+Devoluy Posted September 30, 2007 Posted September 30, 2007 Hello Whereas geocoins are great trackable items, we all know that: - They are expensive - If you want to keep one copy you have to buy two (one that you keep, and the other one that you drop in a cache) - They are stolen very quickly I read a thread recently on these issues and someone was proposing the following solution: you buy one coin that you activate, BUT you keep the original and drop a picture of your coin in a cache. The picture can be laminated or put in a platic pouch to protect it from humidity. Doing so, cachers can still log the "coin" when they find it and, since it is just a picture, it has less value and is less prone to be stolen. In other words, it maintains the hunt and track process but you keep your investment by having the original at home. What do you think? Quote
+501_Gang Posted September 30, 2007 Posted September 30, 2007 (edited) This is a topic that has been done before and has very different opinions. Some don't mind and will pass it along just like the original. Others will not move them and others really hate them and will destroy them. It has been said that if you should put "Copy" in the name of the coin so people don't waste their time going to pick up the 'coin' only to find out it's a copy. because they like to actually hold the real coin in their hands. I for one have moved 'copy' coins and don't mind the 'copy coins'. Other methods have been to drill a hole in the coin and attach a travel buddy to it to reduce the value and help keep it in curculation. Here is an example of one of the other threads. Edited September 30, 2007 by 501_Gang Quote
+Lotho Posted September 30, 2007 Posted September 30, 2007 Buy a coin. Now either: Keep it. Or Send the original out. Dont send a copy out. Quote
+Droo Posted September 30, 2007 Posted September 30, 2007 I find proxies to be a tease. The joy of finding a geocoin in a cache is the weight and colour of it, the handling of it. If you're going to place a picture of a coin in a cache and call it a coin expect to disappoint people. Personally I discover proxies but I don't bother to move them. What's to move? A piece of paper?? Sheesh. You can't have your coin and release it too. Quote
+dflye Posted September 30, 2007 Posted September 30, 2007 I find proxies to be a tease. The joy of finding a geocoin in a cache is the weight and colour of it, the handling of it. If you're going to place a picture of a coin in a cache and call it a coin expect to disappoint people. Personally I discover proxies but I don't bother to move them. What's to move? A piece of paper?? Sheesh. You can't have your coin and release it too. Sure you can! Just get one of the Crake coin / magnet combos, stick the magnet on your fridge or in your collection, and release the coin! Quote
+Mr.Explorer3 Posted September 30, 2007 Posted September 30, 2007 Just start going to events and have people discover the real thing as you show it to them. You will get to meet some really cool people and share your precious' ?(preciousi?) at the same time. What is the plural of precious? No fakies here please. I think it cheapens the discovery. Quote
+pghlooking Posted September 30, 2007 Posted September 30, 2007 It's not a copy. A copy would be a physical coin. This is nothing more than a picture of a coin. Pretty lame if you ask me. If the coin is missing, that would be one thing, but to start it out without ever actually sending the coin out...What's next? "My ammo can keeps being muggled so I just posted a picture of it and you can log that when you find it instead."? Quote
+larry739 Posted September 30, 2007 Posted September 30, 2007 (edited) When I first started up with Geocoins I did this and got some bad logs about it, so I stopped. Most of the ones I did were to replace coins that had gone missing. Once the real one turned up again. Boy was that interesting. The real coin was in Europe and the copy in the US. It really racked up the miles. My replicas are wooden nickels with pictures glued on and taped over with clear packing tape. Some people use washers. I also put (replica) in the description. Some still circulate and people for the most part are glad to get the icon. The complaints went way down after I put the (replica) in the description altough there are still a few people who just see the icon under the trackables on the cache page and go drive out to find it. They sometimes say they were disappointed. The best thing I ever did was make a bunch of coins myself. I sold some and activated the rest and I put geocoins into most caches I visit. If you do not have many geocoins and do not want to see them eventually go MIA, like so many of them do then you can either make your own replicas or buy some of the Crake type geocoins that have a keeper and a traveler. Those are really cool. I have some myself. I think people who get anal and destroy replicas they find in caches are kind of inane. I would never do that and do not know too many people who would. That seems like really childish behavior to me. But there is a fringe element in every field. I was surprised when I just checked my profile to see that I currently have exactly 1000 activated trackables. Over 700 have been released into the wild. The remainder are in my collection I take to events to be discovered. Most of the wild ones are still circulating. I would say fewer than 15% have gone MIA. I get about 50 emails per day which are logs on my trackables. It is quite entertaining. I have only had about 5 coins get stolen that I know of for sure. The rest are just missing. I do not assume that everyone is a thief. Many are just uninformed or forgetful I think we lose sight of that around here. Most people are basically nice and honest. Edited September 30, 2007 by larry739 Quote
+PLnauta Posted September 30, 2007 Posted September 30, 2007 One of my most anoying thinks that hapened to me while caching, was found a piece of paper telling me to move it to another cache (Which i did) copying a coin. I had to agree. Send the original coin to travel or keep it in your collection. PL Quote
+wavector Posted September 30, 2007 Posted September 30, 2007 Hello What do you think? Hello Devoluy A geocoin is geocoin but when you add a tracking code from Groundspeak it actually becomes a TB as well as a geocoin. Many players recognize that thievery is a real issue and have resorted to the solution that you are talking about. They attach the tracking code to a laminated piece of paper and release that as a TB, there is nothing wrong with this. There are several caveats, make sure that you do not release multiple items with one tracking code. If you are releasing an item that others might presume is a real geocoin you can rename it so that it is clearly a TB (ie call it Devoluy's TB instead of Maine Geocoin). You can attach anything to a tracking code and most geocachers will recognize it is a TB and they will move it to be helpful. In addition to recognizing that you have the right to select your own TB's most geocachers will appreciate having a chance to get the icon associated with the custom tracking code that often comes with a geocoin. Only the rudest people would destroy your TB's but it has been known to happen. There are people who demand that your choices satisy their wants, when someone tells you to release the actual geocoin so they can fondle it you can take that in stride. You will thwart the thieves and people who want to steal geocoins from geocaches will be unhappy with you but most geocachers will be happy to have the opportunity to connect to you, to help your TB and to gain an icon. There is no winning either, you should realize that as well. If you keep the coins and then let others see them at Events or gatherings you are going to offend those who think "discovery" logs are bogus. It is your money, it is your TB and the decision about the item attached to the tracking code you purchased is entirely yours. Go for it and ignore the naysayers, there will only be a few of them. Most geocachers will be happy to help you and your TB. Quote
+Kealia Posted September 30, 2007 Posted September 30, 2007 Buy a coin. Now either: Keep it. Or Send the original out. Dont send a copy out. Agreed. You can't have your coin and release it too. This should be a signature line. No fakies here please. I think it cheapens the discovery. Yep. Quote
+BlueDeuce Posted September 30, 2007 Posted September 30, 2007 Never release anything you aren't willing to lose. The coin is the traveler, with travel bugs it's just a tag. Quote
glennk721 Posted September 30, 2007 Posted September 30, 2007 This is just me, I send out a hunk of metal or nothing at all, if it goes missing so be it, it gets marked to a unknown location this is the risk I take known upfront , and some have turned back up after months of being inactive the most recient due to being at the bottom of someones caching back pack and found , these things happen even with the experianced cacher My loss rate has been quite low 5% +/- a couple have gone missing due to muggled caches and one to a fire in Australia, and the friend that sent it along for me replaced this traveler and was kind enough to replace the traveler for me with a Australian coin that I was cheerfuly given the opertunity to adopt Other then that most are travling along quite well, Also I have released about 20 special coins including about a dozen 07 Compass Rose coins as hand to hand travelers as Friendship Run Coins That many have been able to enjoy as a coin that may have been muggled quite swiftly if placed out in the wild. Glenn Quote
+wavector Posted September 30, 2007 Posted September 30, 2007 (edited) Never release anything you aren't willing to lose. The coin is the traveler, with travel bugs it's just a tag. The tracking code is the traveler, it is what is tracked, the owner decides what item will be attached to the tracking code. I have entire sets of TB tags that have never even been opened. I purchased the TB and then transferred the number on the tag to another item. I am not against people releasing geocoins, I think it is a great idea for those who can afford it and it enriches the game for seekers, it is nice to find a real geocoin in a cache, I am not disputing that. I am letting Devoluy know that the option he is talking about is a real option and in most cases does nothing to diminish the enjoyment of other geocachers, most geocachers will simply see it as a TB and move it along. I cannot see a single good reason why he shouldn't do what he has asked. I see people complaining that they will be personally disappointed by his choice of items to use as a TB but people complaining about the choices made by other geocachers usually goes nowhere, the "lame TB" argument flies about as well as the "lame cache" argument. It is your money Devoluy, it is your TB and the decision about the item attached to the tracking code you purchased is entirely yours. Go for it and ignore the naysayers, there will only be a few of them. Most geocachers will be happy to help you and your TB. edit to remove superfluous tags Edited September 30, 2007 by wavector Quote
+merkman Posted September 30, 2007 Posted September 30, 2007 Hello Whereas geocoins are great trackable items, we all know that: - They are expensive - If you want to keep one copy you have to buy two (one that you keep, and the other one that you drop in a cache) - They are stolen very quickly I read a thread recently on these issues and someone was proposing the following solution: you buy one coin that you activate, BUT you keep the original and drop a picture of your coin in a cache. The picture can be laminated or put in a platic pouch to protect it from humidity. Doing so, cachers can still log the "coin" when they find it and, since it is just a picture, it has less value and is less prone to be stolen. In other words, it maintains the hunt and track process but you keep your investment by having the original at home. What do you think? And instead of hiding caches I could just take a picture of a cache, laminate it, and leave it in the woods. That should help the muggle problem too. Wow just think, I would have no problem creating a cache like that with $1,000 in it. Then everyone who found it could go to the bank and tell them that they found $1,000 in the woods, and just have the bank add it to their bank account. And I wouldn't even be out the $1,000 to start with. Sorry to be so facetious but IMHO this is a slippery slope that should not be traveled down. Quote
+RifleMan81 Posted September 30, 2007 Posted September 30, 2007 It's your coin. You paid for it. If you want to send out a copy, go ahead. Do what YOU want to do. Just cause others on here "hate" finding copies, doesn't mean you have to do what they say. Besides, coins get expensive after awhile. I try to find a few inexpensive coins (around $5 each). Send those out and keep the ones you really like. Or make copies and send those out. Like a few guys said earlier, it would be a good idea to put "copy" somewhere in the coin name. The fun in geocaching is getting out of the house and finding the caches, not going after a cache just b/c it has a coin in it. Quote
+Kealia Posted September 30, 2007 Posted September 30, 2007 In addition to recognizing that you have the right to select your own TB's most geocachers will appreciate having a chance to get the icon associated with the custom tracking code that often comes with a geocoin. Only the rudest people would destroy your TB's but it has been known to happen. There are people who demand that your choices satisy their wants, when someone tells you to release the actual geocoin so they can fondle it you can take that in stride. You will thwart the thieves and people who want to steal geocoins from geocaches will be unhappy with you but most geocachers will be happy to have the opportunity to connect to you, to help your TB and to gain an icon. It is your money, it is your TB and the decision about the item attached to the tracking code you purchased is entirely yours. Go for it and ignore the naysayers, there will only be a few of them. Most geocachers will be happy to help you and your TB. I am letting Devoluy know that the option he is talking about is a real option and in most cases does nothing to diminish the enjoyment of other geocachers, most geocachers will simply see it as a TB and move it along. I cannot see a single good reason why he shouldn't do what he has asked. I see people complaining that they will be personally disappointed by his choice of items to use as a TB but people complaining about the choices made by other geocachers usually goes nowhere, the "lame TB" argument flies about as well as the "lame cache" argument. It is your money Devoluy, it is your TB and the decision about the item attached to the tracking code you purchased is entirely yours. Go for it and ignore the naysayers, there will only be a few of them. Most geocachers will be happy to help you and your TB. It's your coin. You paid for it. If you want to send out a copy, go ahead. Do what YOU want to do. Just cause others on here "hate" finding copies, doesn't mean you have to do what they say. Besides, coins get expensive after awhile. I try to find a few inexpensive coins (around $5 each). Send those out and keep the ones you really like. Or make copies and send those out. Like a few guys said earlier, it would be a good idea to put "copy" somewhere in the coin name. The fun in geocaching is getting out of the house and finding the caches, not going after a cache just b/c it has a coin in it. Umm.. maybe you guys missed this part of the OP: What do you think? Please don't claim to speak for "most" geocachers - you don't. Nor do I. Clearly by the threads in the past it's clear that there are two distinct camps. Those who think it's OK, and those that think it takes away from the thrill of finding a real coin. Nobody on my side of this argument has said he couldn't do it. Just that he shouldn't. He did afterall ask what people thought of this. I think he's likely a big enough boy to make his own decision without somebody telling him that it's his money, etc. Don't be so afraid of an open discussion with people who don't agree with you. Quote
+pghlooking Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 Can someone please explain how this is a copy? This is nothing more than a picture. A copy of comething would be something physically similar enough to resemble it. A picture is not a copy. Quote
+avroair Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 Can someone please explain how this is a copy? This is nothing more than a picture. A copy of comething would be something physically similar enough to resemble it. A picture is not a copy. Well that's a third option, make it look like a real coin... a washer with two sides laminated... personally I just leave laminated coins in the cache, no point circulating them. Quote
+Nochipra Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 My personal opinion is that I don't have the money to waste on buying an extra coin or sending out coins that probably will get stolen. I will either keep the coin in my collection or send out a nice picture of the coin to travel around. It would be nice if the coin companies would make an extra mock up (say plastic coin) that you could send out when you get coins made by them. I'll have to check out Crakes sight to see what you are talking about with his coins, sounds nice. I probably would consider sending out a coin that I did not particularly care for or that I just happen to get an extra one of just so people could collect the icon. I think that is really what sending out coins is really about. A lot of people enjoy collecting the icons so they can say they helped that persons coin gain miles. I have two coins right now that I plan to move on (one is a picture of a coin and the other a generic). I don't mind helping people's coins or replicas move along. Quote
+BlueDeuce Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 I probably would consider sending out a coin that I did not particularly care for or that I just happen to get an extra one of just so people could collect the icon. I think that is really what sending out coins is really about. A lot of people enjoy collecting the icons so they can say they helped that persons coin gain miles. Heck, why not just pass tracking number around so people can log the icon. Seems simple enough. And safer. Quote
glennk721 Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 I probably would consider sending out a coin that I did not particularly care for or that I just happen to get an extra one of just so people could collect the icon. I think that is really what sending out coins is really about. A lot of people enjoy collecting the icons For me it's all about reading the logs of people that have a opertunity to find/hold a coin of mine in thier hands to enjoy and pass onward . It's not about the icons for me at all personaly, enriching the game for all others is where I am at with coins set free I have about 80 coins traveling and more to set free, yes more generic coins , but coins no the less, as others have mentioned there are coins you can buy for the price of a TB Tag if you hunt around, also yes +crakes double keeper coin sets are a great in in between where you can have the best of both worlds, lastly enjoy this hobby / game however you chose I am most certinaly one to tell anyone what they should do, other then to provide viewpoints that are options to be looked at. Glenn Quote
+Hula Bum Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 I'm not going to destroy a paper coin, but I won't move it either. I want the real thing! If you decide to go this route, please put "replica or copy" in the title so we know that's what we're going after (or ignoring as the case may be). Quote
+TrailGators Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 I can understand the frustration people have with their coins getting ripped off, but I would have zero interest in finding/logging a fake coin in a cache. Quote
+Map Monkey Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 Hello Whereas geocoins are great trackable items, we all know that: - They are expensive - If you want to keep one copy you have to buy two (one that you keep, and the other one that you drop in a cache) - They are stolen very quickly I read a thread recently on these issues and someone was proposing the following solution: you buy one coin that you activate, BUT you keep the original and drop a picture of your coin in a cache. The picture can be laminated or put in a platic pouch to protect it from humidity. Doing so, cachers can still log the "coin" when they find it and, since it is just a picture, it has less value and is less prone to be stolen. In other words, it maintains the hunt and track process but you keep your investment by having the original at home. What do you think? To state that "we all know" that geocoins are expensive, and stolen quickly is misleading in some cases. I'm not sure i would say that a $5-8 geocoin is expensive in the big scheme of things, especially when i might spend more on fuel costs, extra meals enroute etc when caching. Some may be stolen however there is a fair percentage still travelling around the caches quite happily. I would suggest that you copy the geocoin, laminate it if you wish, and keep THAT copy in your collection....send the original out to travel. If there is no concern to you over sending out a "photocopy" then there should be no problem keeping a collection of "copies". My thoughts are that you either send out the original (or any extra you purchase) or keep it for your great collection....i personally don't see a half-way solution being acceptable in one of my caches, even though others may see it differently (that's understandable). mm Quote
+wavector Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 Nobody on my side of this argument has said he couldn't do it. You can't have your coin and release it too. I will repeat the obvious - "most geocachers will simply see it as a TB and move it along". Feel free to tell me what you think "most geocachers" would do. I can use the words "most geocachers" quite freely, you can too, it is easy, try it -"most geocachers" do not collect geocoins, "most geocachers" will move TB's, "most geocachers" will not destroy TBs. Instead of suggesting that I am misusing the word "most" or implying that I am opposed to open discussion you could try addressing some of these points. A geocoin is geocoin but when you add a tracking code from Groundspeak it actually becomes a TB as well as a geocoin. You can attach anything to a tracking code and most geocachers will recognize it is a TB and they will move it to be helpful. You will thwart the thieves and people who want to steal geocoins from geocaches... It is your money, it is your TB and the decision about the item attached to the tracking code you purchased is entirely yours. Go for it... ...the "lame TB" argument flies about as well as the "lame cache" argument. The only argument I see advanced against Devoluys plan "it is lame and I don't like it". What I think or Rifleman81 thinks is just a relevant as what you think or pghlooking thinks so Devoluy is actually hearing both sides, that is open discussion. glennk721 has made some good points and if you read my posts it is easy to see that I agree with him. I said "I am not against people releasing geocoins, I think it is a great idea for those who can afford it and it enriches the game for seekers, it is nice to find a real geocoin in a cache, I am not disputing that." I am responding to the first point made by Devoluys - "They are expensive." Since expensive is relative and it is the first point made I started there, if Devoluy thinks geocoins are expensive then they are and releasing a REPLICA or a COPY is a great alternative to buying two and sending one out to travel. Quote
+pghlooking Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 The question to start with is why are you buying the coin? Is it for a traveller or for a collection. If it is for a traveller then yes you should send the coin out since that is what it was bought for. If you bought the coin for a collection then now you should not send it out as a piece of paper. Buy a TB if you want something travelling. Quote
+Isonzo Karst Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 Of 26 responding posts on sending out copies, there are 14 unique No , 4 Unique Yes. Let me add another no to that group. so people could collect the icon. I think that is really what sending out coins is really about um, no. Collecting Icons is like collecting smileys. Really useless pretty fast. Either you're enjoying the experience or you aren't. The bits on a screen - Icon - aren't going to sustain interest very long. And the Icon collectors can go to events and just discover the heck out of someone's collection, plus they get to actually fondle the coins. About mileage, if the physical coin is in your home, it shouldn't be accumulating mileage. Have you ever noticed how often people say, " the coin looks better in hand than in this picture?" or " they turned out better then our expectation?" that's the physical object in hand. Not a picture of it. Quote
+Renegade Knight Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 I think it's a perfectly valid idea. Just make a note in the tracking pages that the object is not a coin. People forget that tracking and the coin are two different things. You pay for the tracking with this site, you pay for the coins whever you had it made. The only reason people get upset is because they are expecting the world to conform to their own expectations about what's what. People who go to caches seeking to look for coins, need to realize they are relying on people who don't like having coins taken and who may actually have a brain and solve the problem by releasing a proxy to be tracked. People who collect the coins, but like travel bugs may spin off the tracking from the coin and attach it to a traveler. There is no rule that says the tracking needs to stay with the coin. Think about Moun10bike. He keep the tracking even if he gives you the coin. Bottom line. No matter which side of the debate you are on, it's a bigger world than just your view and if you are going to have the most fun, it pays to pay attention to this. Quote
+pghlooking Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 There is no rule that says the tracking needs to stay with the coin. I am not sure I agree with this. If this was true then GC would allow us to buy codes to place on anything we wanted. As it stands GC must approve the design of the coin and such. That alone shows they are not willing to allow as much freedom with the tracking codes as you allude to. I wish what you said was true and we could buy codes to make things trackable, but that isn't the case. The coin is the hitchhiker assigned to that specific code. Unlike TBs that are generic, coins are basically a prepackaged hitchiker/TB if you will and are not separable. Quote
+dflye Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 Unlike TBs that are generic, coins are basically a prepackaged hitchiker/TB if you will and are not separable. I'm still debating about how to release one of the Moose Mob / RoadRunner double-headed coins. Might just have to saw it in half and release the two parts to see if they can meet up somewhere across the country. Quote
+Renegade Knight Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 (edited) There is no rule that says the tracking needs to stay with the coin. I am not sure I agree with this. If this was true then GC would allow us to buy codes to place on anything we wanted. As it stands GC must approve the design of the coin and such. That alone shows they are not willing to allow as much freedom with the tracking codes as you allude to. I wish what you said was true and we could buy codes to make things trackable, but that isn't the case. The coin is the hitchhiker assigned to that specific code. Unlike TBs that are generic, coins are basically a prepackaged hitchiker/TB if you will and are not separable. That's one way to think about it. However it's only party true. Tracking of a coin and the coin are two different things. The first coin shows us how. Moun10bike tracks his coins. He always retains the tracking even if he gives you the coin. Tracking and the Coin itself can have different ownership. Most people tend to think of them as the same thing, and they do tend to be treated that way by most. The reason Groundspeak wants to check our coins for tracking is quite simply they are making sure that the coin says where it can be tracked and to make sure that the coin isn't infringing on their logo. The desire to have the coin tracked is their leverage to make that happen. Since I'm about to assign a tracking number from an existing coin to another coin, we can see how it plays out. Maybe the tracking is shut off, maybe it lives on if the coin fits the bill. We shall see. (I'm going to obliterate the number from the original coin, no since n double tracking). Edited October 2, 2007 by Renegade Knight Quote
+wavector Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 (edited) Unlike TBs that are generic, coins are basically a prepackaged hitchiker/TB if you will and are not separable. The codes are sold with a geocoin or preprinted on a TB tag. Once they are sold they are a tracking code, they are still inextricably attached to the item they are sold with by the "system name". If Devoluy uses a code from a Maine Geocoin it will be listed in his trackable section as a Maine Geocoin, changing the name of that item won't change the system name. When RK switches codes it won't matter what indiviudal name he gives the item, it will appear in the trackable section with the system assigned name associated with the original code. Having a McToy called Devoluys TB that uses a tracking code from a Maine Geocoin is fine, it will show up in his profile and in the profile of every finder as "Maine Geocoin" or whatever the system uses to track that particular group of codes, this can't be changed by the holder. Generic doesn't play into this at all, everything is "generic". Every Travel Bug is assigned the same name by the system, "Travel Bug". You can call your Travel Bug whatever you want but when I find it it will be recorded in my profile as "Travel Bug". As long as Devoluy does not have multiple items being tracked by one code there is no problem. The use of the word REPLICA or COPY will further ensure that those who do not want to help Devoluy will have the opportunity to avoid going geocaching. edit to add "the", edit for speeling Edited October 2, 2007 by wavector Quote
+Kealia Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 I will repeat the obvious - "most geocachers will simply see it as a TB and move it along". Feel free to tell me what you think "most geocachers" would do. I can use the words "most geocachers" quite freely, you can too, it is easy, try it -"most geocachers" do not collect geocoins, "most geocachers" will move TB's, "most geocachers" will not destroy TBs. Instead of suggesting that I am misusing the word "most" or implying that I am opposed to open discussion you could try addressing some of these points. I'll do both . I didn't mean to come across as dismissive if that's the way it was taken. I'm interested in keeping this conversation going. But I have to say that you are wrong in using "most". (Sure you CAN use it, but........). Judging from this thread alone, "most" cachers here don't like the idea. Saying that most do like it comes across to me like a way of getting back up for your opinion with no real proof. That's all I'm saying. You can attach anything to a tracking code and most geocachers will recognize it is a TB and they will move it to be helpful. I disagree with this. I'd be willing to bet that a good majority of cachers know what an actual TB is (because the dogtag is recognizable) - but taking that tracking number and putting it on another object makes it instantly unrecognizable for what it is. Coins are even harder. A lot of folks don't know that coins are supposed to be moved and tracked. That's why some people in here have taken to adding tags, cables, locks, etc. to draw more attention to them and make people recognize what they are. Take that tracking number and put it on a sheet of paper and it's likely to not even get picked up out of a cache. You will thwart the thieves and people who want to steal geocoins from geocaches... True, but at the same time you: 1) Cheat people out of seeing a real coin, and 2) Cheat yourself out of some really neat logs and comments from folks who find your coin It is your money, it is your TB and the decision about the item attached to the tracking code you purchased is entirely yours. Go for it... Not true. It IS his money and the decision to let it go is his, but put that tracking number on another item and set it free (coin replicas exempted) and see how fast it gets locked down by Groundspeak. ...the "lame TB" argument flies about as well as the "lame cache" argument. The only argument I see advanced against Devoluys plan "it is lame and I don't like it". Why? If somebody wants to get opinions, why doesn't "we don't like it" cut the mustard? What I think or Rifleman81 thinks is just a relevant as what you think or pghlooking thinks so Devoluy is actually hearing both sides, that is open discussion. Agreed, it just sounded to me like you were claiming to speak for everybody and that was the end of the discussion. My fault if I took it another way... I'm curious - is the OP still reading this thread? What are your current thoughts? Quote
+wavector Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 I'm interested in keeping this conversation going. That is good, I think it is well worth exploring. The first thing I should point out is that you are factually incorrect in stating that this listing service cares what is attached to any tracking code, witness Jamie's Ginormous Geocoin as an example. Are you suggesting that his manhole cover looks like a geocoin? If you duplicate a tracking code or let people log your tracking code without actually ever coming into contact with the tracked object you might get your tracking code locked but placing a geocoin tracking code on an article like a manhole cover is fine. I never said most geocachers liked replicas, I said most geocachers will simply see it as a TB and move it along. The opinions expressed on the geocoin forum are not representative of "most geocachers" but I would be willing to wager that they are representative of the opinions of "most geocoin collectors and enthusiasts" and I do agree that you are right when you say most geocoin collectors don't like REPLICAs. That is why I told Devoluy it is good practice to make sure and include the word REPLICA or COPY in the name. That small step ensures that the people who don't like REPLICA geocoins will know that is what it is. The range of items that are tracked in geocaches is quite broad, green army men, dollar bills, geocoins and TB's are all well distributed in geocaches around the world. Perhaps I am giving credit where it isn't due but geocachers do figure these things out. Oakcoins sells a Coin Buddy that is very similar to a TB tag and I suppose it is an attempt to piggyback on the recognizable nature of the Groundspeak TB tag. For a couple of dollars Devoluy could attach a Coin Buddy to his REPLICA geocoin, I bet thieves would steal the Coin Buddy. I think people are using cables and tags and drilling holes in geocoins because they are trying to stop the thieves from stealing them. I do not believe that the geocoins are disappearing because a few newbies aren't sure how tracking codes work, they are being stolen, so Devoluy and I are on the same wavelength there. Cheat is a negative word and applying that word to people who buy geocoins is not something I would do, I save cheat and thief for those who steal the geocoins, they are the cheaters. It is his choice. The use of REPLICAs defeats thieves. The use of REPLICAs is allowed. Geocachers who do not collect geocoins won't care and they will move it like any other trackable item. Most geocachers do not collect geocoins. ergo Most geocachers will move it like they would move any other trackable item. Perhaps Devoluy should ask his question in the Geocaching Topics Forum and ask geocachers if they judge another geocachers TB before deciding whether or not to move it. Quote
+Go JayBee Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 You are still discussing this?...OMG.......put it to rest...this has been beat into the ground farther than a dead horse has ever been. Just do whatever you feel like you want...what is gonna happen? Take your b'day away? TPTB are not going to know what you are doing, so just do it. Don't come here asking for advice, cuz you will get it. Or, you are gonna get all kinds of opinions as to why you should not do what you are asking about. Its a lose....lose situation. Whatever you decide, is gonna be the wrong decision.....beleive me. Just my take on this subject...it has gone nowhere in the past....don't see a future for it. Quote
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