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Kentucky DeLorme Challenge


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How hard is it to create a DeLorme Challenge for a state? Is it time-consuming to monitor and track progress for participants? How do you validate a find from each page? What about Completion "Prizes" or coins?? Do we pay for them and give them to the individuals who complete the challenge?


I am asking because I was looking at the challenges and saw that Kentucky does not have one and I would POSSIBLY be interested in starting one.


Any experience from people who run them or have known someone to sponsor a Challenge?


I know this could be a huge response, but I'm seriously interested in doing this.


Thanks very much in advance!!!

Posted (edited)
Is it time-consuming to monitor and track progress for participants? How do you validate a find from each page? What about Completion "Prizes" or coins?? Do we pay for them and give them to the individuals who complete the challenge?


It isn't your responsibility to monitor and track progress for participants. Persons who have completed the challenge should have created a bookmarked list of their challenge caches, which you can PQ. That gives you a group of caches to check. Those who aren't premium members should provide you with a list of GCxxxx numbers. If people will provide log dates, that's enormously helpful. You could require that, though I wouldn't expect total compliance.


You need some good mapping software with the proper grids (generally as .gpx) so you can drop the caches into them and that verify the physical locations= the appropriate grids. You can open each cache and verify that a log exists for that cacher within the Challenge time framework. Is it time consuming? yeah, but you get better at it with repetition.


Note that owning a DeLorme Challenge requires a special exception to the listing guidelines, re: email for coordinates. It's an exception that's allowed only for those type of caches.


Prizes, like any other cache, are what you wish to supply. If you're feeling flush, giving each individual a coin would be highly appreciated, I'm sure. :D

Edited by Max Cacher

Thanks for the information Palmetto....I will look at the page you provided. I have also received and email from another cacher interested in assisting me in getting this 'off the ground'.


Again, I appreciate the info and the great response.






Elizabethtown, KY

Posted (edited)

How hard is it to create a DeLorme Challenge for a state? Is it time-consuming to monitor and track progress for participants? How do you validate a find from each page? What about Completion "Prizes" or coins?? Do we pay for them and give them to the individuals who complete the challenge?


I am asking because I was looking at the challenges and saw that Kentucky does not have one and I would POSSIBLY be interested in starting one.


Any experience from people who run them or have known someone to sponsor a Challenge?



Team DDNight, I have the priviledge of running the Louisiana Delorme Challenge. Here is how the great cachers of Louisiana went about setting it up. Moun10Bike (Washington Delorme), Prtnr1 (Mississippi Delorme), Blue Blazes, and Mtn-Man all helped us out.... and gave invaluable insight on setting it up. I can't thank those guys enough.




1. When it was first proposed in our state geocaching forums, there were several delorme maps that still lacked any caches on it. After we discussed it, several cachers then went out and placed caches on these maps, just for others to be able to complete them. That was great teamwork. You might want to see just how many others will help you, because you may definitely need it. You'll need to identify if all the maps have caches already placed in them.


2. The whole purpose of our Delorme Challenge is to get geocachers to visit/travel our entire state....to see and experience all that Louisiana has to offer. We didn't want to penalize anyone who may have already traveled about the state geocaching and take these cache counts away. We tried to make it as fair as possible for everyone. We actually made 2 ftf categories. You could use any hides/finds from any date, and/or you could use only hides/finds after the day the challenge was proposed. By doing it this way, then the ones who have been geocaching for awhile could get a ftf using old cache hides/finds, and the ones just starting out would also be able to get a ftf by using only new hides/finds.


3. There were 3 LA delorme maps that basically are all water (if you can believe that about Louisiana). We intentionally omitted these maps from being required to complete the challenge. You can't expect anyone to pull a boat around the whole state. :rolleyes:


4. We have made a plaque, shaped like the State of Louisiana. Everyone who completes the Challenge, has their name inscribed on the plaque. I take the plaque to geoevents, to show off these cachers. I also have a miniature plaque made for each geocacher, to have of their own. There are even some Delorme Challenge geocoins available. Whatever prizes you want to give, is totally up to you. I wouldn't believe that cachers who complete this challenge are as concerned with the trade swag/prize as much as they are the personal satisfaction they receive from doing it.




As I stated above, our Delorme Challenge is a true geocaching community effort. Many geocachers have donated their time and talents in setting it up. The Delorme to me (and from what I can read from everyone's logs) is about the experiences you'll encounter along the way in finding caches on every map.


I'll be glad to share any wisdom I may have gained from administering the LA Delorme Challenge, if you like. Feel free to email me at hktire@aol.com




P.S. Once you get your delorme challenge up and going, expect a visit from Blue Blazes. He has already completed the LA, MS, PA, and CT delorme challenges. He is a geocaching workhorse.


EDIT: Hey!! Wait a minute. You said Kentucky Delorme Challenge. Ughhh, as you can see from my geocaching name, I don't think I need to be helping you after all. Not that I'm holding a grudge or anything. LOL :D

Edited by LSUFan



Thank you very much for the insight on the DeLorme Challenge! It is valuable information that JJC and I will use in preparation for setting up the KY Challenge.


I'm sure it will take a huge effort to do, but I know we have some AWESOME cachers here in KY and they will be more than happy to assist if necessary.


I live here, but am not from here! Not that KY is bad or anything, but I am from the Left Coast and don't really follow sports either! I plan on staying in KY after I retire from the Army in 3 years.


Thanks again,




Be on the lookout for the Kentucky DeLorme Challenge going "LIVE" on the very start of the New Year!! January 1st, 2008 will be the kick off date for it. Fill your tanks and put on the snow tires.....who will be FTF???


Be on the lookout for the Kentucky DeLorme Challenge going "LIVE" on the very start of the New Year!! January 1st, 2008 will be the kick off date for it. Fill your tanks and put on the snow tires.....who will be FTF???


So Team_DDNight are you putting it together? If you need any help, e-mail me at turtle3863@yahoo.com and i will help. I thought about putting out the county challenge, but Southpaw beat me to it.

Posted (edited)

So Team_DDNight are you putting it together? If you need any help, e-mail me at turtle3863@yahoo.com and i will help. I thought about putting out the county challenge, but Southpaw beat me to it.


Turtle....I just might take you up on that offer! Jumpin' Jack Cache and I are putting this on and he's been in contact with Bluegrassreviewer (numerous times) on setting it up. The reviewers have been great and know the special circumstances involved the the DeLorme Challenge Caches.


We are definitely set for a Jan 1, 2008 start though.


I will contact you via GC.com....

Edited by Team_DDNight

So Team_DDNight are you putting it together? If you need any help, e-mail me at turtle3863@yahoo.com and i will help. I thought about putting out the county challenge, but Southpaw beat me to it.


Turtle....I just might take you up on that offer! Jumpin' Jack Cache and I are putting this on and he's been in contact with Bluegrassreviewer IronHorseReviewer (numerous times) on setting it up. The reviewers have been great and know the special circumstances involved the the DeLorme Challenge Caches.


We are definitely set for a Jan 1, 2008 start though.


I will contact you via GC.com....


fixed... :)


I contacted all 3 Ky reviewers. IHR has been very helpful and encouraging & seems to be handling it for us. I'm sure they've all talked it over, though. <_<

Posted (edited)

Zsandmann has pointed out to me that Delorme is revising some of it's State Atlases. The newer atlas, have changed the maps for the state. There is currently a discussion going on in another forum about Moun10bike's Washington Delorme atlas now having 10 fewer pages than the older version of the Delorme Atlas. I would assume that the map scale has been changed for this to occur. This would also change what caches are located on what pages.


Washington Delorme


You might want to see if Kentucky has a newer version being printed. That way, you can see if there have been notable changes.

Edited by LSUFan

Zsandmann has pointed out to me that Delorme is revising some of it's State Atlases. The newer atlas, have changed the maps for the state. There is currently a discussion going on in another forum about Moun10bike's Washington Delorme atlas now having 10 fewer pages than the older version of the Delorme Atlas. I would assume that the map scale has been changed for this to occur. This would also change what caches are located on what pages.


Washington Delorme


You might want to see if Kentucky has a newer version being printed. That way, you can see if there have been notable changes.


Thanks for the tip. I bought a new copy when I started working on the Challenge, mainly because my old copy was too worn to take a decent picture of for the page. It's the same edition that is currently for sale on DeLorme's website so we should be good unless a new edition is in the works.

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