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The Ulimate Waypoint 2nd in series


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Posted (edited)

It has been a wait but we have the art for the 2nd in this series.


Can't wait to see the samples. Due to tight time frame to have these delivered for Christmas. We are opening them up for sales with the artwork and will update when we get photos. They will once again be available in Shiney Copper and Antique Silver. I can not guarantee delivery for International orders by Christmas. We will due the best we can, but as I said these will be tight on time. Notes on coin: Text is translucent Red same as on the Ultimate Cache coins, and the baby Jesus is 3D metal not enameled except for halo and star on back of coin.


Coin stats:

1.75 " dia.

4 mm thick

Double 3-D

Trackable with new icons for this coin

Available in Copper and Antique Silver


These can be ordered at:

Antique Silver

Shiney Copper

Edited by Flying Spaghetti Monster

I just checked and it appears that you can still order the 1st in series :lol:


Exactly,,, anyone that missed it the first time around, can get it on the re-orders. This coin series has not been set up as a limited one because we feel it has a great meaning and has a message that should be spread.

Adding links for the 1st coin here also. The Ultimate Cache.

Ultimate Cache Antique Silver

Ultimate Cache Copper


Hello all and thank you for the great e-mails that have been sent. We are trying to get an idea of the number of coins needed for order to make sure we can have them done in time. If you are interested,even if cannot do checkout at site yet, please leave a post reply here so we have a better idea of numbers needed.


At this time it looks like we will be doing a smaller run then normal. Only around 100 copper and 150 Antique silver.


Not sure if the demand will increase after coin is made or after everyone is done spending for Christmas. As with the Ultimate Cache coin. If demands can fopr a re-run we will do one, but not sure when that will be.


Just posting updates.

Posted (edited)

As promised. Photos of the Ultimate Waypoint coins.

Top is the Antique Copper only 20 of these made and only 2 will be sold.

Bottom left is Antique Silver, bottom right is Shiney copper.


Available here





Edited by T"n"T

Very cool! For those of us who said "save me a such and such coin" like I did will you bill us or how do we need to take care of it?






Orders for them can be placed on site still. I just needed to have a basic idea of how many extras to order.


All ordered coins are out. Hope they all get there for Christmas. Remeber to let his light guide you this Holiday season.

Goid's blessings from Tracy, Tank, and Justin


The most wonderful thing happened to us today - we received a parcel with our "Ultimate" coins. They are the most beautiful coins we have ever seen and the message on both series is just marvellous. We are so blessed to think that these coins were posted out just before Tank became so ill and they have now reached far away New Zealand.


Tracy, be assured of our continuing prayers for Tank - we will now set these coins up as a reminder for us to pray constantly for a real miracle to occur.


Again - many thanks for the coins - for the effort, the thought and the depth of the message.


Iris & Rodney

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