+mncanoeist Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 When I try to upload a route to find caches along a route my route does not show up. It goes through the whole process, acts like it is uploading then you get to the screen to save the route and there is no routes to save. I have tried from two different PC's both running XP pro using Firefox and IE 7, I have also tried KML and GPX files with no luck. Any ideas, Thanks
+supertbone Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 I had the same issues yesterday with uploading routes and them not showing up. I am using IE 6 on Win XP.
+2 CBR Posted October 16, 2007 Posted October 16, 2007 When I try to upload a route to find caches along a route my route does not show up. It goes through the whole process, acts like it is uploading then you get to the screen to save the route and there is no routes to save. I'm having this same problem today.
+Geo Chief Posted October 17, 2007 Posted October 17, 2007 I have the same problem since two days! There is no route to save after the upload or this error: Server Error in '/' Application. Runtime Error Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine. Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off". <!-- Web.Config Configuration File --> <configuration> <system.web> <customErrors mode="Off"/> </system.web> </configuration> Notes: The current error page you are seeing can be replaced by a custom error page by modifying the "defaultRedirect" attribute of the application's <customErrors> configuration tag to point to a custom error page URL. <!-- Web.Config Configuration File --> <configuration> <system.web> <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="mycustompage.htm"/> </system.web> </configuration> I try three different computers with XP and IE/Opera. Also the website is very slow after a few days!
+Geo Chief Posted October 19, 2007 Posted October 19, 2007 It must be a gpx-file problem! If I load the gpx-file into Google Earth and save this route as a kml-file and load this file up to gc.com, I can create a route and a pocket querry. This problem with gpx-files must be new because I can't upload old routes that definitely runs in the past! Mapsource version: 6.13.4
OpinioNate Posted October 19, 2007 Posted October 19, 2007 We'll look into this and sort it out as soon as possible. Sorry for the trouble guys.
+Kurt Franke Posted October 19, 2007 Posted October 19, 2007 Can I echo that I am having the exact same problem with "Caches on a Route" as you guys are reporting here. I filled out a ticket and was told, "At this time, this feature does have some bugs and we are aware of them." I am looking forward to the solution. Guess I'm going to have to revert back to my old loading procedures in the mean time. Good luck with this Groundspeak. Kurt
+SoundmanRB Posted October 19, 2007 Posted October 19, 2007 Same problem here anyone got any idea when it will be working again i did need to create a couple of routes tonight for a road trip tomorrow and Sunday
+willy_j Posted October 20, 2007 Posted October 20, 2007 Can I echo that I am having the exact same problem with "Caches on a Route" as you guys are reporting here. I filled out a ticket and was told, "At this time, this feature does have some bugs and we are aware of them." I am looking forward to the solution. Guess I'm going to have to revert back to my old loading procedures in the mean time. Good luck with this Groundspeak. Kurt Same here.... thanks again gc.com....
+Kurt Franke Posted November 20, 2007 Posted November 20, 2007 I am still experiencing this problem. I haven't been able to querry or load Caches on a Route for over a month now. Disappointing as I really used and enjoyed that feature. Anybody have an idea as to what might be happening here? Thanks, Kurt
+StarBrand Posted November 20, 2007 Posted November 20, 2007 I am still experiencing this problem. I haven't been able to querry or load Caches on a Route for over a month now. Disappointing as I really used and enjoyed that feature. Anybody have an idea as to what might be happening here? Thanks, Kurt Save the mapsource route as a GPX file and load that into Google Earth. Save the Google Earth as a KML file and then upload that - it works.
+Kurt Franke Posted November 30, 2007 Posted November 30, 2007 It is still impossible for me to querry "Caches on a Route". Is there any idea as to what is going on here? Am I the only one with this problem? This is a member feature that I was using weekly. I am really missing it. Thanks, Kurt
OpinioNate Posted November 30, 2007 Posted November 30, 2007 It is still impossible for me to querry "Caches on a Route". Is there any idea as to what is going on here? Am I the only one with this problem? This is a member feature that I was using weekly. I am really missing it. Thanks, Kurt There are some bugs that need to be worked out, but the main functionality is there. What specifically are you having trouble with?
+wannabepaddlin Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 It is still impossible for me to querry "Caches on a Route". Is there any idea as to what is going on here? Am I the only one with this problem? This is a member feature that I was using weekly. I am really missing it. Thanks, Kurt There are some bugs that need to be worked out, but the main functionality is there. What specifically are you having trouble with? I'd like to answer for Kurt here... The upload appears to be working/thinking, and then the upload/save screen comes up, but there is no file listed to save. I will say that I have had the problem for months, and thought that it was something that I was doing. Then, all of a sudden, last week, it worked. I must have tried for four hours straight, to upload a file with no luck. Then, poof! it worked. I am leaving on another road trip today and hoped to be able to take a route with me, but now again, it's not behaving. I have tried in both IE 6 & 7 and Firefox. No luck. Good luck with trying to figure out what is going on...
+Kurt Franke Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 "Finding Caches along a Route" is once again working for me. Not absolutely sure why though. I'm not too technically inclined so I always assume it's my fault. Most of the time it is. What I did yesterday was to create yet another gpx map using my Mapsource software. I saved it to a different location on my computer. This seemed to work. I must have put the older gpx files somewhere that "Caches along a Route" can't see them. Maybe? Thanks for listening and for all the advice, Kurt
+JESTus Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 We'll look into this and sort it out as soon as possible. Sorry for the trouble guys. So where are you on resolvong this - it is the only reason I purchased my premium membership....
+trainlove Posted December 10, 2007 Posted December 10, 2007 This thread brings up a good point. What format is the route upload geared towards. loc version="1.0" which appears to be compatable with GPX 1.1 and/or 1.0 a subset of which is compatable with EasyGPS, GSAK, Garmin MapSource with WM or patch, and other programs. Or KML which also seems to be s subset of modification of the XML of these 2 other formats and is compatable at least with a couple of those programs mentioned. I.E. they will understand <coord lat="42.345678" lon="-71.654321"/> or <Point><coordinates>42.345678,-71.654321</coordinates></Point> or <wpt lat="42.345678" lon="-71.654321"> or <rtept lat="42.345678" lon="-71.654321"> or <trkpt lat="42.345678" lon="-71.654321"> you get the picture. These last 2 I just discovered and have used them to 'draw' maps of my own.
OpinioNate Posted December 10, 2007 Posted December 10, 2007 What I'm getting from you all is that the problem lies mainly with Mapsource created routes. Am I right? I would appreciate if one of you would email a file which cannot be uploaded to contact@geocaching so I can use it to test. Thanks and I'm sorry it's a pain the butt. In the meantime some people have had success by loading their route into Google Earth and saving as a KML. When you email the file please say it is for me, Nate. Thanks.
+sargenv Posted December 13, 2007 Posted December 13, 2007 One thing on this uploading a route, I'm wondering why there is no option to delete routes that are no longer used by me? I've also run into times when the server crashed out after I uploaded a route, and then I uploaded it again only to bring up the list and now I have 2 identical routes loaded. It would be nice to be able to delete these routes from the server so I feel like I'm doing my part to keep junk off the server.
+trainlove Posted December 13, 2007 Posted December 13, 2007 One thing on this uploading a route, I'm wondering why there is no option to delete routes that are no longer used by me? I've also run into times when the server crashed out after I uploaded a route, and then I uploaded it again only to bring up the list and now I have 2 identical routes loaded. It would be nice to be able to delete these routes from the server so I feel like I'm doing my part to keep junk off the server. Since I'm no longer a Premuim Member I can't say this with exact confidence. But doesn't routes you upload show up under your saved PQ's as Route PQ's? If so then you can delete them by pressing the correct icon to the left or right as you can delete your regular PQ's.
+Tech Nic Posted January 28, 2008 Posted January 28, 2008 I became a Premium member mainly for the purpose of being able to find caches within a certain distance along a long route. In googling and researching, I stumbled across this very blog. I hoped it would help me because I too was not seeing any GPX routes that I had created using MapSource. I got worried and tried to convert the GPX route to a KML route using Google Earth. I succeeded in creating the KML file and uploaded it to Geocaching.com, but still I could not find it anywhere so that I could select it to make a PQ. Playing around a bit more, I discovered a place where all of the route files that I uploaded appeared, both the MapSource generated GPX files and the Google Earth KML file. I deleted all but one and commenced to request a PQ for that one. It arrived in my e-mail as requested, and it was just what I wonted. I did this for a second GPX file, this time making notes as I went, so I will paste my results here. Finding Caches Along a Route Create a route following the instructions in the document titled “MapSource Routing and Pocket Queries”. http://www.markwell.us/route.htm#mapsource . When done log onto Geocaching.com. Click on “Finding Caches Along a Route” on the right hand side of the screen. Click on “Upload GPX/KML” tab. Click on “Browse…” button. Browse to the folder on your PC where you saved the recently created route (in my case –My Documents –My Garmin –Caching Routes). Select the GPX file representing your new route and click “Open”. Your GPX file will now be in the Browse window. Click “Upload”. A new window opens with Upload Information and here you can change the name of the file and preview the route as well. If all is well you go and “Save Selected File”, making sure that you have put a check mark in the box beside the route you want. You now end up back at the starting window – “Caches Along a Route”. Click on the tab called “Your Created Routes”. (this is the tab I missed the first time). A window opens to show this new route as well as your previously created routes if you have any. Here you can make your route public if you want. Here also you can add a description to your new route. Click on your newly created route and a new window opens. Here you can add a description lf your new route. Here also you can add key words which will aid in key word searches. Here also you can check mark a box to make your route public. When done click “Save” to save it, or click “Delete” if you want to delete it. You are now taken back to “Your Created Routes” window. From here you can click on “Create Pocket Query” if you want to do that now. If you click on the “Latest Routes” tab you will see your new route listed in the Latest List if you made it public. Proceed to create your new Pocket Query following the directions in the FAQ Update – Pocket Queries document http://www.markwell.us/pq.htm
+gardner387 Posted February 6, 2008 Posted February 6, 2008 This bug seems to be around still. I click to OPEN the KML file (saved from Google Earth), it acts like the file is being opened and the screen refreshes, but the file won't come up in the preview box to select and upload. What's up?? I did the same thing in December and had no problems.
+Track_leader Posted February 15, 2008 Posted February 15, 2008 am doing some tests today and it still fails, sometimes i do get the frog page reporting that the requested page can't be found. Or after some upload activity i do get an empty preview screen..... Help
+creacher Posted February 15, 2008 Posted February 15, 2008 Yep, the problem is definitely back. Yesterday afternoon the file would upload, but would show as only having 1 point and 0 miles. Last night and today, I have tried to upload a GPX file and a KML file with both returning an empty preview window with no routes to save although the upload process appears to be working.
+Team Cotati Posted February 15, 2008 Posted February 15, 2008 One thing on this uploading a route, I'm wondering why there is no option to delete routes that are no longer used by me? I've also run into times when the server crashed out after I uploaded a route, and then I uploaded it again only to bring up the list and now I have 2 identical routes loaded. It would be nice to be able to delete these routes from the server so I feel like I'm doing my part to keep junk off the server. Since I'm no longer a Premuim Member I can't say this with exact confidence. But doesn't routes you upload show up under your saved PQ's as Route PQ's? If so then you can delete them by pressing the correct icon to the left or right as you can delete your regular PQ's. Are they giving you a 'freebee'?
+creacher Posted February 15, 2008 Posted February 15, 2008 To delete a route you previously created, go into your list of routes (Your Created Routes). Once there, just click on one of the routes in the list. When it opens up, within the left-hand section should be a DELETE button. Click it and it will ask if you really want to delete the route. One thing on this uploading a route, I'm wondering why there is no option to delete routes that are no longer used by me? I've also run into times when the server crashed out after I uploaded a route, and then I uploaded it again only to bring up the list and now I have 2 identical routes loaded. It would be nice to be able to delete these routes from the server so I feel like I'm doing my part to keep junk off the server.
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