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Loading tide tables into VistaHCx


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I'm sure that I read somewhere that it is possible to load the VistaHCx (or other etrex) with the tide tables that are in the MAP 76's, however a forum search found nothing. Was I imagining this? If it is possible where does one get these tables from.


I think if you buy the marine charts it would have them, but I'm not sure.

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I'm sure that I read somewhere that it is possible to load the VistaHCx (or other etrex) with the tide tables that are in the MAP 76's, however a forum search found nothing. Was I imagining this? If it is possible where does one get these tables from.


I think if you buy the marine charts it would have them, but I'm not sure.


The tide tables were included in the Basemap for my 60CSx.


They may already be in there. Try find-->marine points and see what is there.


If not they were available as downloads for the GPS 162/168 on Garmin's site, but I am not sure they are still up there.


ETA: try this page. The Recommended US tides software link on the right side is what you want.

Edited by CenTexDodger
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That's good but am I to understand that if say a gps map76 was bought from the US and used in Australia that, the built in tide tables would not be valid anyway for Australia?

As far as I know the tide stations are only available for the US.


There's a further complication, too. You can download that "Recommended US Tides" exe, but if you don't have Mapsource installed (i.e., a version which comes with maps, NOT the free Trip and Waypoint Manager), the Tides update won't install. There is a workaround that will allow you to install Mapsource (see here: http://freegeographytools.com/2007/garmin-...ource-for-free), but even when you do get everything installed, you still can't send the tide maps to the device using Mapsource without having another map set to combine it with. You can load them with sendmap, though (go to the Garmin\USTIDES directory and select all three .img files). Long process, but it works. I got the tide tables on my Vista HCx earlier this week.

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