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A New Geocointest


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OK, other folks have done geocointests, I thought I’d put one out there to celebrate the release of my 300th geocoin into the wild. As was the case with my #100 and #200 geocoins, there is a contest associated with finding the geocoin in the wild and placing it in a cache. Just for grins, I thought I’d try a separate contest related to where the geocoin will start its travels.


I haven’t dropped the coin yet, but I expect that I will in the not too distant future. I have no particular place in mind to drop the coin. When I get to an appropriate cache after dropping #299, I’ll place #300 in a cache. I do plan to drop the geocoin somewhere in the United States. It will probably be dropped before the end of the year.


There are several questions with separate prizes. The first to answer correctly will win the prize. After I get this started, I don’t plan to check on this thread until I complete the drop of the geocoin. If you have any questions, please contact me through my Geocaching.com profile. If the question deals with ambiguity in the cointest rules, I may post the question and answer in this thread.


There will be separate prizes for each category. It will be possible to win multiple categories. ONE guess per geocacher.


The questions:

  • What type of geocoin did I activate and will I be dropping as my #300 coin? (winner gets one of my Geotags)
  • On what date will I drop my 300th geocoin? (closest without going over wins both of my V.2 geojellies)
  • In what state will I drop my 300th geocoin? (winner gets both of my V.1 geojellies)
  • And a tough one – In what county will I drop my 300th geocoin? (winner, if there is one, gets one each of my V.1 and V.2 geojellies and a Geotag geocoin – 5 coins total.)


Your entry can contain up to four pieces of information:


Type of coin activated:

Date of drop:

State of drop:

County of drop:


I will only consider the answers in the first post by each geocacher. For each separate category, the first geocacher who posts the correct answer will win the prize for that category. (This contest could have between one and four separate winners).


I’ll be back . . . eventually.

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GeoTag Geocoin #300 - Contest Coin

Released: Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Origin: North Carolina, United States

TB code: TB1PBH3


I'm guessing it will be dropped on THANKSGIVING in Sogwipo, South Korea. (I have no idea, maybe you are planning a return??)


Edit: blast it all, nochipra picked the same date before my post, changed to thanksgiving in south korea!

Edited by scavok
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The questions:

  • What type of geocoin did I activate and will I be dropping as my #300 coin? (winner gets one of my Geotags)
  • On what date will I drop my 300th geocoin? (closest without going over wins both of my V.2 geojellies)
  • In what state will I drop my 300th geocoin? (winner gets both of my V.1 geojellies)
  • And a tough one – In what county will I drop my 300th geocoin? (winner, if there is one, gets one each of my V.1 and V.2 geojellies and a Geotag geocoin – 5 coins total.)

Your entry can contain up to four pieces of information:


Type of coin activated: Thanksgiving coin

Date of drop: Nov 21 (my 40th birthday)! (day before Thanksgiving)

State of drop: Rhode Island (spelling sorry - from Africa!)

County of drop: Providence


I will only consider the answers in the first post by each geocacher. For each separate category, the first geocacher who posts the correct answer will win the prize for that category. (This contest could have between one and four separate winners).


I’ll be back . . . eventually.

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Type of coin activated: a GeoTag - but not one of his own ie. someone elses GeoTag that he has activated

Date of drop: 17th Nov 2007 (rattusbaggus' (my son) Birthday)

State of drop: South Carolina

County of drop: Horry County


For someone not familiar with the US, this was a hard exercise!

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And the winners are . . .


Type of coin activated: GeoTag geocoin - Nochipra

Date of drop: October 28 - The Walkabouts

State of drop: Virginia - MommyFinder

County of drop: Charlotte - no winner (like the lottery, this one was a long

shot. Even knowing my cache plans at the start of the day, I would have predicted

the wrong county)


B) Please contact me with your mailing address so I can get your coins in the mail. B)

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Sogwipo, South Korea.


Thats what I get for posting in a hurry. county, not countRy!




GeoTag Geocoin #300 - Contest Coin

Released: Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Origin: North Carolina, United States

TB code: TB1PBH3


I'm guessing it will be dropped on THANKSGIVING in Charleston County, SC B)

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