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Please... Not To Be Sold

Hula Bum

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Off from another topic, here it is.....


If you have a coin that was never for sale and you would like to see it that way for all time list it here. Maybe one day it will be pinned, but if not at least we can refer back to it when the need arises.


This is not meant for debate, there are plenty of other threads out there for that. So... if you don't like the idea, feel free and go post that somewhere else, this thread is for people who would like to note that they don't want/like their coins (or others if you know for a fact) to be sold.

Posted (edited)

Ok - I'll post about my coin.


My personal coin is trade only. I include a card with each that says the following:


"You have received one of my 2007 personal geocoins. Whether you received this coin as a gift or in trade, I hope that you enjoy it and share it with others. Trade it with this card if you like, but please do not sell it."


If anyone has any questions, feel free to drop me a note.


Edit to add pics per HB's request below.




Edited by ScoutingWV

I will post this for the group of 5 :laughing: The 5 Jeep Geocaching Adventure coins were trade/gift only coins. And this pic includes the one red error coin with funky rear fender :laughing: Thanks HB for this thread !





Ours too is a trade only never been sold coin. I always let the person I'm trading with know this before making a trade with them. One did end up being sold by someone who I won't name on Ebay though.




Would like to have a chance to get any back if someone doesn't want it any more.

Posted (edited)

Just adding my request...JayBee/LitLens Glowing Coin....please do not sell.


This coin was NEVER for sale...please let's keep it that way...


Pictures to be posted later.....

Edited by Go JayBee

If folks want to get rid of their Toojin & Bart coins, I would gladly trade for them. (I never said anything about this with the original trades because it just didn't occur to me.)


And as a "fair warning" type thing, the two that I know about that sold on eBay didn't sell worth squat, so you are better off trading... :D




Just adding my request...JayBee/LitLens Glowing Coin....please do not sell.

This coin was NEVER for sale...please let's keep it that way...

Pictures to be posted later.....


This one Jaybee ? Some help for ya :D




READ THIS ......






BUt will trade if i have two but one .. not thank you .




This is a great thread HB! LordYatchman and my personal coins have been trade only. There have been two sold for charity auctions with our permission. If anyone decides they don't want it any more let me know as I am running low!




Ok - I'll post about my coin.


My personal coin is trade only. I include a card with each that says the following:


"You have received one of my 2007 personal geocoins. Whether you received this coin as a gift or in trade, I hope that you enjoy it and share it with others. Trade it with this card if you like, but please do not sell it."


If anyone has any questions, feel free to drop me a note.


Edit to add pics per HB's request below.




That is one awesome coin! As a former cubmaster and now a troop committee member and a new charter org. rep for a new cub pack, I love the symbols on your coin! <_< Nice work!

Posted (edited)



I swore I would never post here, but in light of recent events, I felt the need to. Due to the recent eBay listings, I am probably going to end this project with the antique silver version of my coin. I did want to do an antique copper version next year, but I didn't make these coins to have people profit from them on eBay. They were gifts for cachers and geocaching in general.


For those of you who found this coin, should you decide you no longer want it, please trade it to someone who does for commercialized coins you can freely sell on eBay.


Thank you.

Edited by Team Jsam

Wow, these are some wonderful coins that I hadn't heard of before. I assume most of these are pretty much impossible to get a hold of anymore or do they still show up in caches once in a while?



Ok, finally found a picture of our personal coin, not sold or traded, only found in caches, and would like to keep them as a not for sale coin.



You cache in PA :P Seen this in a fellow cachers collection very kewl.... :D


Steel City Babes


Oh yeah my avatar was my trade only coin (50 minted)..it was the BN version..only sold one to a local from the burgh..someone sold a BN on ebay oh well <_<


Thanks Hula Bum! i can't type much lately so briefly:

bronze version (numbered to 40 ) and copper/silver (15 unumbered) versions were not available commercially; gifted without restriction and if you find a coin travelling under my account you can trade for it so this is a polite request it be sold only for charity or a portion of proceeds donated.



If folks want to get rid of their Toojin & Bart coins, I would gladly trade for them. (I never said anything about this with the original trades because it just didn't occur to me.) ......




Or they are welcome to send this particular coin to me, especially as the "Mouse" in Mousekakat is a coal black kitty who was very special to me and passed away unexpectedly and very quickly a couple of years ago from complications from Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease and and is now back in the reincarnation of Mouse II and his sister Missy.... all three are coal black from the tip of their nose to the tip of their tails and I've got a soft spot for black kitties!

Posted (edited)

There are two coins that I know of which have 'owners'.


1) Moun10bike - All his coins are 'owned' under his username

2) Coinfusion - On the edge of the coin it states: "Property of the Coinfusion Project - Not to be sold"



Edited by nielsenc

All of the Anthus XLEs are trade only along with the Decoder LEs.


Anthus Decoder XLE & LE (version 1 and 1.5) (XLEs have lens in them)

Anthus Secret GeoAgent XLE (black coat)

Anthus Laptop XLE (Gold metal)

Anthus Keystone Mini (Pink with Anthus engraved on it)






I swore I would never post here, but in light of recent events, I felt the need to. Due to the recent eBay listings, I am probably going to end this project with the antique silver version of my coin. I did want to do an antique copper version next year, but I didn't make these coins to have people profit from them on eBay. They were gifts for cachers and geocaching in general.


For those of you who found this coin, should you decide you no longer want it, please trade it to someone who does for commercialized coins you can freely sell on eBay.


Thank you.


What a shame, especially since I love copper!!!!!!


Our Geojellies will not be for sale but for trades and special gifts or prizes in caches. The maze coin will also have a trade only version. When we finally get our own "personal" geocoin it also will be for trades only.


Raiders of the Lost Cache/Staff of Ra

Tatanka Pejula (came w/restriction not for ebay)


Note: If you're going to sell them for charity, I support that 100% and if you need to sell these for other purposes, I'd be happy to trade you a trackable(s) to get these back.


Thanks~tsun :unsure:


Our GBOTS personal coins (including the Koh Koh coins) are meant to be trade only...

please, don't sell them....trade them back to me ;)


I was gifted one of these beauties, :o it was the first geocoin I ever received. Rest assured, it will remain the centerpiece of my small collection.


A simple rule, if you didn't pay for it, you shouldn't sell it but pass it on in like manner you received it. This rule does not apply to extra wedding gifts or duplicate Christmas gifts, you are permitted to put the toaster with gloss pink enamal finish into a garage sale. :unsure:

Posted (edited)

I just can't imagine selling any of the gifts that people have sent me... they were all sent with such special meaning and reasons....


Steph's Buffalo and it's healing message after my miscarriage, all the goodies that my special friend LoriDarlin' (I just adore that gal! I think she's my long lost twin!) and the Moops and Glenn and Toojin and Fluttershy and AccordionGal and Keewee and anyone else that I might have left out since my list is downstairs... they all mean so much to me, I keep them in a special box next to my bed and I actually look through them regularly.


I sit here nightly going nuts trying to figure out a personal coin that I can make out of FIMO clay to send out that has a peice of my heart and shows how much gratitude that I feel and how much their gifts have meant to me and I just can't think of anything special enough and it's driving me nuts!


I CANNOT imagine anyone selling gifts of the heart like that, I just can't, and it makes me sad to think that there are people out there with so little regard to things like that!


Naomi :unsure:

Edited by mousekakat

My Son of Cyclops coin was never sold, only trade only.


I think there is one on ebay now!!!


Now, at the risk of being shunned from the community I was actually looking to ebay as possibly my only opportunity to get any of the special coins I see and hear about. I don't get the chance to pick these up like others may but that doesn't make them any less desirable for me. As I learn more about geocoins, I see a lot that I would like to have someday and ebay seemed like a place to find them. Too me, it would still be a special coin if I got it on ebay as I actually went on the 'hunt' to get it.


I understand the issue that someone is making a profit from your coins and maybe somehow it diminishes the 'personal' value. However, I'm guessing that it will be going to a home of someone that wanted it bad and that it must be something special for them to bid on it?


Again, I mean no disrespect and understand what folks are saying here. So, if when I'm searching ebay for coins that I would like in my budding collecting and I happen to come across a coin on ebay that I know shouldn't be sold...I will let the owner know about it. I'm assuming the owner would want to know? I will also (as hard as it may be) not bid on those types of coins in the future or I may try to win the coin so as to get it back to the owner - if I can afford to do it anyway.

Posted (edited)

Nothing is set in concrete..... <snip - post edited at Poster's request, posted in wrong thread.>


This debate is going on in several other threads. I hope this thread doesn't get bogged down in that debate. Right now people are just stating their preferences for their coins.

Edited by Eartha

Ok so I have a question about XXXLE's and LE's etc. If the regular version was sold, but an LE version wasn't by merit of the 'edition' being sold, doesn't that mean that any version can be sold on ebay, since the edition is deemed commercial? (by edition I mean all coins regardless of metal with the same design, akin to version).


Just asking... not saying I am planning to sell stuff. Or that I agree with the logic above :unsure:


This is adding several to my want list. I would wonder if some of these are face to face trades only or e-mail okay trades.


I always prefer face-to-face trades/gifting, but I don't have a problem with trading/gifting mine through the mail.

Posted (edited)


I swore I would never post here, but in light of recent events, I felt the need to. Due to the recent eBay listings, I am probably going to end this project with the antique silver version of my coin. I did want to do an antique copper version next year, but I didn't make these coins to have people profit from them on eBay. They were gifts for cachers and geocaching in general.


For those of you who found this coin, should you decide you no longer want it, please trade it to someone who does for commercialized coins you can freely sell on eBay.


Thank you.


What a shame, especially since I love copper!!!!!!


I agree, what a shame. Someone puts something out like this and one person has to ruin it for everyone. I'm still trying to capture a silver version. Hope there's still one out there!

Edited by 501_Gang

It's great to see people using this thread for its intended use. Please lets keep the debates on the other threads and let's use this one just for posting these coins.


It's great to see people using this thread for its intended use. Please lets keep the debates on the other threads and let's use this one just for posting these coins.


Sorry for falling off course!

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