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Two points to this thread.


1) Where can I get the big green stickers that go on the side of an Ammo Tin marking them as GEOCACHE?


2) Out and about I have come across 2 or 3 caches now that still have the Red Diamond warning signs on the Ammo Box. Does this sign have to be removed for legal/safety reasons (I'm thinking YES)? If you come across a box that still has the hazard markings should you report it to the cache owner or is this just being petty?




Many thanks.


Any points about No.2?


Yeah, you should take off any markings related to explosives or ammunition. You could plant one in a tree stump in the middle of a swamp and somebody will be sure to think it's a threat to national security. The yellow comes off pretty easy with nail polish remover. I've never seen any with a red diamond on them however. Got a picture?


I did a quick Google on an ammo can with a red diamond and the closest I can find is that the red diamond MIGHT (notice might--I not 100% sure) mean the ammo was for the 5th Division (note that all this info is from WWI), but the tradition may have continued. However, with the sometimes overzealous DHS or other official folks or well-meaning or terrified muggles, repainting over the red diamond is probably a good idea. Some of the ammo cans I have recently purchased are olive drab on the tops and bottoms and tan on the large sides. I assume they are from out current excursion in Iraq. I bought several cans of camo paint colors at Home Depot and repaint the ammo cans to best match the vegetation of the hide area. I then mark in black the is is a Geocache on the can and well as the regular Geocache info sheet inside the cache.


Any of my other camoed geocaches are all marked with a broadtip black marker on the outside that they are a Geocache. (Not to say a terrorist couldn't do the same thing.... don't go there!) I am just trying not to create a panic ala Boston several years ago (the advertising campaign that threw the city officials into a terrorist panic).


Take care,


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