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Coin Contest!


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Time for a coin contest! Now's your chance to win a GOLD AGA 2006 coin. These are sold out and hard to find! New and unactivated; I found a leftover in a coin box.


Here's the deal. It's a Halloween costume contest! :D


The Rules:

1. Submitted photos must be of YOU. It can be a group photo.

2. You must be in costume.

3. Photo must be family-friendly.

4. Photo can be from this year or last year's Halloween season.

5. You may post as many photos as you like, but only ONE can be for voting. (One REAL submission per team)



Submissions will go through November 2 to allow for goofy Halloween party photos. :wacko: Voting will begin November 3 and conclude November 8. Winner will be announced November 9! One vote per team.


Rules may be modified as it goes along, in case I forget something important.... :laughing:


Keep it fun!

Posted (edited)

Wooohooo my kind of cointest :D This is NOT my official entry but thought it would just be fun to add to the thread. I'll post my official entry after this Halloween :wacko: Thanks for the cointest!


Me (Merlin :laughing: ) with my nephew and niece



Edited by tsunrisebey



Mousekakat consists of the 4 of us - me, Micke, Hanna and Caitlyn. This pic is Hanna from last Halloween and one of our favorites! She was dressed up as a little witch :laughing:






My girls together last year :wacko:



Heres me and freinds in costumes before we went trick or treating last year. Im batman. Thanks for the cointest!


HEY!!! I *Love* your Brittany!! We've got two ourselves! :wacko::laughing::D

Posted (edited)

"HEY!!! I *Love* your Brittany!! We've got two ourselves! :D:laughing::laughing:"

Its not my Brittany but my friends, it was his house we were all at. Shes a nice dog =)

Edited by Lotho
Posted (edited)

Every year our office has a "theme"...as you can see last year it was "Alice in Wonderland". I am the flamingo in the front row on the right (you know...they used flamingos in the croquet game...) What you can't see is my tail feathers...they were so cute...(the feathers...not my bum!) LOL

This year the theme is Zorro



Edited by Tank Hounds

I so wish I could find the very first profile picture I ever used - a sure winner ;)


I love going out with the kids :P My personal trick ot treat lines, use with caution :huh:


Trick or treat, you got some candy for the big kids?

Trick or treat, come on, I know you are holding out - I want the good stuff.

Trick or treat (close the bag as they go to put something in)

Trick or treat - you got anything better?

Trick or treat - just stand there, not too long cauz the boys in blue may pay you a visit.

Trick or treat - is that it?

Trick or treat - you got any tuna fish?

Trik or treat, use this on other (big) kids & parents in passing


I'll post a picture from this years fun & games when it gets closer



Trick or treat - you got anything better?



I kept a "special stash" of "goodies" for treaters like that... go down the canned meat aisle sometime. Near the vienna sausage and potted meat, there's a lovely item called "pork brains (in milk gravy)." Also known to be used is a handful of dry pinto beans, a scoop of crisco, or a raw egg dipped lovingly in chocolate.


Makes a lovely bag-filler!



Trick or treat - you got anything better?



I kept a "special stash" of "goodies" for treaters like that... go down the canned meat aisle sometime. Near the vienna sausage and potted meat, there's a lovely item called "pork brains (in milk gravy)." Also known to be used is a handful of dry pinto beans, a scoop of crisco, or a raw egg dipped lovingly in chocolate.


Makes a lovely bag-filler!

:D:D:D:D:D thats truly awsome

an old friend used to give out mini marshmallows on toothpicks & single servings of instant oatmeal


Chip and I just picked up the finishing touches on our costumes today. We are going to a Halloween party at his parents house which should be a lot of fun since they live out in the booneys:) I'll post pics once we get in characters.


Me and my wife before heading out to a Halloween Party.

Being in Las Vegas we just had to be tourists.

If you look close you can see a 3rd member of whtwolfden and the 4th was shooting the picture.

Yes, I had to drive with that on! :)




This is NOT my official entry, it's just for fun. This was also not for Halloween...yep I'm a LOTR fan. This was for the midnight showing of the 3rd installment, Return of the King. It was in Jacksonville FL and we were featured on several News stations. When the first movie came out my friends and I made a pact to always see the movie on the first night for the midnight showing no matter where we were at the time. For the last one (in 2003) I drove down from SC but one of my friends had to come from Denver. It was such a great time!




First cointest for these monkeys and we couldn't resist sharing this photo. I got a call from my little sister and she asked DBSO and I to fly out to Las Vegas for a huge Halloween party last year and for me to perform her wedding ceremony afterwards.


At the party DBSO and I ran into the tall goofy/creepy guy known as Penn. :D Teller was conspicuously absent that evening. Our costumes were inspired by the monkeys and catchers from the video game series Ape Escape. The light on the evil monkey helmet worked as well.




DBSO's costume was inspired by the character Yumi. The EL wiring on the net glowed, she had the blue bunny backpack, and even found the orange sneakers and knee socks.



Big Eared Monkey's Costume was based on this monkey. For obvious reasons of being at a public event no weapon was carried. And for the record, yes the helmet is hot!


Posted (edited)

Here you go.... Never knew Mackey had such a talented wife who could do such an atristic job on the both of them. Really wowed me when I saw this picture.




<img src="http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o166/alaskangal/halloweenpic2.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br>



Fox-and-the-Hound (aka Mackey) and Moun10girl throw one heck of a bash :)

Edited by Frozen Buns
Posted (edited)

I am princess Leia on the right. :) This is from yesterdays Halloween party. It took me a while but I made this costume by hand, I searched for 2 months and could not find anywhere that sold it. Hubby is Vader :)



Edited by dark_onyx1982

I am princess Leia on the right. :) This is from yesterdays Halloween party. It took me a while but I made this costume by hand, I searched for 2 months and could not find anywhere that sold it. Hubby is Vader :)




That isn't much of a costume, lol.


The famous Chelemybell and Joefrog's annual Halloween party was this past Saturday. We were "The Frankenstein Family." Her & her son's costume turned out great! She got ready and said "you're on your own for your makeup!" So my makeup was less than stellar. Ah, well... fun just the same! We had matching tattoos for the party.


The flaming pumpkin was a flaming success! Soak a roll of toilet paper in kerosene overnight, put in the pumpkin and light. It'll give a flame as seen in the pic below for half an hour!


A few pics:










Here is my sweet Hanna this Halloween. She's going to use the same costume as last year, but we're painting her face this year B)




And here's the pumpkin she designed and I helped her carve B)




I am princess Leia on the right. B) This is from yesterdays Halloween party. It took me a while but I made this costume by hand, I searched for 2 months and could not find anywhere that sold it. Hubby is Vader B)






I am princess Leia on the right. B) This is from yesterdays Halloween party. It took me a while but I made this costume by hand, I searched for 2 months and could not find anywhere that sold it. Hubby is Vader B)





Finally we agree on something!!!


I am princess Leia on the right. B) This is from yesterdays Halloween party. It took me a while but I made this costume by hand, I searched for 2 months and could not find anywhere that sold it. Hubby is Vader B)





Posted (edited)

I am princess Leia on the right. B) This is from yesterdays Halloween party. It took me a while but I made this costume by hand, I searched for 2 months and could not find anywhere that sold it. Hubby is Vader B)






I gotta represent for NEFGA! B)

Edited by dark_onyx1982


I gotta represent for NEFGA! B)

Where do we go for the NEFGA Calendar pre orders? B)

Now there is an idea LOL I will pass that onto NEFGA's queen H.O.O.C.H.I.E. B)


I would *so* buy one.

Posted (edited)




Jay (a good friend of mine) and Silent Bob (me) on the Halloween Party last weekend.


Didn't say a word until midnight except "Not tickets".

Was pretty hard to order something else as beer.


Ok, the costumes were not that special, and we aren't hardly as good looking as the young lady in the previous post, but we were recognised immideatly when we arrived.


And just to show the awesomeness of the costume:


Edited by Astartus




Jay (a good friend of mine) and Silent Bob (me) on the Halloween Party last weekend.


Didn't say a word until midnight except "Not tickets".

Was pretty hard to order something else as beer.


Ok, the costumes were not that special, and we aren't hardly as good looking as the young lady in the previous post, but we were recognised immideatly when we arrived.


And just to show the awesomeness of the costume:



I love this one! Totally awesome!


My 'costume' at Joefrog's Famous Halloween Party




Ed Ed Ed...are you in need of an assistant?? :rolleyes::huh::D


Yes, I don't recall Leia wearing THAT outfit...the Empire wouldn't have started trouble if she had!!

Posted (edited)

My 'costume' at Joefrog's Famous Halloween Party



Ed Ed Ed...are you in need of an assistant?? :rolleyes::huh::D


Yes, I don't recall Leia wearing THAT outfit...the Empire wouldn't have started trouble if she had!!


Remember when she was Jabba the huts slave? Don't worry, surprisingly, a lot of guys did not recognize the costume an some people thought It was from 300. :D

Edited by dark_onyx1982

My 'costume' at Joefrog's Famous Halloween Party



Ed Ed Ed...are you in need of an assistant?? :huh::D:D


Yes, I don't recall Leia wearing THAT outfit...the Empire wouldn't have started trouble if she had!!


Remember when she was Jabba the huts slave? Don't worry, surprisingly, a lot of guys did not recognize the costume an some people thought It was from 300. :rolleyes:


Oh, I recognized it. It was one of my favorite scenes. :D


My 'costume' at Joefrog's Famous Halloween Party



Ed Ed Ed...are you in need of an assistant?? :huh::D:D


Yes, I don't recall Leia wearing THAT outfit...the Empire wouldn't have started trouble if she had!!


Remember when she was Jabba the huts slave? Don't worry, surprisingly, a lot of guys did not recognize the costume an some people thought It was from 300. :rolleyes:


Oh, I recognized it. It was one of my favorite scenes. :D


LOl thought you were kidding, but wasn't sure. I was surprised at the party how many people did not recognize it.


Nasty Halloween weather here, close to freezing and winter mix blowing around, lots of sleet and rain and blech!


Hanna had a change of heart about a skimpy witch costume and went as a flower girl instead... Caitlyn stayed in where it was warm, but she even got to try on her costume and play in it a while :(


SO, here are my two sweeties!












I have to get my girlfreind a costume like that!!!


I am princess Leia on the right. :( This is from yesterdays Halloween party. It took me a while but I made this costume by hand, I searched for 2 months and could not find anywhere that sold it. Hubby is Vader :(




Man! What true red blooded american male not know the princess Leia slave outfit from ROTJ? Sports illustraded made her famous by putting her, "Princess Leia" or Carrie Fisher (in slave attire) on the cover of their magazine...


My 'costume' at Joefrog's Famous Halloween Party



Ed Ed Ed...are you in need of an assistant?? :):(:(


Yes, I don't recall Leia wearing THAT outfit...the Empire wouldn't have started trouble if she had!!


Remember when she was Jabba the huts slave? Don't worry, surprisingly, a lot of guys did not recognize the costume an some people thought It was from 300. :D


I have to get a girlfeind like that!!! :)


I have to get my girlfreind a costume like that!!!


I am princess Leia on the right. :) This is from yesterdays Halloween party. It took me a while but I made this costume by hand, I searched for 2 months and could not find anywhere that sold it. Hubby is Vader :)



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