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Beginning GPS Unit

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Posted (edited)



I have just spent the last 3 hours trolling the net looking for a great affordable unitt to start geocaching with my family. To be honest by brain is on overload and it's difficult to make sense of it all - color or no color, Garmin vs. Megallen, memory cards, maps to buy . . . it just got to be too much. Could anyone suggest a unit that is an all in the box and affordable for a starting out geocacher? Say around $200?



Edited by House of Gemini

You can get a Garmin VistaHCx for $240 from Offroute.com. That is a lot of unit. You can get a card for it and by map software for it, but it will work fine for geocaching without the card and the maps. You could also get a Summit HCx from the same source for $195. The Summit is basically the same unit except that it has a fixed memory and doesn't accept the card. You could spend about half that amount and get an eTrexH. The latter really is a "beginner GPS". But, once you start, you will probably want more so, you might as well start with one that has the additional features, including the maps. Then, you can decide later whether you want to purchase anything more than the very basic map that comes with the unit.

Posted (edited)

I'll second the recommendation for the plain yellow etrex. I got mine for $50 on e-bay, then spent another $10 for a data cable. It doesn't have maps, but the maps on a GPS are no substitute for real maps anyway. And there is SO MUCH you can do nowadays with GoogleEarth, www.topozone.com, etc.


Now that I've had it for a year, I have a much better idea of what I want in my next GPSr.

Edited by oxothuk

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