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I may have bitten more than I can chew but with more mouths the easier it should be...


over the years of GeoCaching what new words and or terms have you seen??


Cachemobile term used to denote vehicle for caching

Geolizing socializing in the realm of Geocaching such as spending way to much time at an event cache.

Arm Chair Caching logging finds without going outside

MicroSpew micro or smaller caches under every light pole 521 feet apart

MicroSpew micro or smaller caches under every light pole 521 feet apart

Stick around. There's folks here that make up a new name for these every time a new thread shows up bashing them. Wait for one of those threads and you'll see. (they actually bash them in non bashing threads too, so maybe you'll see some here)


I particularly enjoy the term Muggle when it's misspelled as "Muggler". It always makes me think of a McDonald's character, the Hamburgler.


Beating my own drum here, but I coined the term geonapping, after I was followed by two cachers of my acquaintance, who cruelly made me get me into their car, at GPS-point, and FORCED me to geocache with them for the rest of the afternoon.


It was horrible. I didn't even get a FTF.




NightCrawler/NightCrawling - coined here locally by yours truly & Team Rattlebars. Locals have taken to adding "NO NIGHTCRAWLING" to their listings, but I never let that deter me once I get there and find I won't really disturb anyone or anything. I do respect the warning if I find that I WILL disturb someone though and mournfully make my way home.

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