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First International Geocoin Math Trade

Team 'zZZz'

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Hello everybody,


As I got postive feedback to my question about an international geocoin math trade (see this thread) I think its about time to start one :blink:


All actions for this trade can either be done via this Google spreadsheet or within in this thread (I will include then all offered / regrouped coins into the spreadsheet).


Please note that the spreadsheet is a shared document - you'll need to be invited to place your coin offers in it (simply send me a PM with your email)!


The time frames for this trade (all times are GC forum times):


Offer Period: until Oct. 25, 12:00 am (high noon)

Regroup Period : Oct. 25 - Oct. 27, 12:00 am (high noon) - no new coins allowed!

Send Want Lists: until Nov. 2, 12:00 am (high noon)

Process Lists: planned for Nov. 3


Depending on the situation, the "Regroup Period" may be shortened or be shut down at all (I will ask for that!), and the "Send Want List Period" may be shortened ... if you already knwo what you want and all have send their want list via PM to me there's no need to wait :P


I've already placed some coins in the spreadsheet to give you an example about the details I would expect from you ... more coins are sure to come from my side!


So feel invited to join this First International Math Trade and have fun with us (right now there should be about a dozen international traders involved) !!!


Keep an eye on this thread - I will use it to post additional information whenever needed ... !


That's all for now - don't hesitate to ask when something appears unclear, I will to my best to answer as precise as possible!


Have fun,



PS: Please keep in mind that I'm about 10 hours ahead of forum time ... answers can take a bit (as do the invitations to the spreadsheet!)

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Current status: 60 coins in the actual offer list ...


Please remember: You can place every coin you have to trade into the offer list without any risk - if you don't see a suitable trade for you in the list you simply place an empty want list (or even no want list at all) for this coin ... so this coin will not be traded at all!


Have fun,



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just added a few more. I'm really looking forward to have some trades.


I have a suggestion :) . Since this is the "first International Math Trade" and the International here has some value, i would like to know the nationalities of the other collectores. I've added a column and inserted mine (i'm from Portugal). If you desagree please delete that :)



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just added a few more. I'm really looking forward to have some trades.


I have a suggestion :) . Since this is the "first International Math Trade" and the International here has some value, i would like to know the nationalities of the other collectores. I've added a column and inserted mine (i'm from Portugal). If you desagree please delete that <_<




Thanks for the input! As you can see, someone already filled in some locations ... no, it wasn't me :antenna: For the ones that are still missing I assume that they are all from the US.


@all: Any other ideas for the current (or future) Math Trades?



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Status Update ...


Last call for the Offering Period - only 4 hours left ... so hurry up !!!


Currently 184 coins in the Offer List !!!


Please remember, this is a no-risk-at-all trade !!! You can offer the coins without any risk - if you don't find any suitable trades you won't trade your coin(s)!!!


Have fun,



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Ok, how do we contact the people whose coins we want, they process hasn't really been explained out. I read all the forum posts and the google spreadsheet. Do we make offers to you or to the actual person?


Process is the following:


Once the Offer Period and the Regroup Period is over, I will publish the complete coin list with an additional, unique ID for each coin. Afterwards you will have to create your Want List and send it as PM to me.


A Want List is usually a text file (or the PM itself) with the following format:


- each single line represents one of your offered coins and starts with the Coin-ID from the final list


- after a "delimiter sign" (usually a ':') you place all the IDs of those coins that you would accept for your coin as a trade, in order of your priority and with a blank as delimiter


Remember: If you don't find a suitable trade for one of your coins, you simply skip this coin in your Want List!


Well, that's all ... after I received all Want Lists I will create an input file for the software and run the TradeMaximizer in order to arrange the max amount of trades possible.


Short example:


Theoretical Final Offer List:
ID		 CoinName
zZZz-001  Psychochicken
zZZz-002  Geocaching All-in-One 2007
ABCD-001  Regions of Germany
AVRO-001  What-ever-its-name-is
AVRO-002  Another_one
AVRO-003  HTF-Coin

Your Want List may look like this:

AVRO-001 : zZZz-001 ABCD-001
AVRO-002 : zZZz-001
AVRO-003 :


Explanation of your Want List:


- for your first coin (AVRO-001) you will accept either the zZZz-001 "Psychochicken" or the ABCD-001 "Regions of Germany" as a trade. Highest priority lies on the zZZz-001 "Psychochicken". If you can't get this coin somehow, you won't trade your coin (AVRO-001)


- your second coin (AVRO-002) will only be traded if you can get the zZZz-001 "Psychochicken". Again, if you can't get this coin, you won't trade your (AVRO-002)


- for your third coin (AVRO-003) you haven't found a suitable trade in the Final Offer List, so you don't include any ID (or you simply skip this line completely)


For further explanations I would suggest to read the following document (which I have linked in the first thread, asking for the general interest in a Math Trade): TradeMaximizer


I hope this answers the question ...



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Offer Period is closed ...


Thanks to all participants for listing a total of 184 coins!!! Quite a huge amount to choose the trades from :(


We now enter a two days Regroup Period (ending Oct. 27, 12:00 am forum time)


The Regroup Period gives all participants the chance to merge two or more of their coins into a single offer. Intention for this is to make an own offer more attractive to others (and therefore to have a potentially higher chance to get a specifically wanted coin).


To regroup your offers, simply edit the ID of the coins you want to merge: add an 'a' to the ID of the first coin, copy the choosen coin ID to the second coin and add a 'b' ... and so on.


Example may look like this:

15a  USER_A	 Coin_number_one
15b  USER_A	 next_coin
15c  USER_A	 third_and_last_coin		


If you don't intend to regroup your offers (or if you are finished) - please send a short PM ... maybe we can shorten this period :(



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I hadn't thought about this before, but I'm somewhat worried about the Math Trade organizing it so that I have to send 3 or 4 $X.xx packages to Europe.


Any Canadians know how much it costs to send a bubble mailer to Europe?


1 geocoin in a bubble mailer about 6" x 10" or less...and less than 1/4" thicks costs $3.55 or $3.65 (somewhere around there) to mail to Europe.

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Regroup Period is closed ... !


Please create your Want List for your coins (see 3 posts above for details) and send them via PM to me. Use the given IDs in the spreadsheet to refer to the coins.


Latest date for your Want Lists: Nov. 2, 12:00 am (high noon)


I removed everybody as collaborator from the spreadshett - no more editing is possible!


Please use the following links to access the spreadsheet: Math Trade Spreadsheet


If there are any questions about the Want List feel free to ask!


When sending your Want List please state whether your Want List is final or not!


In the case that everybody has sent their final list, I will start processing the lists earlier and therefore ending the trade earlier!





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Just to be clear, what syntax do you want our responses in?

e.g. Do you want our usernames, colons as delimeters, etc?


I've just been reading through the linked documentation, and it seems like having us send you the data in a common syntax would really help you out.


Yes, that would really help :)


I've noticed that the explanation given a few posts above might not be as clear as it should. I will try to work out a step-by-step guide on how to create a want list for this math trade in the next hours.


Sorry, but right now I'm quite busy with other things (e.g. to earn my daily money :) )



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... with a little delay, here is the (first draft) of the:


A step-by-step guide to create want lists


First of all, take a closer look into the final coin offer list: you will see that every single coin is listed in a seperate row, each having an entry in the corresponding columns for ID, Owner, Coin Name, Remark, and Country.


The entries for ID and Coin Name are the most important for the trade. Of course it's nice to see who's owning this coin, which remarks are given or where the coin is located - but this can be ignored for the creation of your want list.


In the whole coin offer list the ID colum has unique entries, whereas in the Coin Name column the same name of a coin may appear if offered by different participants (in different rows, of course ). So the entry in the ID field for each coin can (and will) be used as an unique and exact identifier for each coin.


The general idea for a want list is to define, which own coin can be traded against which other offered coin. To define this, the following syntax used:


Own_Coin_ID : Want_Coin_ID_1  Want Coin_ID_2  Want_Coin_ID_3 ... Want_Coin_ID_N


(a ':' is used as a seperator between the Own_Coin_ID and the choosen wanted coins; the wanted coins are seperated with a " " [blank] ).


As you can see, you have to specify a single "Own_Coin_ID" and to list the possible IDs of all coins that you would accept as a trade for this coin (as specified by "Own_Coin_ID). You are free to choose from all other coins. Furthermore, your are not limited to a single coin - you can append all coins (via their respective coin ID's) that you are accepting as a trade. And if you would append the IDs of all other coins this would be okay!


The apperance of the IDs of the wanted coins if of importance as it represents the "order" of the coins that you are accepting as a trade for your coin. In the first position the "most wanted" coin should appear, in the last position the "least acceptable" coin.


If there is only one coin that you would trade your own coin for, there will be only one Want_Coin_ID. If there is no coin that you find acceptable as a trade, you put no Want_Coin_ID behind your Own_Coin_ID ...


As you might have read between the lines, you are asked to fill out a single line according to the syntax above for each of your own coins.


It's quite logical that you will accept the same coin from others as a trade for several of your coins. Simply add this coin ID to the lines for each of your coins.


Let's end the theory and come to a real life example: I will present my own (hypothetical!!!) want list ...


With a short look to the final coin offer list, I own the coins with the IDs 1 to 14 (as I am listed with the nick 'zZZz') so my trade list is 14 lines long.


Here are my thoughts and how I realize them in my want list:


- I intend to say that my "Psychochicken" coin (ID: 1) is quite rare and I want to trade it only against a coin that I would assume of having the same "rarity". The coins with the IDs 139 and 141 cought my attention (it the "Lancashire" and the "Laptop" coin) and I would favor the "Laptop" over/before the "Lancashire. So my entry for my "Psychochicken" would look like this:


1 : 141 139


I also offered a bunch of other coins that I have some feelings about, that I really like, that I regard as "nice to have" for others, or whatever. They are important to me and I would like to get in return only some coins that are really on my personal seeking list. My coins have the IDs from 2 to 12. I look into the coin offer list and find a few suitable coins - but only 10 of them. I can list the 10 wanted coin ID for each of my coins - but this will mean that I will not trade all of my coins: 12 offered but only 10 specified as wants - even if I receive all the 10 wanted coins I will only trade away 10 of mine ...


For those 12 coins I choose the coins with the IDs 150 to 160 and that's also the priority I choose for the wanted coins. So I include them in my want list. This list looks now like this:


1 : 141 139
2 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
3 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
4 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
5 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
6 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
7 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
8 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
9 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
10 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
11 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
12 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160


Let's go on with the example. For some reason I do not want to trade away my coin with the ID 13 (it's the "Unity 2006, ant. silver). Maybe I simply wont give it away or maybe I decided to trade this specific coin with somebody else ... you know "I will make him an offer he can't deny!" ... So this is a simple one: Either I don't list my coin with the ID 13 in my want list or I deceide to put an empty line for the wanted coins. I will take the latter approach. So I add the following line to my want list:


13 :


Last but not least, there is the last coin I offered: the coin with ID 14 ("Uckermark, ant. bronze"). Honestly said (theoretically!!! this is only an example!!!) I am quite happy if I could trade away this coin for anything else on the list. So I can put every other coin ID as a want for this coin - and I will do so! (Okay, I'll save some characters here in this example - please forgive me, but you know what I mean).


So my last line would look like:


14 : 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 [all in between] 184


Well, now I have my want list for this trade completed! For the convenience of my host, I will add my nick in parantheses in front of each line ...


The whole list looks like this (except for the last line):


(zZZz) 1 : 141 139
(zZZz) 2 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
(zZZz) 3 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
(zZZz) 4 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
(zZZz) 5 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
(zZZz) 6 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
(zZZz) 7 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
(zZZz) 8 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
(zZZz) 9 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
(zZZz) 10 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
(zZZz) 11 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
(zZZz) 12 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
(zZZz) 13 :
(zZZz) 14 : 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 [all in between] 184


Now I can send the list as a PM to the host of this Math Trade ...


I hope that the example above is detailed enough so that everybody is able to create and send a want list. I appologize for any problems that have arised ...


Nevertheless, if anything is still unclear ... please, please, please ask!!! I am aware of the fact that my english has a very strong "german style" [8D] but I will do my best for you!




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Are n-for-1 and/or 1-for-n offers possible ?


For example, suppose that I really want coin number 101, but I don't think that I have something of comparable value


Is there a way for me to offer two (or more) of my coins for the single coin that I want ?


Conversely, is the reverse allowed ?

Say that I believe that one of my coins is worth more than any single coin that I want

Can I specify that I will only trade my single coin for two (or more) other coins ?


If either or both of the above are possible, how are they treated ?

Do they have higher priority, lower priority, or the same priority as any other offer ?

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Are n-for-1 and/or 1-for-n offers possible ?


For example, suppose that I really want coin number 101, but I don't think that I have something of comparable value


Is there a way for me to offer two (or more) of my coins for the single coin that I want ?


Conversely, is the reverse allowed ?

Say that I believe that one of my coins is worth more than any single coin that I want

Can I specify that I will only trade my single coin for two (or more) other coins ?


If either or both of the above are possible, how are they treated ?

Do they have higher priority, lower priority, or the same priority as any other offer ?


Not that I'm an expert, but I'll take a stab at these questions.


Short answer, yes.


In this math trade, there was two days when we were allowed to group our coins. To my knowledge, no one in our trade did group their coins, but we certainly were allowed to. At this point in the trade, though, it isn't possible to group the coins, because we all have to be working from a common list for it to work.


So if you had a grouped offer, you could have specified the premium coin in your want list.


Conversely, if you have the premium coin, and you only wish to receive the grouped coins, you would specify that in your want list for that coin. If you feel that nothing in the trade group meets the value you associate with your premium coin, you simply give a blank want list for that coin, and it doesn't trade.


All of this leg work has to be done in the offer/regroup period.


I'm sure Dirk will step in and give a more clear explanation, but I think that covers it.




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Thanks for the answer Brady - yes, that really covers it !


But as I'm expected to fill in all those little bits and pieces of detail I will do so :mad:


First of all, let's go a little bit more abstract and theoretical (don't hit me too hard, I'll fill it with real life examples afterwards):


- in a Math Trade you only place an offer in the offer list and in return you specify which offer you'll take in the want list. Please note, that I speak explicitely of "offer" and not of "coin(s)". As a result of it, you can do only 1-on-1 trades (for the offers!)


- in a Math Trade you place your offers to the whole group of all participants - not to a single person! If your offer is attractive to someone, you can receive one of your wants (as specified in your want list). Again, what you receive is "from all offers of the list" and not from the specific person, that found _your_ offer attractive.


- a Math Trade (clearer: the software used to calculate the trades) will always prefer circle trades in order to achieve the maximum number of possible trades! So usually it collects several offers and builds the "circle" trade out of it. A direct trade between two participants is possible (of course!) but will only happen if it does not harm the mamimum number of trades.


- in order to be able to trade in a Math Trade, your offer has to be "attractive" to at least one person. If it's attracting more persons ... even better as this will give the software the possibility to use your offer in a wider range of all possible trades!


(okay, wake up - theory lesson is almost over) :D


That said, I will now present some theoretical ideas ...


You offer a HTF/valuable-to-you coin:

Quite an easy one: Take a look at the final offer list and choose the offers you find attractive and place them in your want list. Please keep in mind that in a Math Trade you do "1-on-1" trades, which means you will only receive one of the choosen offers in return (again: I stated "offer" and do not mean "coin(s)"!)


You want to hunt down a HTF/valuable-to-you coin:

Now the fun part starts as you have (at least) two choices.

Either you think that all your offers (which include usually only a single coin - ah, now we come to speak of coins!) are attractive enough that there is somehow the chance that you will receive the wanted coin for one of yours - so no action is needed.

Or you may want to make your offer more attractive by merging several offers into a single offer - so several coins become a single offer! This is done in the so called "Regroup Period". In this period no new coins will appear, but all participants have the chance to regroup in order to raise attention to their offers!


Coming back to the one who offered the HTF/valuable-to-him coin: After the "regroup period" is over, he can take another look into the final offer list if he hasn't already found an acceptable offer ... and now there's the chance for him that he find a single suitable offer that has several coins in it! If there's still nothing of interest in it ... he simply does not define a want list for this HTF coin and doesn't trade it.


okay, let's stop all theory ... real life is back again :huh:


What would I do to hunt down a HTF coin?


From all what I've written above it's only logical that I will create "attractive" offers in the regroup period. First I would think about, how many and which of my offered coin I would spend as a maximum to trade for this HTF coin. Then I would start to merge those offers into several(!) offers, each merged offer containg at least two coins, some with three coins and, maybe, a single offer with four or even 5 coins in it. If I'm willing to spend only two coins for that HTF coin, I will surely only merge two coins into single offers ...


Remember, it's all about making your offers attractive, which means that several people will include my offers into their want list. And as a result the software used to calculate the trades will have more choices for me!


Please excuse me if I've written like some kind of "teacher" here ... my intention was only to make people aware of how things work in a Math Trade and to remove the most common "error" to think of direct person-to-person trades in a Math Trade.


I hope this answer is of some help to all of you (maybe for the next Math Trade?) ...




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i'm looking forward to see the final listing and start trading.

Beeing new with geocoin trading i was really naif ;) in what to ask. I think i said i want really beautifull coins :D probably expensive and rare coins :D and have little to offer. Lets see what the machine says :)


Well. in the end this is a very good way to establish stronger bonds with this comunity (the other one is the secret mission for Christmas)

Thank you all. And thank you 'zZZz' for all the work



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Hi PLNauta, no need to panic! :D 2 of your coins went on my small 'want to trade' list, so you have more to offer than you think.

I'm looking forward to the final listing and start trading as well. And yes I too say thank you all and thank you Dirk for all the work you put into this. :D


Well your list is huge :D . You have lots and lots of beautifull coins :lol:

This became really interesting and funny. I wonder what will be the results from "THE" machine :D



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i'm looking forward to see the final listing and start trading.

Beeing new with geocoin trading i was really naif :D in what to ask. I think i said i want really beautifull coins :D probably expensive and rare coins :lol: and have little to offer. Lets see what the machine says :D


Hey, I have also choose something of your list. So if you have choosen something of mine, there is a (small) chance we have a trade (if i understood everything correctly).


Otherwise we can always make a trade afterwards.


tot cache,

team Wij Drie :D

Edited by Wij Drie
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This became really interesting and funny. I wonder what will be the results from "THE" machine :lol:


... me, too - me, too !!! :D


I'm missing one list in the moment but have been emailed that the list should appear today. Honestly said I would like to wait for it to arrive.


Any concerns about it? Yes, I know, a rule is a rule is a rule ... :D



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not concerned here. Its an international trade. Sometimes hard to coordinate schedules.


PL- you're on my wishlist too. Sounds like you are very popular!


<fingers crossed that my wishlists are filled>


I can´t get more international than this. Australia and USA. :D

Why am i popular. Oh why? I guess i'll see it soon.



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By the way: As I said before ... a rule is a rule is a rule ...


If someone has complains about the additional waiting time simply send a PM to me (no need to do that in the public!). I will only wait if you all agree on it :D:lol:


Or if anyone intends to set a maximum time frame ... please do so!


Yes, I have set the rules for this Math Trade as I'm hosting it - but as I'm a participant on the same time I really would like to see a common agreement about it :D



(tends to seek the harmony as it seems :D )

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Take a look at your coins - not the badest ones, I would assume :D




Bad ones :D I didn't know there are bad coins in the list :D

As i said i'm starting and i'm really looking forward to see some trades from far places. I'm also thinking to send a TB with the coins just to figure out if it will find its way home.




ps. waiting time. I'm allready lost in time zones. Just make sure that "THE" machine be there :lol:

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Status update: Last list is still missing ... I'll send a last reminder.


Far past midnight for me - I'll go and catch some sleep now.


I intend to start the software in about 8-9 hours ... regardless if the list is there or not.


Hope that this is okay for you (yes, I will read this thread before I start)


Good night,


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Hope that this is okay for you (yes, I will read this thread before I start)

No matter which option you choose (wait some more or run your prog), it's ok for me.


I'm sitting here chewing my nails back to the elbow :D waiting for the results, but on the other hand there's no need to hurry and loose some coins not to be traded.

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Ladies and Gentlemen ... drum-rolls, please ...


The First International Math Trade is finished!!!


Before I post the results I would like to add some statistics for it:


- 184 coins offered

- 164 coins were given a want list

- 20 coins with no want list

- 95 coins (out of 164) were traded in total ... that's a rate of ... you do the math

- 5 circle trades were established to do the trades, the largest one includes 40 coins!


I would like to say a big "Thank you!" to all of you !!! It has been a pleasure do host this trade and I really hope you somehow enjoied it (or at least you will do when the coins arrive)!


The full input and output for the TradeMaximizer software can be found in the spreadsheet, I will only present the most interesting parts here.


How to read the list:

In the first column you will find your name and the respective coin ID for this line, next column says whether you traded this coin or not and which coin you receive from whom (again with ID). The last column states, to whom you will have to send your coin (specified in the first column). The ID given in the last column is of no interest here ...


It's now up to you to exchange your postal addresses and to send the coins in a timely manner!


Again, if any questions arise ... please ask!


Okay ... you've waited long enough ... here's the outcome of the trade:


ITEM SUMMARY (95 total trades):

(3BLINDEYES) 110					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 111		 receives (KDV) 51				 and sends to (DOC256) 41
(3BLINDEYES) 112		 receives (WUTZEBEAR) 83		   and sends to (ZZZZ) 8
(3BLINDEYES) 113					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 114					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 115					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 116		 receives (ZAZTH) 75			   and sends to (WIJ DRIE) 59
(3BLINDEYES) 117		 receives (DOC256) 40			  and sends to (WIJ DRIE) 60
(3BLINDEYES) 118					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 119					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 120					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 121					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 122					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 123					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 124		 receives (AVROAIR) 101			and sends to (PLNAUTA) 99
(3BLINDEYES) 125					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 126					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 127					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 128					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 129					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 130					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 131					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 132					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 133					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 134					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 135					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 136					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 137					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 138					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 139		 receives (PLNAUTA) 98			 and sends to (EL_ROLFO) 21
(3BLINDEYES) 140					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 141					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 142		 receives (EL_ROLFO) 22			and sends to (KDV) 50
(3BLINDEYES) 143		 receives (DOC256) 41			  and sends to (KDV) 51
(3BLINDEYES) 144		 receives (GEOCACHINGDRAGON) 183   and sends to (KDV) 49
(3BLINDEYES) 145					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 146					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 147					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 148					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 149					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 150					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 151					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 152					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 153					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 154					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 155					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 156					 does not trade
(3BLINDEYES) 157		 receives (KDV) 50				 and sends to (WUTZEBEAR) 84
(3BLINDEYES) 158		 receives (PLNAUTA) 100			and sends to (WUTZEBEAR) 85
(3BLINDEYES) 159					 does not trade
(AVROAIR) 101			receives (ZZZZ) 2				 and sends to (3BLINDEYES) 124
(AVROAIR) 102			receives (ZZZZ) 3				 and sends to (MR.EXPLORER3) 16
(AVROAIR) 103						does not trade
(AVROAIR) 104			receives (ZZZZ) 1				 and sends to (GEOCACHINGDRAGON) 183
(AVROAIR) 105						does not trade
(AVROAIR) 106			receives (ZZZZ) 4				 and sends to (LOSMUERTOS) 70
(AVROAIR) 107			receives (ZZZZ) 5				 and sends to (WUTZEBEAR) 83
(AVROAIR) 108			receives (ZZZZ) 6				 and sends to (ZZZZ) 10
(AVROAIR) 109			receives (SWEDENHAWK) 28		  and sends to (THOTO) 160
(BUGGYMATTES) 87		 receives (WIJ DRIE) 61			and sends to (EL_ROLFO) 26
(BUGGYMATTES) 88		 receives (DOC256) 44			  and sends to (MOSCOW32) 54
(BUGGYMATTES) 89		 receives (EL_ROLFO) 20			and sends to (MOSCOW32) 56
(BUGGYMATTES) 90		 receives (ZZZZ) 10				and sends to (EL_ROLFO) 20
(BUGGYMATTES) 91					 does not trade
(BUGGYMATTES) 92		 receives (SWEDENHAWK) 36		  and sends to (WUTZEBEAR) 78
(BUGGYMATTES) 93		 receives (WIJ DRIE) 62			and sends to (EL_ROLFO) 22
(BUGGYMATTES) 94					 does not trade
(DOC256) 37						  does not trade
(DOC256) 38						  does not trade
(DOC256) 39						  does not trade
(DOC256) 40			  receives (LOSMUERTOS) 72		  and sends to (3BLINDEYES) 117
(DOC256) 41			  receives (3BLINDEYES) 111		 and sends to (3BLINDEYES) 143
(DOC256) 42			  receives (WUTZEBEAR) 78		   and sends to (ZZZZ) 2
(DOC256) 43			  receives (SWEDENHAWK) 29		  and sends to (ZZZZ) 7
(DOC256) 44			  receives (KDV) 48				 and sends to (BUGGYMATTES) 88
(DOC256) 45						  does not trade
(EL_ROLFO) 17						does not trade
(EL_ROLFO) 18						does not trade
(EL_ROLFO) 19						does not trade
(EL_ROLFO) 20			receives (BUGGYMATTES) 90		 and sends to (BUGGYMATTES) 89
(EL_ROLFO) 21			receives (3BLINDEYES) 139		 and sends to (WIJ DRIE) 62
(EL_ROLFO) 22			receives (BUGGYMATTES) 93		 and sends to (3BLINDEYES) 142
(EL_ROLFO) 23			receives (SWEDENHAWK) 31		  and sends to (SWEDENHAWK) 35
(EL_ROLFO) 24			receives (SWEDENHAWK) 32		  and sends to (SWEDENHAWK) 34
(EL_ROLFO) 25			receives (SWEDENHAWK) 34		  and sends to (SWEDENHAWK) 31
(EL_ROLFO) 26			receives (BUGGYMATTES) 87		 and sends to (SWEDENHAWK) 28
(GENERAL_TUPPERWARE) 171 receives (WUTZEBEAR) 79		   and sends to (WUTZEBEAR) 86
(GENERAL_TUPPERWARE) 172			 does not trade
(GENERAL_TUPPERWARE) 173			 does not trade
(GENERAL_TUPPERWARE) 174			 does not trade
(GENERAL_TUPPERWARE) 175			 does not trade
(GENERAL_TUPPERWARE) 176			 does not trade
(GENERAL_TUPPERWARE) 177			 does not trade
(GENERAL_TUPPERWARE) 178 receives (WUTZEBEAR) 80		   and sends to (MOSCOW32) 168
(GENERAL_TUPPERWARE) 179			 does not trade
(GENERAL_TUPPERWARE) 180			 does not trade
(GENERAL_TUPPERWARE) 181			 does not trade
(GEOCACHINGDRAGON) 182			   does not trade
(GEOCACHINGDRAGON) 183   receives (AVROAIR) 104			and sends to (3BLINDEYES) 144
(GEOCACHINGDRAGON) 184   receives (MOSCOW32) 168		   and sends to (ZZZZ) 3
(KDV) 46				 receives (ZZZZ) 13				and sends to (WIJ DRIE) 65
(KDV) 47							 does not trade
(KDV) 48				 receives (MOSCOW32) 167		   and sends to (DOC256) 44
(KDV) 49				 receives (3BLINDEYES) 144		 and sends to (SWEDENHAWK) 29
(KDV) 50				 receives (3BLINDEYES) 142		 and sends to (3BLINDEYES) 157
(KDV) 51				 receives (3BLINDEYES) 143		 and sends to (3BLINDEYES) 111
(KDV) 52				 receives (MOSCOW32) 53			and sends to (SWEDENHAWK) 36
(LOSMUERTOS) 66					  does not trade
(LOSMUERTOS) 67					  does not trade
(LOSMUERTOS) 68					  does not trade
(LOSMUERTOS) 69					  does not trade
(LOSMUERTOS) 70		  receives (AVROAIR) 106			and sends to (PLNAUTA) 100
(LOSMUERTOS) 71					  does not trade
(LOSMUERTOS) 72		  receives (WIJ DRIE) 60			and sends to (DOC256) 40
(LOSMUERTOS) 73					  does not trade
(MOSCOW32) 167		   receives (ZZZZ) 12				and sends to (KDV) 48
(MOSCOW32) 168		   receives (GENERAL_TUPPERWARE) 178 and sends to (GEOCACHINGDRAGON) 184
(MOSCOW32) 169		   receives (PLNAUTA) 99			 and sends to (ZZZZ) 9
(MOSCOW32) 170					   does not trade
(MOSCOW32) 53			receives (ZZZZ) 9				 and sends to (KDV) 52
(MOSCOW32) 54			receives (BUGGYMATTES) 88		 and sends to (ZAZTH) 76
(MOSCOW32) 55						does not trade
(MOSCOW32) 56			receives (BUGGYMATTES) 89		 and sends to (ZAZTH) 75
(MOSCOW32) 57						does not trade
(MR.EXPLORER3) 15		receives (THOTO) 160			  and sends to (SWEDENHAWK) 33
(MR.EXPLORER3) 16		receives (AVROAIR) 102			and sends to (SWEDENHAWK) 32
(MR.EXPLORER3) 95					does not trade
(MR.EXPLORER3) 96					does not trade
(MR.EXPLORER3) 97					does not trade
(PLNAUTA) 100			receives (LOSMUERTOS) 70		  and sends to (3BLINDEYES) 158
(PLNAUTA) 98			 receives (ZZZZ) 8				 and sends to (3BLINDEYES) 139
(PLNAUTA) 99			 receives (3BLINDEYES) 124		 and sends to (MOSCOW32) 169
(SWEDENHAWK) 27					  does not trade
(SWEDENHAWK) 28		  receives (EL_ROLFO) 26			and sends to (AVROAIR) 109
(SWEDENHAWK) 29		  receives (KDV) 49				 and sends to (DOC256) 43
(SWEDENHAWK) 30					  does not trade
(SWEDENHAWK) 31		  receives (EL_ROLFO) 25			and sends to (EL_ROLFO) 23
(SWEDENHAWK) 32		  receives (MR.EXPLORER3) 16		and sends to (EL_ROLFO) 24
(SWEDENHAWK) 33		  receives (MR.EXPLORER3) 15		and sends to (WUTZEBEAR) 80
(SWEDENHAWK) 34		  receives (EL_ROLFO) 24			and sends to (EL_ROLFO) 25
(SWEDENHAWK) 35		  receives (EL_ROLFO) 23			and sends to (WUTZEBEAR) 79
(SWEDENHAWK) 36		  receives (KDV) 52				 and sends to (BUGGYMATTES) 92
(THOTO) 160			  receives (AVROAIR) 109			and sends to (MR.EXPLORER3) 15
(THOTO) 161						  does not trade
(THOTO) 162						  does not trade
(THOTO) 163						  does not trade
(THOTO) 164						  does not trade
(THOTO) 165						  does not trade
(THOTO) 166						  does not trade
(WIJ DRIE) 58			receives (ZZZZ) 7				 and sends to (ZZZZ) 6
(WIJ DRIE) 59			receives (3BLINDEYES) 116		 and sends to (ZZZZ) 13
(WIJ DRIE) 60			receives (3BLINDEYES) 117		 and sends to (LOSMUERTOS) 72
(WIJ DRIE) 61			receives (WUTZEBEAR) 84		   and sends to (BUGGYMATTES) 87
(WIJ DRIE) 62			receives (EL_ROLFO) 21			and sends to (BUGGYMATTES) 93
(WIJ DRIE) 63						does not trade
(WIJ DRIE) 64						does not trade
(WIJ DRIE) 65			receives (KDV) 46				 and sends to (ZZZZ) 12
(WUTZEBEAR) 78		   receives (BUGGYMATTES) 92		 and sends to (DOC256) 42
(WUTZEBEAR) 79		   receives (SWEDENHAWK) 35		  and sends to (GENERAL_TUPPERWARE) 171
(WUTZEBEAR) 80		   receives (SWEDENHAWK) 33		  and sends to (GENERAL_TUPPERWARE) 178
(WUTZEBEAR) 81					   does not trade
(WUTZEBEAR) 82					   does not trade
(WUTZEBEAR) 83		   receives (AVROAIR) 107			and sends to (3BLINDEYES) 112
(WUTZEBEAR) 84		   receives (3BLINDEYES) 157		 and sends to (WIJ DRIE) 61
(WUTZEBEAR) 85		   receives (3BLINDEYES) 158		 and sends to (ZZZZ) 1
(WUTZEBEAR) 86		   receives (GENERAL_TUPPERWARE) 171 and sends to (ZZZZ) 5
(ZAZTH) 74						   does not trade
(ZAZTH) 75			   receives (MOSCOW32) 56			and sends to (3BLINDEYES) 116
(ZAZTH) 76			   receives (MOSCOW32) 54			and sends to (ZZZZ) 4
(ZAZTH) 77						   does not trade
(ZZZZ) 1				 receives (WUTZEBEAR) 85		   and sends to (AVROAIR) 104
(ZZZZ) 10				receives (AVROAIR) 108			and sends to (BUGGYMATTES) 90
(ZZZZ) 11							does not trade
(ZZZZ) 12				receives (WIJ DRIE) 65			and sends to (MOSCOW32) 167
(ZZZZ) 13				receives (WIJ DRIE) 59			and sends to (KDV) 46
(ZZZZ) 14							does not trade
(ZZZZ) 2				 receives (DOC256) 42			  and sends to (AVROAIR) 101
(ZZZZ) 3				 receives (GEOCACHINGDRAGON) 184   and sends to (AVROAIR) 102
(ZZZZ) 4				 receives (ZAZTH) 76			   and sends to (AVROAIR) 106
(ZZZZ) 5				 receives (WUTZEBEAR) 86		   and sends to (AVROAIR) 107
(ZZZZ) 6				 receives (WIJ DRIE) 58			and sends to (AVROAIR) 108
(ZZZZ) 7				 receives (DOC256) 43			  and sends to (WIJ DRIE) 58
(ZZZZ) 8				 receives (3BLINDEYES) 112		 and sends to (PLNAUTA) 98
(ZZZZ) 9				 receives (MOSCOW32) 169		   and sends to (MOSCOW32) 53


Again, thanks to everybody!!!


Have fun,


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Great! I suppose we should now be contacting each other to find out what addresses to send the coins to :D

Thanks for all the hard work, Dirk. I think it's been quite a success!

Actually, it wouldn't be bad to do this on a regular basis. As far as I'm concerned even every month (although I can imagine it would be a bit of a burden if one and the same person has to do all the work all the time).

Thanks again Dirk, it's been nice 'doing business'!

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Great! I suppose we should now be contacting each other to find out what addresses to send the coins to :D

Thanks for all the hard work, Dirk. I think it's been quite a success!

Actually, it wouldn't be bad to do this on a regular basis. As far as I'm concerned even every month (although I can imagine it would be a bit of a burden if one and the same person has to do all the work all the time).

Thanks again Dirk, it's been nice 'doing business'!


Wow, great results, and the trade circles are quite funny.


I guess we could post our adresses in the spreadsheet, since we are all involved in the trades. What do think of that?


Thanks again zZZz for your great work doing this.

Edited by PLnauta
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