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Input requested for Parks Canada Geocache Event


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As you may be aware, Parks Canada is now allowing geocaching in National Parks as long as they are approved and meet within our guidelines. Fundy National Park in NB is looking at implementing the guidelines in a way to promote our special places through a Ecological Integrity Innovation project. I'm looking for sugestions for kicking off the activity next spring (likely June). Some ideas I have are: partnering with one or both of the local geocaching associations to host an event, approving a series of physical caches that meet our guidelines, minting a series of trackable geocoins to be traded at the park visitor centre for codes or passwords found in our caches. Would anyone be interested in helping the park in such an event? Any other ideas out there?

You can email me directly at Lisa.Babineau@pc.gc.ca or through my user account Nedraw.


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Awesome..... It is great to see a PC site take the leed on this. Fort Walsh has combined forces here with Cypress Hills Prov. Park and they have a series of 7 caches between the parks to give visitors a view of the area that they would not usually see w/o caching. Good luck on your project.

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Living within 2 hours of Fundy for 4 years and having never been there, I think this is an awesome initiative. We took our two boys there and had a blast, even tho the water wasn't totally cooperative. Anyone who is thinking of heading to Fundy to do the caches (and earn a merit-based geocoin only available at the park) will not be sorry!


Great job by the Parks Canada group at Fundy and the ACGA.


Excellent, excellent, excellent!

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thanks for the input P&S, I think it went well. It would be nice if this spreads across Canada

Living within 2 hours of Fundy for 4 years and having never been there, I think this is an awesome initiative. We took our two boys there and had a blast, even tho the water wasn't totally cooperative. Anyone who is thinking of heading to Fundy to do the caches (and earn a merit-based geocoin only available at the park) will not be sorry!


Great job by the Parks Canada group at Fundy and the ACGA.


Excellent, excellent, excellent!

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