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Iowa Counties Challenge Cache


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I was looking to see if there was an Iowa Counties Challenge Cache. I didn't see any mention to one anywhere. Would you fine Iowa folks be opposed to this Minnesota Monkey planting one? For those who are unfamiliar with the County Challenge Cache idea, it'll be a cache that can be found and claimed by cachers who have found at least one cache in each of a state's counties. :unsure:

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We're fully aware of the concept. The Iowa forums have had competitions of people trying to get them all before others. (Seemed more fun that way but that's just me.)


Far as I'm concerned you can place any cache you wish provided you can maintain it. I see no reason why there can't be more than one reward cache offering the same opprotunity.


We even got ourselves a DeLorme Challenge! HeeHaw!

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Alright, thanks, I knew that method...wasn't sure if there was some slick method attached to Google that'd do it via their mapping.


I am assuming those two counties have cache locations now...have to look that up.


Unless some have recently gone away, there are traditional caches in all 99 counties of Iowa.



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Alright, thanks, I knew that method...wasn't sure if there was some slick method attached to Google that'd do it via their mapping.


I am assuming those two counties have cache locations now...have to look that up.


Unless some have recently gone away, there are traditional caches in all 99 counties of Iowa.



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I'm close enough to Wyoming that I perfer thier county Challenge. Just 23 caches.


And a really long drive.


Pfffft, 23? 99?...and a long drive? sheesh. :D


I'm up to only 52 of our 254 counties....and only a couple of several hundred mile trips so far.


Im kinda suprized that the counties weren't left 'bigger'. Texas has more counties than any other state, but is 18th largest in terms of size. Had the orginal 23 been left the county size would average like 11000 sq mi, second to only Alaska :(

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