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I noticed too late that I was being watched.


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Yes!!! a very good post from Seasoned Warrior. :cool: So maybe this guy was a Tramp or a Hobo and not a Bum. Could such a rush to judgement have destroyed his ego to the point that he can never feel good about himself again? Can we ever forgive ourselves for the anguish we have caused. :wacko:


I'm wondering if maybe he was just a shy cacher, waiting for another cacher to leave!


Maybe he's not homeless at all. Just having a good run of finds!

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Yes!!! a very good post from Seasoned Warrior. :) So maybe this guy was a Tramp or a Hobo and not a Bum. Could such a rush to judgement have destroyed his ego to the point that he can never feel good about himself again? Can we ever forgive ourselves for the anguish we have caused. :)


I'm wondering if maybe he was just a shy cacher, waiting for another cacher to leave!


Maybe he's not homeless at all. Just having a good run of finds!


Maybe he was just a cacher in the rye!

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I’m amazed at some of the responses. The thought that someone would take an opposing moral stand with some of my terminology never occurred to me.


Murdering the bum was a joke and I’m aware that “bum” is a derogatory statement. When I wrote it, I felt reasonable certain that my comments would be read by very few bums.


I live in Roseville California which is a big railroad hub. I think we have a bigger-than-average homeless population. Many of these people are constant trouble. Many will steal anything if they think they can sell it.


My purpose of this thread wasn’t to explore possible solutions to homelessness, but to inquire of more experienced geocachers what would’ve been wise course of action when you know the safety of a cache has been compromised.



Your right. Can't we say anything anymore without people being offended? Maybe you should have said " living quarter challenged" instead of "bum". Come on folks lighten up!

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As to the cache, you did what you could do. Poop happens.


As to the term "bum". Get real people, and forget the political correctness The person in question could be homeless, or his home could be wherever he lays his hat, which would again make the term bum proper. Not all bums are homeless, not all homeless are bums. But to worry about the proper term for fear of hurting their feelings is garbage.


I would call the family across the street from me "white trash". Derogatory? Sure. Truthful? Not just yes, but H@#$ YES! Do I care if it hurts their feelings? Not a chance. If they have a problem with it, they can fix the problem. They can fence their dogs in instead of allowing them to roam and breed freely. They could rent or buy a mower instead of allowing the yard to grow unchecked all year (hasn't been mowed yet since spring). One or more of them could GET A JOB, instead of relying strictly on a food bank and hand outs. They have no friends in the neighborhood since any who befriend them end up getting something stolen. TO REMEDY THE SITUATION IF TRUTHFUL TERMS HURT THEIR FEELINGS IS STRICTLY UP TO THEM. Those who want to change their situation and better themselves must first make the decision to do so. Hurting their feelings may prompt them to do so, politically correct terms only serve to put a coat of whitewash over a badly cracked wall. A spade is a shovel, not a "human powered earthmover"! Black is black, white is white, and political correctness is part of the problem, not the fix.


My rant, thank you for your patience.

trucker lee for president!

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Short of murdering the bum, what would you have done?


You have already mentioned that this was a homeless person, so why the last statement? I certainly hope it was meant in jest. Just because a person has reached the last resort, and is living out of a cardboard box, it does not make him/her a thief.


Granted, some are there of their own free will and would steal your dead Gramma's gold teeth, but a blanket statement seems unwarranted.



You guys need to grow a sense of humor. Sheesh!!! Get over it.

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:anibad: so..are yall just given this guy a 'bum steer'??


..hey..I've always wondered about that term..is that a 'homeless male cow'? ..oh maybe that's a 'bum stear'?? oh well..


I've found several homeless or whatever you want to call them 'living off the land' here in Wichita, KS..even one camping on a grassy island in the middle of an on-ramp...yep..a cacher had placed a geocache not too far away..

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Merriam Webster defines bum as:



1 a: one who sponges off others and avoids work b: one who performs a function poorly .................................

2: vagrant, tramp

— on the bum : with no settled residence or means of support


Doesn't seem derogatory to me at all. I think the description fits. Too bad the PC police have infiltrated every aspect of our lives. I have been called many things in my life and if I did not like it, I got over it. If I am a bum, then call me one.

your a bum

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I really can not believe the amount of who struck john that this thread follows. Seems that its about time to stop being critical about others for whatever reason. A comment is a comment and nothing more as there obviously was no intent to belittle the bum, tramp, hobo, homeless person or illegal. The thread seems to have taken a tact to belittle those who were not in the know or lesser of a geocacher as if that has any measurable meaning. I dont think anyone has a leg to stand on as far as judging anyone else on here, old guy, new guy or whatever. If being an old guy has such a status symbol then I would prefer to be just a guy, not of any measurable experience. Just go and enjoy what you are doing and dont worry about the guy next to you if he is doing the same. Now that I have verbally assaulted no one, I guess I am open to take incoming fire. Lets all go outside and play in the dirt. Worry about our troops if you want to worry about anyone else besides yourself.

Nuff said.

For those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know.

Edited by patsarge
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I really can not believe the amount of who struck john that this thread follows. Seems that its about time to stop being critical about others for whatever reason. A comment is a comment and nothing more as there obviously was no intent to belittle the bum, tramp, hobo, homeless person or illegal. The thread seems to have taken a tact to belittle those who were not in the know or lesser of a geocacher as if that has any measurable meaning. I dont think anyone has a leg to stand on as far as judging anyone else on here, old guy, new guy or whatever. If being an old guy has such a status symbol then I would prefer to be just a guy, not of any measurable experience. Just go and enjoy what you are doing and dont worry about the guy next to you if he is doing the same. Now that I have verbally assaulted no one, I guess I am open to take incoming fire. Lets all go outside and play in the dirt. Worry about our troops if you want to worry about anyone else besides yourself.

Nuff said.

For those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know.

AMEN Brother!!

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