rumoured to be "out now" & on hold (again).

Edited by travis71

"I also have been considering a Garmin Etrax Vista HCX as a Christmas gift for a geocacher who has a Garmin Etrex Vista with a cracked (but functional) screen. The other one I've been thinking of is the Garmin 60CSx. Does the Garmin extrex HCX show the "given name" of geocaches, or just their waypoints?


It can show either. The default is the cache's waypoint name as the waypoint name and the given name shows in the notes field. You can use GSAK to flip those if you prefer, though the waypoint name is limited to 14 positions so depending on the length of the given name, you might not fit all of it in there."


Sort of "reading between the lines", of the replies to my question, it sounds like there is software that can make the Vista HCS show given names of caches and hints. Am I interpreting you right? If that's the case, my next questions are:

1.) Would that software come with the GPS

2.) What is the name of that software

3.) Would that work on an older Garmin Etrex Vista?


My major reasons for thinking of a new GPS is that the screen is cacked on the old oine (which I'm worried will compromise wanter proofing, fall resistance etc.) and the difficulty doing spontaneous geocaches on the way here or there without knowing anything but the waypoint and coordinates.


Sort of "reading between the lines", of the replies to my question, it sounds like there is software that can make the Vista HCS show given names of caches and hints. Am I interpreting you right? If that's the case, my next questions are:

1.) Would that software come with the GPS

2.) What is the name of that software

3.) Would that work on an older Garmin Etrex Vista?


My major reasons for thinking of a new GPS is that the screen is cacked on the old oine (which I'm worried will compromise wanter proofing, fall resistance etc.) and the difficulty doing spontaneous geocaches on the way here or there without knowing anything but the waypoint and coordinates.

To get all the information, first you have to become a Premium Member, so you have access to the .gpx files downloadable from individual cache pages, or from Pocket Queries, which are emailed to you.


Then, if you use GSAK (Geocaching Swiss Army Knife) to send the waypoints to your GPSr, by using the "smart name" codes, you can get part of name of the cache, and even part of the hint. This is the code I use for the Waypoint name:


%smart=8 %con1%typ1%dif1%ter1


This includes part of the Name, the Size of the container, the Type of cache (Traditional, Multi, Virtual, Puzzle), the Difficulty and Terrain (based on a 10-point scale).


To get part of the name again, and part of the hint, use this code in the Waypoint Description blank:


%Name=10 %hint


There are many other codes that can be used, and you can put them in any order you want. I put the name first, so it is easier to search by name, if I need to do that.


Yup . . . the length of the name is different on the older Vista so the code would have to be adjusted, which is easy to do by just changing the number of characters for the name or dropping an attribute you don't want:


%smart=4 %con1%typ1%dif1%ter1


%smart=6 %typ1%dif1


The Vista HCx can have 14 characters in the name . . . I don't remember how many my Vista could have.


Holy crap!!! Thats pretty sweet, I had no idea that you could do that... is there any documentation to support that sorta thing? I would live to be able to view the cache name, size & diff on the GPS!

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