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Please... Not To Be Sold

Hula Bum

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I just went to that Thread and a half of the folks saying they don't want their coin sold are the FIRST ones to sell others on Ebay. What a Joke.


I would never sell a mystery coin, because I like the ones I have.

If I buy a coin, It's mine to do what I want with it.

If I win a geocoin in a cointest, It's mine to do what I want with it.

( Cointest Coins are NOT GIFTED coins )

I am an ebay seller and most folks know who the ebay sellers are.

If you Trade me a coin, It's mine to do what I want with it.

I have had folks GIVE me coins to use in my art, even personals, because they get a kick out of how it's used.


I love my personals, and have full sets of personals from my Friends and Favorite cachers that I would never sell,

but If I get a double of a personal, and don't see it wanted on the trade site, Guess What????


I just put a 9 9 9 geocoin on ebay from a trade and the person told me how much the last one sold for on Ebay, to give me a reference.






While it's true that once you've given a gift away, what happens to it is out of your hands; it's disrespectful to the person who gave you the gift, to sell it. Just like the recipient can sell the gift if they want, the giver can lose respect for the recipient and choose somebody different for future gifts.


In cases like mystery coins, somebody spent a lot of money to have them minted, expecting nothing in return (not even recognition!) but to put a smile on the faces of recipients. To turn around and sell it for a profit because you know that it's in high demand, is a pretty selfish, unappreciative act. Of course, I'm not talking about honest mistakes here, where somebody who hasn't been around for a long time accidentally sells something he's forgotten the original owner didn't want sold. Things happen.


As far as my own go, I leave a note with the Copper ones I drop in caches that says please don't sell this. In most cases, I haven't traded anything for it (of about 20 I've left so far I took something once) and although it would be nice of the next finder to leave something to contribute to the cache in a positive way; I'm not expecting it to occur. I've left it as a gift and the cache is no worse off swag-wise than before I found it if the next person doesn't leave anything (I do wish they'd start mentioning the coins in their logs, however! I'd like to know who takes them, where they end up, but that's another topic for another thread..)


I don't ask anything of traders b/c I'm getting something in exchange for it, I might as well be selling it, I'm just being paid in another coin instead of money.


Gifts, I'd prefer not to see sold, it's disrespectful to the spirit of the gift. But of course, there's nothing I can do about it if they are. In most cases, I'll never know since I don't ever go to ebay. But if I found out, you can be sure, I'd think twice about future gifts.


Of course, I also minted a version that is only to be sold. There are 15 of them, and they're fundraiser-only. Those would be the exact opposite. I'd be disappointed to find out they weren't sold!


Your coins are awesome.

They are on my top shelf with all my others favorites!!! But you knew that!!!LOL! I Likey!!!


Your coins are awesome.

They are on my top shelf with all my others favorites!!! But you knew that!!!LOL! I Likey!!!

Thanks :huh::rolleyes: I'm so flattered that you like it! Which reminds me, I still need to photograph that cool gift I got from you and post to the bragging thread :P Thank you!!


Your coins are awesome.

They are on my top shelf with all my others favorites!!! But you knew that!!!LOL! I Likey!!!

Thanks :huh::rolleyes: I'm so flattered that you like it! Which reminds me, I still need to photograph that cool gift I got from you and post to the bragging thread :P Thank you!!


PM sent


Yeah, there was a time here when it was pretty much a given that when someone sent you a gift, you just kept it. It was an honest and idyllic sentiment "back in the day" when there a lot less people collecting (much less creating) geocoins.


When you look back at it in retrospect, it really was a bit naive to think that kind of notion would stick around forever. Shiznit happens, and just about all "good things" go by the wayside eventually. Look at the Romans. Or Tiger Woods.


What happened is the hobby evolved. Everything does. I'm not saying it's a good thing or a bad thing...it's just what happened, and there's very little that can be done about it. About the only thing you can do is evolve along with it. Sucks, but that's the way it is.


I myself used to specifically make a "secret" version of my personal coin for friends or even people who had done very kind things in some respect or another. My philosophy was pretty simple: "Hey, you're a good dude/dudette, and I wanted to just say thanks for doing something positive." Kinda cheesy yeah...but it was genuine. Somehow, I never figured on those "secret" versions being used to generate a nice profit for others. Silly, silly me.


After I watched one former "good dude" made a couple hundred bones on eBay from a Uranium Yime, I grabbed a pitchfork and protested the immorality here. Didn't take long to learn the obvious lesson that you can't turn the tide no matter how "right" you think you are. But despite those deterrents, I still give out some of my most limited versions...but mainly to good friends. I might even give one away through a cointest, but I will also put one on eBay myself from time to time. Lessons learned.


I should point out that the large majority of my targeted "good dudes/dudettes" have held onto their coins as gifts, so I would still consider my little experiment in positivity a success. There's still a stronger understanding of good intentions here than can ever be fully snuffed out.


I believe it is easy!


If you buy a coin it is yours to do what ever you like...

if you trade for it, if you won it etc.. it is yours again...


but if the coin is adopted to you (and one day it comes to your hands), or if it is a gift, then... It is a GIFT! Gifts are not to be sold!

In many mystery coins, and some personal coins, trackable or not, the senders are asking not to be sold! Thse guys, spent their money to make these coins and give them as presents or leave them in caches, so we can be happy! Many times we do not even know who they are to say a thank you! The only thing they are asking is not to sell these coins! So.. I strongly believe that we have to respect that!!!


If by any chance things are so bad that we have to sell our coins, It would be good to contact with them and take permision!!! Sometimes, if the reason is good or the money are going for a good thing (Like Haiti!!), they hapily give their ok!!! If anyone just desides that he will not collect coins any longer... well... I am sure you have seen that the coins that are not to be sold, have a paper with them saying that it is ok to give them as a present to other cachers, or.. in some... I think it is ok even to trade with them! So... the coins the cacher who is stoping his collection and wants to sell the coins.... can give some as presents or... if he really needs the money... he can trade these coins into others! So... it's Simple!!!


If these guys who are giving coins for free are doing this just to see us smilling... why don't we do the same for them??? :rolleyes:


Oh! some geocachers who are giving coins like that, also say that if you want to sell your coins... you have to sent this coin back to him, or something like that... So...


I do not know if I am correct with my post! :huh: I just believe that to get a gift coin and especially to get a mystery one or from a mystery sender.... someone is saying thank you, someone things you are special.... or you did something good!! So.. these coins are there for a great reason!!!! :P


Each and every time I open an envelope which looks like obtaining a geocoin which I have not ordered my heart gets on the run..... will be there another surprise-gift in there ?!?


And YES, there is one ! A geocoin or a pathtag or whatever, these unexpected gifts are very special to me !


Shall I ever sell these ? BIG NO !!!!!


Each and every time I open an envelope which looks like obtaining a geocoin which I have not ordered my heart gets on the run..... will be there another surprise-gift in there ?!?


And YES, there is one ! A geocoin or a pathtag or whatever, these unexpected gifts are very special to me !


Shall I ever sell these ? BIG NO !!!!!


Correct my friend!!!! the same thing goes with pathtags, wooden nickles, casino chips, signature items... not only with geocoins! :rolleyes:


I'm happy and lucky to note that I've never been forced into a position where I've had to consider selling my "special" coins to put food on the table, pay the rent or medical treatment. Knock on wood! I just can't imagine how low a person has to feel to consider pawning off a gifted coin that came from the heart with a lot of heart in it. It's gotta feel pretty low and that really sucks when life happens to that degree.


On the other hand from the gifter's point of view a 2-5% sale rate is not enough to get overly excited about. That's 2-5 coins out of 100.... even 10% is still pretty good odds. In school 90% is still an A. 9 out of 10 still love and appreciate their gifted coins and it's a sad commentary that 1 of the 10 has been forced to make an unpopular or uncomfortable decision. So to the gifter I have to suggest a little lightness and kindness or consideration. If it's that big a deal contact the seller and deal with them on it. If the seller is just a profiteer then it's a lesson learned.


Also if the gift is passed along and gifted to someone else how strong are the ties that bound the original giftee? Do they still hold true to the next one? Probably not.

Posted (edited)

I received some pathtags, a rainbow bridge coin to activate in Logan's memory, and a luck and protection coin after the death of my friend, Logan. These coins, these thoughts will always be treasured by me.


For those of you who have gifted mystery/special edition/personal coins, only to see them sold on e-bay, please consider that the coins are ending up with people that really want them....isn't that what you had in mind anyway?


For those collectors who need to worry about putting food on the table, paying bills, repairing home or vehicles, my suggestion is do what you must. I would hope that if the coin was given as a gift, the giver will be happy the coin helped.


But, for those that request a "special" coin with the intent of making a quick buck, or are fortunate enough to receive such a coin in the mail, and really don't want it, how about sending it on to someone else who does...wouldn't it be nice to give that thrill of opening an envelope with your own address on the return address portion of the envelope, to someone else? Just a thought.


Edited by drneal
Posted (edited)

I don't mind if someone has to sell one of my coins for certain situations. The reason I ask is because most people are just trying to make a buck. Every time I gift a coin I ask that they not sell it. If they agree I will give them a coin. Sometimes I will trade a coin when someone agrees not to sell it. I usually don;t trade for something I want, I give others the opportunity to get the coin.


That has not worked if I see many of my coins for sale. If I see many people selling my coin after agreeing not to sell it, how can I trust others I do not know? Why should I not sell the rest of my coins to make a buck? If I know someone really likes my coin should I say "Give me $10 or $20 bucks? That is basically what it boils down to. Someone who sells a gift ruins it for someone else. Why should I give a coin to someone else who may do the same? I don't spend $1,500 for others to take advantage of that. So if you think you can turn a profit on a gift don't expect a gift from me! If someone turns a profit on a mystery coin I am sure the person who sent the coin will never send one to this type of person again.


10% out of 100 is not too bad. But it does ruin things for the next 100% Go ahead and sell your gift! I will only deal with people I know I can trust. Now if I don't know the person I may give a coin that is activated and I may or may not adopt it to them.

Edited by Tennessee Jed

If coins that we know they are not to be sold, like mystery coins, or personal coins that the makers do not wish to be sold but they can give the ok for special reasons..... it would be good the sellers to mention that they got this permission from the maker!!!! I am talking mostly about EBay! Some of us, do not know who the sellers are! They may even be the makers! But it is good for both the original maker to know that the coin is in sale! :rolleyes:


Sometimes, while we are searching, our eyes fell in auctions of coins that... they are not to be sold.... (I think on December a moun10bike was in ebay!) and....

Posted (edited)

i've seen mystery coins on ebay and at first it really bothered me. but then i figured the person selling the mystery coin probably had permission from the coin maker to do so. but then i am a pollyanna. i had a mystery coin donated to my cause by the maker when i had to fix walter-the-car and had to sell coins to raise money for a new engine.


probably one of the coins i most regret selling.


if life had "do-overs" i wouldn't have sold it. it's the only mystery coin i ever sold. and i think the only gift. the gifts still are in my possession and walter-the-car could be on her deathbed and i would not sell those. there is this little gap in my collection, and ok in my heart, where that coin should be.


ya know, sometimes we have nice relationships with other coiners and they gift us. and even when that relationship no longer exists, those coins tell me about the caring that once what was.


i have gifted several tranquilities and you folks know how much i love those coins. i think my feelings would be hurt if a person sold one, without giving me the opportunity to purchase it back. of course, i probably couldn't afford to buy it back now. :rolleyes:


i am not sure why we place such importance on pieces of metal. do we invest some of ourselves in them when we give them away? surely that can't be a bad thing.


and once again, to those folks who have gifted me coins — THANK YOU!



Edited by RedShoesGirl

Oh!!! my sweet friend Lara!!!


I was one that I received a tranquility coins from you as a gift! I had never seen one from close and you send me one!!! I loved it so much!!! It is one of the most beautiful coins!!!!


when I saw that you had to sell your collection I was so sad! Now I had a coin and you didn't! :rolleyes: remember??? Well... as I said at that time, this coin can always return to you my friend to help you rebuilt your collection! :huh:


In many coins that are gifted to me.... I feel like I am the keeper and not the real owner! even if "in papers" I am, these coins will always have a mark of their first owners, who gave the coins to me with love and caring! :P


and... yes... it is not important the piece of metal... it is just a cold material, but... the important thing is the feeling each coin carries, the warm friendly feelings, the happines, the story, the bond we make with some other people even if they are so far away! so, each coin has a memory mark of the cacher who gave it to us... every coin that is gifted is an investment in friendship!!! :)


hmm... maybe I am too romantic, but... :D

Posted (edited)

hmm... maybe I am too romantic, but... :rolleyes:


sweetie, romantic works for me! it was my pleasure to send you a tranquility and it is good to know you still like it!



Edited by RedShoesGirl
Posted (edited)
I don't mind if someone has to sell one of my coins for certain situations. The reason I ask is because most people are just trying to make a buck. Every time I gift a coin I ask that they not sell it. If they agree I will give them a coin. Sometimes I will trade a coin when someone agrees not to sell it. I usually don;t trade for something I want, I give others the opportunity to get the coin.


That has not worked if I see many of my coins for sale. If I see many people selling my coin after agreeing not to sell it, how can I trust others I do not know? Why should I not sell the rest of my coins to make a buck? If I know someone really likes my coin should I say "Give me $10 or $20 bucks? That is basically what it boils down to. Someone who sells a gift ruins it for someone else. Why should I give a coin to someone else who may do the same? I don't spend $1,500 for others to take advantage of that. So if you think you can turn a profit on a gift don't expect a gift from me! If someone turns a profit on a mystery coin I am sure the person who sent the coin will never send one to this type of person again.


10% out of 100 is not too bad. But it does ruin things for the next 100% Go ahead and sell your gift! I will only deal with people I know I can trust. Now if I don't know the person I may give a coin that is activated and I may or may not adopt it to them.



<_< cliche` here... one bad apple doesn't spoil the whole bunch... :huh:


I saw your personal coin soon after I started collecting coins and have always wanted to get my grubby little paws on one...


Last year you donated a remint of that coin to an event and I was drooling over it for hours. a raffle was held and it was given out as one of the door prizes. I held my breathe and waited patiently for them to call my name when the coin came up for the raffle.


I was disappointed when I didn't win it and it went to someone that had just started caching the previous week.


I thought how unfair it was that someone that would appreciate the coin didn't get it, and how someone that probably didn't know what geocoin was had gotten it.


I even made comment to my wife that it'll probably end up on ebay the following week...



I share this story with you only to show that unless you know who gets your coin, you really have no control over it when it leaves your possession. :unsure:



edited for spelling... huked on fonicks wurked fur me! :D

Edited by LionsLair
Posted (edited)

In my eyes very simple.

If you give something away, it's unconditionally. What the other one does with it, is not your business anymore.




I have seen time and time again people who have fallen in their luck in these forums, whether it be a financial or a medical need, they are forced to sell their beloved coins, all the special gifted ones that make more money than the average coin. ... gifts and commercial alike.


Moun10bike should post somewhere that he does not want his coins sold.


He does, every moun10bike coin page says this:

This coin may be kept, traded, sent traveling, gifted or otherwise enjoyed by the holder. I do, however, retain the right to delete virtual logs or other bogus logs. Also, no sales of this geocoin are allowed.


LINK to MB#115

Edited by avroair
Posted (edited)
Moun10bike should post somewhere that he does not want his coins sold.


He does, every moun10bike coin page says this:

This coin may be kept, traded, sent traveling, gifted or otherwise enjoyed by the holder. I do, however, retain the right to delete virtual logs or other bogus logs. Also, no sales of this geocoin are allowed.


LINK to MB#115


Please do not use my words out of context. The rest of the paragraph says "Everyone does not know about what to sell or not sell."


Ok, My remaining coins will be activated and I will retain ownership. My coin may be kept, traded, sent traveling, gifted or otherwise enjoyed by the holder. I do, however, retain the right to delete virtual logs or other bogus logs. Also, no sales of this geocoin are allowed


Sorry to everyone who wish to get one of my coins from me. But if you are down on your luck I will have a few unactivated coins to donate if need be. Just ask.

Edited by Tennessee Jed

In my eyes very simple.

If you give something away, it's unconditionally. What the other one does with it, is not your business anymore.





Ditto for me also. If I gift something to someone, they can do whatever they want with it. Keep it, trade it, sell it. It's like a Christmas gift you receive but don't want or need. Sometimes you'll keep it anyway, sometimes you'll re-gift it ( <_< ), sometimes you'll sell it at a garage sale, sometimes you'll donate it to a charity.


Also, maybe someone trades or buys a "trade-only" geocoin from someone else. Then he or she decides to resell it on eBay, not knowing about the "trade-only" clause. This recently happened to me as I bought a geocoin from another cacher, put it up on eBay. The cacher who minted the coin sent me an email, pretending to be an interested bidder and asked me for the numberical number on it (not the tracking number) because they were interested in low number coins. I replied with the number and the next thing I know, the unactivated coin has become activated by the original cacher who minted the coin. Pretty uncool move. But I digress, there could always be circumstances that the seller doesn't know about.


In my eyes very simple.

If you give something away, it's unconditionally. What the other one does with it, is not your business anymore.





Ditto for me also. If I gift something to someone, they can do whatever they want with it. Keep it, trade it, sell it. It's like a Christmas gift you receive but don't want or need. Sometimes you'll keep it anyway, sometimes you'll re-gift it ( <_< ), sometimes you'll sell it at a garage sale, sometimes you'll donate it to a charity.


Also, maybe someone trades or buys a "trade-only" geocoin from someone else. Then he or she decides to resell it on eBay, not knowing about the "trade-only" clause. This recently happened to me as I bought a geocoin from another cacher, put it up on eBay. The cacher who minted the coin sent me an email, pretending to be an interested bidder and asked me for the numberical number on it (not the tracking number) because they were interested in low number coins. I replied with the number and the next thing I know, the unactivated coin has become activated by the original cacher who minted the coin. Pretty uncool move. But I digress, there could always be circumstances that the seller doesn't know about.


If I offer to give a coin to a individual with the conditions that they activate the coin and not sell it, if we agree on the deal, should I not complain if the deal was broken? I was trying to trust people rather than activate the coins myself.

Posted (edited)

Here is my take on the subject. If someone post their desire in my coin thread I may send them a coin. If that person sells the coin without asking, I made a mistake.


If someone finds my coin in a cache and does not want to keep it and considers selling it, leave it in the cache for someone who would enjoy it.


My partner (The Bell Witch) and I made our coins for people to keep!


Slash On!

Edited by The Cache Reaper
Moun10bike should post somewhere that he does not want his coins sold.


He does, every moun10bike coin page says this:

This coin may be kept, traded, sent traveling, gifted or otherwise enjoyed by the holder. I do, however, retain the right to delete virtual logs or other bogus logs. Also, no sales of this geocoin are allowed.


LINK to MB#115


Please do not use my words out of context. The rest of the paragraph says "Everyone does not know about what to sell or not sell."


Wasn't out of context. I read it as you wished moun10bike would let people know not to sell his coin... which he does on the coin page... There's an old thread that lists coins, bring that up to the top.


While it's true that once you've given a gift away, what happens to it is out of your hands; it's disrespectful to the person who gave you the gift, to sell it. Just like the recipient can sell the gift if they want, the giver can lose respect for the recipient and choose somebody different for future gifts.

That's part two.

If I were the giver and the reciever would sell my gift, I would think twice before giving him another gift.

And if he (or she) would have to sell it because of financial troubles, I would ask if I could do something to help that person.


In my eyes very simple.

If you give something away, it's unconditionally. What the other one does with it, is not your business anymore.





Ditto for me also. If I gift something to someone, they can do whatever they want with it. Keep it, trade it, sell it. It's like a Christmas gift you receive but don't want or need. Sometimes you'll keep it anyway, sometimes you'll re-gift it ( <_< ), sometimes you'll sell it at a garage sale, sometimes you'll donate it to a charity.


Also, maybe someone trades or buys a "trade-only" geocoin from someone else. Then he or she decides to resell it on eBay, not knowing about the "trade-only" clause. This recently happened to me as I bought a geocoin from another cacher, put it up on eBay. The cacher who minted the coin sent me an email, pretending to be an interested bidder and asked me for the numberical number on it (not the tracking number) because they were interested in low number coins. I replied with the number and the next thing I know, the unactivated coin has become activated by the original cacher who minted the coin. Pretty uncool move. But I digress, there could always be circumstances that the seller doesn't know about.


If I offer to give a coin to a individual with the conditions that they activate the coin and not sell it, if we agree on the deal, should I not complain if the deal was broken? I was trying to trust people rather than activate the coins myself.


It's perfectly fine to complain if the deal is broken. I wasn't talking about you or any of your geocoins in my last post BTW. The coin that I was talking about wasn't given or traded to me by the original minter. I bought it from someone who must've traded for it or bought it when it was offered for charity. I had no idea that it wasn't to be sold, as it was sold to me. So when I decided to resell it, the original minter activated it under their own account, even though I owned the coin at the time. I emailed them saying I had no idea I wasn't supposed to sell it, I took the eBay auction down, and asked that if they could adopt the coin over to me. After three emails and no response from them, I gave up.


Also remember that once you let go of something, you lose control over what happens to it. People lose interest, and decide to stop collecting and sell the collection. Many people don't even visit these forums to read those threads. Some visit the forums for a while and leave. We've seen many threads where people were forced to sell their own collections, that they didn't want to part with, to handle a financial crisis at home. You can kindly request this, but you cannot have control over something you let go of. The most you can do is hang on to your own special coins, and admire what you have.


how does this philosophy fit in with how moun10bike controls his coins. once it leaves his hands, how can he reasonably expect to decide the coin's future? i truly do not understand that. as you said above, "you cannot have control over something you have let go of."


can someone explain this please?


Also remember that once you let go of something, you lose control over what happens to it. People lose interest, and decide to stop collecting and sell the collection. Many people don't even visit these forums to read those threads. Some visit the forums for a while and leave. We've seen many threads where people were forced to sell their own collections, that they didn't want to part with, to handle a financial crisis at home. You can kindly request this, but you cannot have control over something you let go of. The most you can do is hang on to your own special coins, and admire what you have.


how does this philosophy fit in with how moun10bike controls his coins. once it leaves his hands, how can he reasonably expect to decide the coin's future? i truly do not understand that. as you said above, "you cannot have control over something you have let go of."


can someone explain this please?


He activates the coins under his account. If you trade with him, you will get a coin activated under his account. He will continue to have control of it once you have it in your hands.


Also remember that once you let go of something, you lose control over what happens to it....You can kindly request this, but you cannot have control over something you let go of. The most you can do is hang on to your own special coins, and admire what you have.


Eartha is correct about losing control of whatever you gift/sell/trade, but I think the debate about whether this is "right" or "wrong" is masking something else.


My personal feeling on this issue of doing "insert-action-here" with a coin when it is politely requested that you not do "insert-same-action-here" is that it tells us more about the person to whom the coin was gifted/traded/etc.


For example, mystery coins. Many come with requests/instructions. For me personally, I view these instructions as a responsibility that goes with owning the coin. For the privilege of owning the coin, I should do as the gifter/minter requests, and I like to think that the gifter/minter knows a little more about me and my character in the process. If I don't agree with the terms, then I should refuse the coin. For those who accept these coins and their instructions but steadfastly employ the it's-mine-and-I'll-do-what-I-want-with-it mentality, well, they also show something about themselves. Granted, there are exceptions to every generalization, but I feel like I get a better idea of one's character through something like this.

Posted (edited)

Also remember that once you let go of something, you lose control over what happens to it. People lose interest, and decide to stop collecting and sell the collection. Many people don't even visit these forums to read those threads. Some visit the forums for a while and leave. We've seen many threads where people were forced to sell their own collections, that they didn't want to part with, to handle a financial crisis at home. You can kindly request this, but you cannot have control over something you let go of. The most you can do is hang on to your own special coins, and admire what you have.


how does this philosophy fit in with how moun10bike controls his coins. once it leaves his hands, how can he reasonably expect to decide the coin's future? i truly do not understand that. as you said above, "you cannot have control over something you have let go of."


can someone explain this please?


He activates the coins under his account. If you trade with him, you will get a coin activated under his account. He will continue to have control of it once you have it in your hands.





Edited by RedShoesGirl
..For those who accept these coins and their instructions but steadfastly employ the it's-mine-and-I'll-do-what-I-want-with-it mentality, well, they also show something about themselves. Granted, there are exceptions to every generalization, but I feel like I get a better idea of one's character through something like this.


excellent point and i totally agree.





For example, mystery coins. Many come with requests/instructions. For me personally, I view these instructions as a responsibility that goes with owning the coin. For the privilege of owning the coin, I should do as the gifter/minter requests, and I like to think that the gifter/minter knows a little more about me and my character in the process. If I don't agree with the terms, then I should refuse the coin. For those who accept these coins and their instructions but steadfastly employ the it's-mine-and-I'll-do-what-I-want-with-it mentality, well, they also show something about themselves. Granted, there are exceptions to every generalization, but I feel like I get a better idea of one's character through something like this.


********* <_< **********

:unsure: mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine :huh:



For example, mystery coins. Many come with requests/instructions. For me personally, I view these instructions as a responsibility that goes with owning the coin. For the privilege of owning the coin, I should do as the gifter/minter requests, and I like to think that the gifter/minter knows a little more about me and my character in the process. If I don't agree with the terms, then I should refuse the coin. For those who accept these coins and their instructions but steadfastly employ the it's-mine-and-I'll-do-what-I-want-with-it mentality, well, they also show something about themselves. Granted, there are exceptions to every generalization, but I feel like I get a better idea of one's character through something like this.


********* <_< **********

:unsure: mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine :huh:


He he he he! I literally laughed out loud, opalsns. What's the word - incorrigible? :D


tells us more about the person to whom the coin was gifted/traded/etc.


True. But isn't it better to find out the true story rather than jump to conclusions? There are other factors such as how the coin was acquired. If I get a mystery coin by buying it, that's not the same situation as finding it in a cache or in my mailbox. The coin's context has different meanings to different people. It can say more about the person to who the coin was gifted's attitude towards the giver than the general coin community.


This might be a little off topic, but I feel the random kindness of mystery coins has been removed. Originally they were secretly placed into caches for people to hunt and find... nowadays a 'mystery coin giver' picks and chooses who they want to have the coin by anonymously sending it to recipients... both are gestures, but have different motives and effects. I mail my personal coins to some people when I make a new one, how is that really different than today's mystery givers?



This might be a little off topic, but I feel the random kindness of mystery coins has been removed. Originally they were secretly placed into caches for people to hunt and find... nowadays a 'mystery coin giver' picks and chooses who they want to have the coin by anonymously sending it to recipients... both are gestures, but have different motives and effects. I mail my personal coins to some people when I make a new one, how is that really different than today's mystery givers?


Nowadays, mystery coiners will come in here and pre-announce the mystery. <_<


tells us more about the person to whom the coin was gifted/traded/etc.


True. But isn't it better to find out the true story rather than jump to conclusions? There are other factors such as how the coin was acquired. If I get a mystery coin by buying it, that's not the same situation as finding it in a cache or in my mailbox. The coin's context has different meanings to different people. It can say more about the person to who the coin was gifted's attitude towards the giver than the general coin community.



I think my comments shouldn't be applied with a broad brush to ALL types of geocoin transactions. I was speaking primarily of the FIRST exchange of a coin and ONLY about coins that come with instructions, or polite recommendations, requests, however you want to put it. That's why I provided an example. I know that many of us are 3rd, 4th,...nth possessors of these things, and certainly requests get lost in the shuffle. And I never suggested that anything be applied to the entire geocoin community...


Let's face it: in the case of coins that initially come with requests NOT to be sold and then ARE sold, someone disregarded someone's request at some point.


I have yet to read of anyone refusing a mystery coin that comes with requests - or ANY coin that comes with requests, which I would expect from someone who feels that once it's their coin, it's theirs to do with as they wish. It seems like honesty, or at the very least, a common courtesy. Otherwise, one is accepting a coin and agreeing to terms they have no intention of keeping. For the record: I have no issues with someone who feels like once they've acquired a coin, it's theirs. I just wonder HOW this philosophy is communicated when they are presented with a coin opportunity that does have a "please don't do xxxxxx with me" attached to it. I think it is worth discussion.


As for the "random kindness" of mystery coins having changed...what about geocoins hasn't changed?! And is it really that different to have something kindly mailed to someone randomly chosen from an addressbook of people who will probably really appreciate it, versus kindly placing something in a cache to be found by a totally random person who may not even know what they are holding? Selecting where we want to deposit our coins is about the only aspect of coins we have control over, evidently.


Let's face it: in the case of coins that initially come with requests NOT to be sold and then ARE sold, someone disregarded someone's request at some point.


Yep. In that case it is more straightforward.

But I can't really understand why people would put requests and strings on their coins unless they want to try and control everything that happens to them, or artificially inflate their perceived value (or their own opinion of themselves). A mystery coin shouldn't have guilt attributed to it. They are gifts of kindness. I don't like it when someone profits from my mystery coins, but on the other hand, it's not worth losing sleep over... I have other things in my life that cause that! :)


I'm glad this thread was merged. There is one other person who gifts or trades his coins but does not want them sold. Guess who is selling two of mine?



Like I said earkier,


1/2 the folks saying they don't want there's sold, are the first to sell someone elses, what a joke!!!!



I have 2 Mystery Coins,

Never Asked for them nor did I ever expect one...... THAT, my fine forum finders, IS a Mystery Coin!!!


Dark Knight - This is so tiny and so cool and I was surprised to see it in my mail!!!!!!


Mystery Bandita, Oh Man, I actually SQUEEELED when I saw the Black Mailer, Which I also Kept.

That Black Mailer is as Important to me as the coin. ( I know, silly)



For example, mystery coins. Many come with requests/instructions. For me personally, I view these instructions as a responsibility that goes with owning the coin. For the privilege of owning the coin, I should do as the gifter/minter requests, and I like to think that the gifter/minter knows a little more about me and my character in the process. If I don't agree with the terms, then I should refuse the coin. For those who accept these coins and their instructions but steadfastly employ the it's-mine-and-I'll-do-what-I-want-with-it mentality, well, they also show something about themselves. Granted, there are exceptions to every generalization, but I feel like I get a better idea of one's character through something like this.


********* :huh: **********

:lol: mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine ;)


We all know this about you Patty!!!! :P:):lol:



Mystery Bandita, Oh Man, I actually SQUEEELED when I saw the Black Mailer, Which I also Kept.

That Black Mailer is as Important to me as the coin. ( I know, silly)


Nope not silly at all because I also kept mine! LOL


When I am gifted a coin that I already have I always keep the exact coin that was gifted to me. I guess that might be silly too since the ony difference is the tracking number but one was a gfit and the other wasn't.


I have a lot of older coins that I have traded for or bought. They have probably gone through several other cachers before getting to me. I no longer know if they were trade only versions. I think that may be where some of the problems are. I would be horrified to have someone do to me like the person did to Mauison. Least they could have done was to ask to trade it back.


For me my mystery coins are not to be sold in keeping with the mystery coiners wishes. A few bad apples do spoil the barrel as can be seen by what happened to the GeoCoinFairy. I was absolutely thrilled to find that coin in a cache. I grinned from ear to ear when I discovered it was still there. To know that others won't have that thrill is very sad because of the greed of a few.



For example, mystery coins. Many come with requests/instructions. For me personally, I view these instructions as a responsibility that goes with owning the coin. For the privilege of owning the coin, I should do as the gifter/minter requests, and I like to think that the gifter/minter knows a little more about me and my character in the process. If I don't agree with the terms, then I should refuse the coin. For those who accept these coins and their instructions but steadfastly employ the it's-mine-and-I'll-do-what-I-want-with-it mentality, well, they also show something about themselves. Granted, there are exceptions to every generalization, but I feel like I get a better idea of one's character through something like this.


********* :huh: **********

:lol: mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine ;)


We all know this about you Patty!!!! :P:):lol:
















Mystery Bandita, Oh Man, I actually SQUEEELED when I saw the Black Mailer, Which I also Kept.

That Black Mailer is as Important to me as the coin. ( I know, silly)


Nope not silly at all because I also kept mine! LOL


When I am gifted a coin that I already have I always keep the exact coin that was gifted to me. I guess that might be silly too since the ony difference is the tracking number but one was a gfit and the other wasn't.


I have a lot of older coins that I have traded for or bought. They have probably gone through several other cachers before getting to me. I no longer know if they were trade only versions. I think that may be where some of the problems are. I would be horrified to have someone do to me like the person did to Mauison. Least they could have done was to ask to trade it back.


For me my mystery coins are not to be sold in keeping with the mystery coiners wishes. A few bad apples do spoil the barrel as can be seen by what happened to the GeoCoinFairy. I was absolutely thrilled to find that coin in a cache. I grinned from ear to ear when I discovered it was still there. To know that others won't have that thrill is very sad because of the greed of a few.

To know that others won't have that thrill is very sad because of the greed of a few.


I think the greed lies not with those who sell the mystery coins, but with the people who whine, bitch and moan about not being able to get mystery coins because a few people sell them...those who bash people without knowing the reasons why they sold said coin. Those people would rather dump on a person because they may not get another precious coin than put the person above the hunk of metal.


The avarice of people in that situation is the truly sad thing.


I always chuckle when I hear of the sad times that people have to the point of selling a mystery coin will get them out of whatever problem they are having. How many times have we heard that sad song, even to the point that people flood them with coins to sell to help them, then the next thing we know is that they just screwed a lot of coiners out of money and the coins that they bought. I might be a little off of topic with that last statement but how many people feel that same way here? I makes it hard to trade with anyone anymore cause what excuse will be made when they don't send their part of the deal?,"Sorry but buffy my dog got sick and I can not buy a stamp to send your coin to you cause the vet bill was more than I can afford right now." :)

Posted (edited)

I always chuckle when I hear of the sad times that people have to the point of selling a mystery coin will get them out of whatever problem they are having. How many times have we heard that sad song, even to the point that people flood them with coins to sell to help them, then the next thing we know is that they just screwed a lot of coiners out of money and the coins that they bought. I might be a little off of topic with that last statement but how many people feel that same way here? I makes it hard to trade with anyone anymore cause what excuse will be made when they don't send their part of the deal?,"Sorry but buffy my dog got sick and I can not buy a stamp to send your coin to you cause the vet bill was more than I can afford right now." :)


I don't :lol: . I can't say that I've been in a position where a few dollars, or many few dollars, would impact my life one h*** (that's right, not heck,) of a lot, but have sent coins (unsolicited coins,) in hopes of helping someone "catch up" with bills just a little bit. I generally request, that's right, request, these coins be sold on e-bay, or traded for a coin that can bring more money on e-bay. I asked for help on this forum (not financial, more important than that,) several months ago, and received responses from people I had never met or communicated with before, along with those I dare to think of as friends. I'm not stupid enough to believe all requests are genuine, but would like to believe most of them are (maybe that means I am stupid....so be it!)


Edited by drneal
I always chuckle when I hear of the sad times that people have to the point of selling a mystery coin will get them out of whatever problem they are having.


Almost as bad as how someone whose name rhymes with Rav Spout has sold mystery coins for no better reason than for profit? :)


I always chuckle when I hear of the sad times that people have to the point of selling a mystery coin will get them out of whatever problem they are having. How many times have we heard that sad song, even to the point that people flood them with coins to sell to help them, then the next thing we know is that they just screwed a lot of coiners out of money and the coins that they bought. I might be a little off of topic with that last statement but how many people feel that same way here? I makes it hard to trade with anyone anymore cause what excuse will be made when they don't send their part of the deal?,"Sorry but buffy my dog got sick and I can not buy a stamp to send your coin to you cause the vet bill was more than I can afford right now." :)


That is such an ignorant generalization of some very good people that have fallen on bad times. While I have not sold a mystery coin I have had to sell some of my coins to help pay bills - and I will sell more. Will it keep me from starving? No. But it has helped pay some dentist bills for one of my kids which I could not have afforded otherwise and it has also helped me purchase some specialized food supplies for food allergies <whine, whine, whine>.


If someone needs to sell a Gifted/Mystery coin then more power to them. I think we get to full of ourselves thinking that a hunk of gifted metal is more precious than the benefit it may provide. I mean, that was it's intended purpose in the first place was it not - to show caring and friendship? What better way to show it than for it to be able help in someones time of need. So what good is the gift if we ask for it back in the time of that need?


I am truly grateful for the friends I made and the gifts I received from so many of you. While I have no plans on selling these coins I do hope people would understand should the need arise. So, you may be sick of the 'sad song' but I'm still prepared to give people the benefit of the doubt.

I always chuckle when I hear of the sad times that people have to the point of selling a mystery coin will get them out of whatever problem they are having.


Almost as bad as how someone whose name rhymes with Rav Spout has sold mystery coins for no better reason than for profit? :)


nice to see you back ...


I think we get to full of ourselves thinking that a hunk of gifted metal is more precious than the benefit it may provide. I mean, that was it's intended purpose in the first place was it not - to show caring and friendship? What better way to show it than for it to be able help in someones time of need. So what good is the gift if we ask for it back in the time of that need?


Wait a minute: the people KEEPING the coins and adhering to the requests made by the giver are the ones thinking they're more precious? It seems the person selling is keenly aware of the "preciousness" factor associated with some coins, no?


Also, "the benefit" that coins can provide is certainly different for each and every one of us out there. For some, it's a monetary benefit. For others, it's the opportunity to send a pretty traveller into a cache. Yet others just like to have them. The list goes on and on, and then list can change for someone depending on their situation. Let's not generalize that geocoins mean the same thing to everyone. Rather, let's have some tolerance for how individuals choose to use their coins.


The issue here - again - is if you are offered a coin that comes with a "please do not sell" request, should you accept it even if you don't believe you should have to honor this request? Do you refuse the coin? Do you explain your philosophy about coin ownership before accepting the coin? Or do you accept it and, once you get it, feel entitled to do with it as you please because it's "yours?"


Everyone falls on difficult times, especially recently. And I'm sure that those who have mystery coins minted with the preference of NOT having them sold feel sympathy for anyone and everyone who's having a rough go of it. That might not necessarily mean they're happy with having the mystery coin sold when they didn't want that to happen. I know it's not always possible, but some mystery coin gifters to have accounts through gc.com What is wrong with sending an email first, to share the situation and explain what you'd like to do? Perhaps this has happened - none of us know, really - but I think this is BETTER than presuming that it's OK because your personal situation requires it. FOR CLARIFICATION: I'm only talking about coins you've received directly from these mystery givers, and so you KNOW the conditions and - presumably - accepted the coin and the conditions that come with the coin.


I think we get to full of ourselves thinking that a hunk of gifted metal is more precious than the benefit it may provide. I mean, that was it's intended purpose in the first place was it not - to show caring and friendship? What better way to show it than for it to be able help in someones time of need. So what good is the gift if we ask for it back in the time of that need?


Wait a minute: the people KEEPING the coins and adhering to the requests made by the giver are the ones thinking they're more precious? It seems the person selling is keenly aware of the "preciousness" factor associated with some coins, no?


When I say more precious I don't mean the coin itself...I mean the help that it may provide someone in need. Sure it's wonderful to have people give such wonderful tokens out of the goodness of their heart..but do they do it for themselves or for the benefit of the receiver? If it's for the benefit of the receiver then I think we need to be prepared to accept what need the gift may fill.


I do agree if there is an opportunity to contact the giver and let them know your intentions that would be preferred but really, it's not a gift if it has any stings attached.

I always chuckle when I hear of the sad times that people have to the point of selling a mystery coin will get them out of whatever problem they are having.


Almost as bad as how someone whose name rhymes with Rav Spout has sold mystery coins for no better reason than for profit? :)


If you have not figured by now, then you never will, we are two different people. I have given my mystery coin to several people to sell on ebay to help them out with their personal problems. I don't not have any problems with that. My beef is when people in their good faith had given to a family to help them out on their hard times would then turn around and still say they are making and minting coins then turn around and fall off the face of the earth and leave people they took orders from with empty hands and a lighter wallet.


Why did you not chime in and say that you too sold your gifted mystery coins? I still have the ones that I had been lucky enough to get from the kind hearted mystery coiners.

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