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Geocoin Kids...


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Posted (edited)

I've mentioned on here a few times...ok, maybe more than a few times, my wonderful daughters Hanner-nanner and Caitie-bug - 8 years old and 18 months old.


Who else here has kids who totally enjoy their parents' coin collection? Hanna has her favorites already, a Geomuse 2007 and a coin with the name Hanna on it, and she loves to sit and go through my collection and put them neatly back in their container. She gets a total thrill out of coin mail and comes flying into the house screaming "we got a coin, mamma, we got a coin!" when something comes :laughing:


Caitlyn can sit and look at the coins in the box for an hour. She sits there and takes them out and looks at them one at a time, on occasion proclaiming something "preddeeee" in her sweet little baby voice (Please, God, don't let her grow up too fast!) and showing them to me, one at a time, hehehe!


I know that some folks don't want to talk about their kids due to wanting to keep their privacy protected, but for those of you that do, who are your kids (nicknames perfectly acceptable!) and how old are they?


Would anyone be willing to have their kids exchange post cards or other SMALL things (not talking big boxes, I'm talking little bitty things here, they ARE just kids) with my kiddos? The geocoin community is such a good group of people and seems so close knit, thought it would be fun to include the kids who want to be included a bit more!


I know my two can't be the only ones who love the coins, lol!


Naomi :(


PS... here are my two playing around at halloween



Edited by mousekakat

I AM a geocoin kid (at least in spirit)...LOL. We have two geocoin gals...a 5 year old and soon-to-be 12 year old. Heather (5) claimed my GW5 suncatcher, because I let her pick out which one I bought, and has it proudly displayed in her room with her 2 geocoin fairy coins. Heather likes the "pretty" coins...the ones with flowers and pretty colors.


Brenda (almost 12) has a tidy little collection of her own. I made the mistake of letting her get her own GW5 geochick coin, and that was all it took. She was trading at GW5 like a pro. She ended up with quite a collection (even got some coins that I don't have). I handle any of her online trades (they are few and far between)...but she definately prefers to trade face-to-face (reminds her of the Girl Scout SWAP events).


We've particiapted in international kids exchanges through the Girl Scouts, and would love to particiapte in an exchange for the kids.


I am raising a youngster myself! Kaleb isn't my child (although I treat him as mine, think of him as mine), his parents have "problems" which aren't good for raising children! I raised Kaleb's brother (now 22), he came to live with me when he was 15. Now, Kaleb is also living here, I've had him since he was 12(ish)...he's now 15!


Kaleb is great! He loves coins, has a few of his own even!! When we went to the Geocoin Multi, Kaleb actually made a few trades himself!! When it comes to working with the kids (we host GPS and Geocaching demonstrations to Girl Scouts, at festivals and such), Kaleb is GREAT! He's much more mature than his age!


Kaleb's user name is KAboom, he's a member of the Team Rod & Tod w/KAboom caching team!

Posted (edited)

My daughter, Stellar Jr. (real name Michelle - 13 years old) is really into geocoins now. We went to GW5 and she did alot of trading there (way more than me). I had GW5 peeps made for me, but she ended up doing alot of the trading. She even went to the Geocoinfest Multi Event without me. I couldn't make it, so she begged my husband to drive her to the event which was 1 hour away. She has made a few trades over the forums also. She usually runs and gets the mail as soon as she gets home from school, looking for those padded coin envelopes. Any really "neat" coins end up in her geocoin collection. She did design her own geotag which we had made and I also ordered some of the hockey jersey geocoins with her name on them. She really enjoys collecting geocoins. She's put alot of her geocoins in a binder and takes them to events with her.

It would be nice to have some kind of kids exchange, I'm sure she would enjoy it.

Edited by stellarscapes

Guilty as charged!! Our little PengoBeky (who is 5 years old) is a geocoin addict too. She has her own collection of sig items and geocoins herself. Everytime a geocoin comes in the mail she'll ask if it's for her. And even if my original trade/purchase was for myself, if it has any type of glitter or animal on it it usually finds its way into PengoBeky's collection. But it is cute to see PengoBeky at events showing her collection to others. She will even draw her own geocoins on paper when she sees Mommy doing the same.




I have to be lucky to collect all the coins when the postman brings a new letter. Often enough I hear a "Hey, that coin's mine!" from my son (12). :(


His favourite is a Generic Mega and he loves to wear it on events as a necklace. :laughing:


I have a 16 year old (Sugarbaby07) who is not to much into the caching since she turned 16 and started working. She does try and borrow a coin every now and then. Her favorite coin is the Badandy geocoin because it was a personal gift from him.


I have a 17 year old daughter - who will occasionally geocache with me. She thinks the coin thing is crazy and I have to endure some eye rolling from her occasionally when I get excited about a coin :laughing: . My 11 year old son likes to cache if it involves a hike, a cave, or climbing a tree. He doesn't care about geocoins one way or the other. My 6 year old on the other hand loves geocoins. He has taken a geocoin to school twice for show and tell and has his own little box of geocoins and tokens. His favorite thing that he has gotten while we have been geocaching was a Coins and Pins sample coin that someone had placed in a cache. We have gotten coins out of a cache before, but this was the first time he got to keep one :( . He loves to tell his brother "Ha, ha, I have a geocoin with an eagle on it." I release all of my coins, but he love to look at them before they go. I usually will let him have any non-trackables that I happen to get and tokens for sure. I know that he would love to get geocoins or tokens in the mail!


Oh man, this is a thread for us :-) I typically find that I have a hard time not mentioning mightyzinn, my 4 year old son, when it comes to coins or caching in general. But he's my caching partner and I do most all my caching stuff with him. We actively will go after caches that have coins or TBs that we'd like to see, and when the cache might be one that I wouldn't typically take him along on, he'll be at home anxiously waiting for me to return with the loot :-) And he's the one in the booster chair in the car chanting 'first to find, first to find!' when we're off chasing newly published caches.


The first coin we got him was a 'I Am The Walrus' because he's a Beatles freak and loves to sing that particular song. His favorite coin(s) presently are Shaggy, Scooby & Velma, Geocoin Secret Agent and Creepy Crawly Cachers. He insists those coins are *his*. He also has said he wants to grow up and be like the GSA. God bless that GSA... I exploit his sneaky nature and tell mightyzinn that if he wants to be like the GSA he needs to be sneaky and *not* yell at the top of his lungs when we make a find, or *not* try and show all the muggles the very cool cache we just found... and it works!


Anyways, he really loves all coins, loves to check out the pictures of coins on the forums and at the various coin store webstore. He's convinced me to buy him a coin every payday now... he's actually looking at our coins *right* now and waiting for me to finish this post so we can order him his coin for this pay period. He's also really into TBs and wants to turn everything in our house into a TB. He's having a hard time with the concept of the 'copy' tag in a TB set not being something we can release and is constantly attaching them to items he wants to release.


He also does this thing where he makes 'house caches', little caches that he hides about the house and makes me hunt for. As FTF prizes, he'll occasionally liberate one of the geocoins from our collection. We've lost a few coins for a while when he's hidden a cache a little too well. He did this with the Geocoin Fairy coin we just got and we had a frantic search for nearly 2 hours to find it!


He loves knowing there are other little cachers out there. There's another local 4 year old who has placed a couple caches, really good kid caches, and he loves them and frequently talks about 'Alex', who he actually has never met. He also really likes the idea of placing caches that kids will like. We're going to rehide one of our caches today specifically so it will be available this weekend for a new young cacher and he helped pick out the small Lego sets that we'd place in them because he thought the kids would like those.


He'd love trade stuff in the mail! Just let us know how you'd like to proceed and we'll have some stuff off. I can't promise that whatever we send won't come in a Lock & Lock as mightyzinn has moved on from the coins after telling him about trading and is currently making a 'house cache' to send, but he doesn't have expectations on what he gets. He's just excited to send something :-)


- Chris/intolerable (who is sorry for going on and on...)

Posted (edited)

We have a 19th month old Caitie-girl (as her aunt calls her), we call her Caitie (Caitlin)... she likes to try to eat them... and throw them.... so haven't really let her have them yet... oh yeah and she loves to empty out the coffee tin full of em onto the floor....


Cache Agent


edited to say if that didn't make sense... we just had a restless night (think teething is the issue)

Edited by cache agent

Our two daughters just love geocoins too. Katlyn & Sara are between 7 & 10. They both have their own small collection. They also love to trade face to face. At GW5 I gave them all the Anthus geochicks and they had a blad trading them with everyone. They both brought their geocoin binders with them to GW5. The next morning they had a blast going through all their newly traded geocoins, putting them in their binders. They really like collecting the geopins too. Any geopin I get I give to them. They both have a nice collection of geopins now. Any trading for pins or geocoins that they do online have to go through me -- we are pretty protective when it comes to the internet and our children. The girls make their own decisions on what to trade. The girls would love to participate in an exchange.




We have two kids who have started their own collection recently thanks to some generous people in the geocoin community. :( Brandon is 5 years old and is really in love with pirate coins.. and I am sure if they made a Star Wars coin, he'd love that too. Nyomi will be 2 years old in a couple of months. Once she gets a hold of a geocoin it's hard to get it away from her.. At least she's smart enough to keep them out of her mouth. I think that would be cute for them to be a part of an exchange. I was planning on getting Brandon a penpal when he started learning to write better. :laughing:


The Theotokos clan is going broke ever since finding out about geocaching - but not complaining as it's been great for us as a family and brought us a lot closer. One of the reasons we are going broke is that we have 7 kids and 5 of them are into geocoins/swag/pathtags. The oldest is more interested in her fiancee and the youngest in 4x4's. We do love that our kids want to leave wonderful gifts in each cache we find and they also of course like to collect geocoins and pathtags as well.


We already have 3 sets of pathtags and our 10 year old girl Marshmallow has a new set of pathtags coming out soon. We designed it and I think it's pretty cute if I do say so myself. There are 2 more tags coming eventually for Cupcake (daughter of 16) and Laziboy (son of 14) when we can afford it. We also have a number of geocoin designs waiting to go...money is always a concern though and we need to wait - which isn't something we are very good at apparently. :(


We only have one collection as a family and we usually work out trades based on what the kids like - which is why our theme is cute and unique. Coins like the Anthus laptop, loggerhead Turtles and apparently anything that tsunrisebey puts out as being tops on their our list of must have. We have now pretty much had to stop getting coins unfortunatly as costs are adding up. They are a little bummed by that but we are still getting into trading which they enjoy a lot.


I think our kids would enjoy sharing with other geokids too.


Brandon is 5 years old and is really in love with pirate coins.. and I am sure if they made a Star Wars coin, he'd love that too.


A Star Wars coin would really go over well with mightyzinn. That and a Lego coin. Naturally, the ultimate coin would be a Lego Star Wars coin.


Rod, anyone can become a father... it takes someone special to BE one, though.


I think you're pretty special :(


I couldn't agree more. That's awesome.

We all do what we can...right? I am fully BLESSED to have both youngsters, I fel very lucky indeed!


THANKS for the kind remarks!!


Cool, looks like there is some interest here in having a little post card exchange or whatnot here.


I can't tell you how pleased I am to see all the kids who get into this! I think it's so wonderful, mainly because it's something that the kids do with us parents and as a family, and we all know that in today's society that is important!


Let's leave this up a while, maybe over the weekend, and then after the weekend we can get together and decide who to send what to where :(


Naomi :laughing:


Rod, anyone can become a father... it takes someone special to BE one, though.


I think you're pretty special :(

Ditto. And I may add that you are one brave dude to do this. No problem on your part, I'm sure. Still, those 2 young men are "lucky" to have someone who cares and is interested in them!


I have a grand daughter who goes by "Orlando511". (guess who she likes). She has been to more caches but hasn't gotten the hang of logging by herself, yet. :laughing:


Brandon is 5 years old and is really in love with pirate coins.. and I am sure if they made a Star Wars coin, he'd love that too.


A Star Wars coin would really go over well with mightyzinn. That and a Lego coin. Naturally, the ultimate coin would be a Lego Star Wars coin.


Guess I forgot to mention my son loves playing the Lego Star Wars video game.. :(

Posted (edited)

While we're new to geocoins and have only purchased a few (not enough to do any trading) our son immediately snagged the blue morpho when it arrived......sigh


Edited by wavesprite

Brandon is 5 years old and is really in love with pirate coins.. and I am sure if they made a Star Wars coin, he'd love that too.


A Star Wars coin would really go over well with mightyzinn. That and a Lego coin. Naturally, the ultimate coin would be a Lego Star Wars coin.


Oh, yeah, both my Speeding Element and Orlando511 would LOVE either kind of coin. Mostly a Lego dude would be excellent :(


I think my son would cut off his right toe for a Star Wars Lego geocoin.


Brandon is 5 years old and is really in love with pirate coins.. and I am sure if they made a Star Wars coin, he'd love that too.


A Star Wars coin would really go over well with mightyzinn. That and a Lego coin. Naturally, the ultimate coin would be a Lego Star Wars coin.


Oh, yeah, both my Speeding Element and Orlando511 would LOVE either kind of coin. Mostly a Lego dude would be excellent :(


"I think my son would cut off his right toe for a Star Wars Lego geocoin."

You mean combine them? I know they have both but I think 2 separate "shaped" coins would be excellent :(


I kn1ow, it seems we are getting off track here -- But we Are talking about kids! Anyways, even though those would both make excellent coins, I think we'd have to worry about the ever present "copy-rite" thing :laughing:


My two boys 6&7 (big checker & lil checkers) have become quite the little geocoin-aholics. There are some really special people around my area that have given them some geocoins and now they just want more. They are really enamored with the mystery coins that we have received which is why we now consider them to be in the "family collection" I am sure they would love exchanging postcards and/or packages with other geokids.


I'm at their school now, or I would post pics. :-D


BooBoo just loves her 4 pound coin!!




Anyone else wonder what would happen to her if she didn't have that barrel to lean on? That coin and its chain look to weigh about as much as that lil' bit of a girl does, lol! :(


She's a cutie, Damenace!


I have to say, I didn't know how much I'd enjoy this thread when I started it, but it sure has turned into a nice one! There are some great looking kids here and some great, caring parents, too!


Naomi :laughing:


I have an adorable seven year old, Piglet. He always whinges about caching until we get him out of the house, then he loves it. He always has to make the swap, and he's even found caches and done the logs a few times.


But he just loves geocoins! His favourites are the MWGB Frog Prince coins, all the 911 Turbos, South Pointing Chariots (he loves the spin!), The Geocaching Zone, all the Dorkfish coins, GeoParrotheads, MWGB Geocoin Chicks and TXFTC Jeeps.


He spends hours jut going through them (takes after his mum :D ), and is always drawing them and hoarding them (I find them in all kinds of unlikely places such as hidden in his chest of drawers or in piles behind curtains!


He also LOVES getting mail, so I think a kid mission would be fantastic :D


Here is a photo of my cute little geocoin-fanatic!




Brandon is 5 years old and is really in love with pirate coins.. and I am sure if they made a Star Wars coin, he'd love that too.


A Star Wars coin would really go over well with mightyzinn. That and a Lego coin. Naturally, the ultimate coin would be a Lego Star Wars coin.


Guess I forgot to mention my son loves playing the Lego Star Wars video game.. :D


Two of my sons are also hooked on the Lego Star Wars game.....one is 33, the other is 25 :D


Well...You know my story!!!...Its in the works!!! :D


I will force my little one into GeoCoindom!!! Ill be like the parent who pushes their child into sports when they dont wanna!


Ill be like..."You will place that Moun10Bike on the first page and you will like it!!!!" "NO for the last time...You cant have my GeocoinFairy!!!!!!" "Now Pick up those coin flips and put em where their supposed to go!!!!" "Waddaya mean you want a real bike for Christmas...Thats Moun10bike!!!" (Not that I even have one)


Cant wait to mold the future of Geocoin Forums!!!! :D ...Watch Out!!!! :D


Well...You know my story!!!...Its in the works!!! :D


I will force my little one into GeoCoindom!!! Ill be like the parent who pushes their child into sports when they dont wanna!


Ill be like..."You will place that Moun10Bike on the first page and you will like it!!!!" "NO for the last time...You cant have my GeocoinFairy!!!!!!" "Now Pick up those coin flips and put em where their supposed to go!!!!" "Waddaya mean you want a real bike for Christmas...Thats Moun10bike!!!" (Not that I even have one)


Cant wait to mold the future of Geocoin Forums!!!! :D ...Watch Out!!!! :D


Hehehehe... this had me rolling :-)


Our son Thorne is five. He has already racked up a few FTFs on his own. I'm still looking at the GPS and he has the cache! :santa:

He LOVES the geopins and has a nice little collection. He carries his own swag to trade in caches too.

So far the ROT13 spinner dragons are his favorites but he is enamored with most of our collection. The GSA and Evil Masterminds are also favorites for him.


He has been a mail junkie since he was old enough to open his bank statement.


My Daughter Geocurls (Collette) cracks me up. She got her sample MYPINZ in and wanted wear one. So she says, I would like the gillter with epoxy to wear. Because those are cooler"

When we get coin samples and coins she likes to look and tell what type of metal and finish she is looking at. It is very funny.

Of course the rest of the people in my house think they are things spread out on the kitchen table, that get in the way!


Well I have kid's and I have grand kid's.

The 2 grandaughters

alexis*cacher and bella*cacher have their own set of geocoins and like my collection too.


They recently found a treasured TGF coin talk about excited.

I got more excited just watching them.


The kid's think I am a nut so they just do not get it yet.


Hope no one minds sweet little half nakie redheads on here!




Cait really does love those coins!


Naomi :blink:

This is our granddaughter, Delphyan. I think she looks a lot like Caitlin



This is our granddaughter, Delphyan. I think she looks a lot like Caitlin



OOH! They do resemble each other! Just look at those gorgeous big blue eyes, love them! And those little pinchable cheeks, squoosh squoosh!


Ahhh, they are so cute at this stage, aren't they! How old is Delphyan? Cait was born the day after I turned 40, May 23, 2006 :lol:


And thank you, CheesyPigs! :blink:


Naomi :lol:


I guess this is the time to talk about the oldest geocoin kid, our son Jason. Jason is 24 yo and because of problems that he has had his entire life cannot read or write with the exception of his name and signing the log book. Geocaching and geocoins have had a huge impact on him. Geocaching has given him the ability to concentrate. He was never able to concentrate on anything for more than a few moments. He has enjoyed geocaching so much that he hates to leave without finding the cache. He can organize his search like no one I know. Our caching friends call him the micromaster because he seems to be able to find those little devils like no one else. His eyes can pick up camo'd containers in bushes and trees almost magically. Anyone who has been to the last three GW's or any of our NC events probably know Jason as the 6'4" fellow that goes to each person wanting to trade his geocoins. Thanks to Tess and Aaron of CoinsandPins Jason has had his own geocoins for the last year and a half to trade and trade he does. The other thing with him and geocoins is his memory of them. We will be trading and he says "Dad we have that one"......he knows all of our geocoins and I sure don't. He essentially has them memorized (all 800 or so of them). Geocoins have been a boon to him in practicing memory skills and getting along with people.


Well that is the horsegeeks' geocoin kid. There are pictures all over the geocaching internet of Jason.


I guess this is the time to talk about the oldest geocoin kid, our son Jason. Jason is 24 yo and because of problems that he has had his entire life cannot read or write with the exception of his name and signing the log book. Geocaching and geocoins have had a huge impact on him. Geocaching has given him the ability to concentrate. He was never able to concentrate on anything for more than a few moments. He has enjoyed geocaching so much that he hates to leave without finding the cache. He can organize his search like no one I know. Our caching friends call him the micromaster because he seems to be able to find those little devils like no one else. His eyes can pick up camo'd containers in bushes and trees almost magically. Anyone who has been to the last three GW's or any of our NC events probably know Jason as the 6'4" fellow that goes to each person wanting to trade his geocoins. Thanks to Tess and Aaron of CoinsandPins Jason has had his own geocoins for the last year and a half to trade and trade he does. The other thing with him and geocoins is his memory of them. We will be trading and he says "Dad we have that one"......he knows all of our geocoins and I sure don't. He essentially has them memorized (all 800 or so of them). Geocoins have been a boon to him in practicing memory skills and getting along with people.


Well that is the horsegeeks' geocoin kid. There are pictures all over the geocaching internet of Jason.


THAT is what it is all about, knowing that this has such meaning and has done so much for one person!


Thanks for sharing HorseGeeks!


Naomi :blink:


PS... after Caitlyn goes to bed tonight I'm going to get a list of all these great kids together and their ages to make it easier to "pick" someone to have your kids exchange postcards or letters or whatnot with each other!

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