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GC.com very slow this evening

Bob Smith

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I've just been trying to log lots of finds from yesterday and it's taking ages for the pages to come up, it's like being on very slow dial up. It's so bad I've just given up.


Other wbsites are loading Ok.


Anyone else got his problem?




I've just been trying to log lots of finds from yesterday and it's taking ages for the pages to come up, it's like being on very slow dial up. It's so bad I've just given up.


Other wbsites are loading Ok.


Anyone else got his problem?




Yes, it's dreadfully slow. I'll give up and try again later if it doesn't work soon. :blink:


It's been pretty dire now and then since the "upgrades" a few days ago.

Absolutely, it is bad on broadband so must be an absolute nightmare on dial up
Think this must be server-side, so it'll be no worse on dial up than dsl.

Just found this announcement from Geocaching.com. Thought Id post it here.


Announcement 10/4/2007


We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with the geocaching.com site. This is due to the hampster that powers our servers having expired. Our best engineers are currently working on the problem, scouring local pet shops to seek a suitable replacement. Should you have any difficulties accessing the site please try the following:-


1) In the address bar of your browser please enter http://www.geocaching.com

2) Press enter and wait for the loading symbol to appear

3) Hit the refresh button at least 15 times increasing in speed

4) Vocally empower the website with four letter expletives

5) Go away and make a cup of tea

6) Go out and find those caches you have been putting off for weeks

7) return home to find the page loaded


Please note we accept no responsibility for any of the following side effects that may result in you using the website at this time. These may include the following:-


- Repetetive Strain Injury (RSI) from pressing the refresh button

- Screen blindness

- Accute NB (Numb Buttock) Syndrome

- SBTINMSP Syndrome (So Bored That Im Making Now Stupid Posts Syndrome)


The Management

AKA The guy who sweeps the floor on a Sunday night :blink:


It's been bad for the past few days...absolutely no fun as I'm still trying to log the last 20 of my 123!!!!


At this rate I'll be finding them faster than I can log 'em!




It was awful last night, but quite nippy this Monday morning. Either its because us Limeys have finished logging all our finds (the other side of the Atlantic could still be logging at the moment) or they've fixed it!


Has anybody else been having problems following shortcuts to cache pages?


I've put a couple on my desktop - a new cache of mine that I'm working on, and a local cache I'm keeping an eye on - but if I click to go to the page I get a "Runtime Error" message.

I can get to both pages well enough through GC / my account / etc - just not via the shortcuts (even if I get there successfully the long way, and create a new shortcut)


Just noticed this is also now happening with email notifications. Ie click the link, get a runtime error message.

Go in the long way, page loads OK.......


Has anybody else been having problems following shortcuts to cache pages?


I've put a couple on my desktop - a new cache of mine that I'm working on, and a local cache I'm keeping an eye on - but if I click to go to the page I get a "Runtime Error" message.

I can get to both pages well enough through GC / my account / etc - just not via the shortcuts (even if I get there successfully the long way, and create a new shortcut)


Just noticed this is also now happening with email notifications. Ie click the link, get a runtime error message.

Go in the long way, page loads OK.......


Im getting the same runtime error with my email notifications too although going through my account the page opens fine, although its very slow loading.


zzzzzzz.... slow tonight?



As it seems to be every night, every afternoon and every morning as well, but the powers that be are clearly taking no notice of their disgruntled customers :(:(


Hmmm... and I thought things were sorted out a month or two back?


Not good enough Jeremy!


Maybe we should take a leaf out of SP's book and all become non-premiuum members!


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