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Anyone met geocacher while checking own cache?


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Just last week i was going to replace a full log on a cache of mine.. Pulled into parking area and there was a car that had just pulled up right before me. I knew what they were doing just because of the area the cache is located, jumped out and said "I know what youre doing!" LOL

Turns out I had met skeeter a while back, but always wanted to meet her mom, annieptigger (she is a "tiggerific" log writer, and a great person). We had a nice chat and talked about caches we had all done, and we brainstormed on a new cache container they were going to place. I LOVE impromptu run-ins with other cachers!

But did you ever replace the full log?


No I didn't...I let them sign the fresh new log, and watched them find the cache and let then have the honor of replacing it for me.

Edited by busterbabes

We have a cache that is right next to where the local club held an event, so yes, met a lot of cachers that night!


I've also met cachers while doing preventive maintenance at another cache. They wanted to take Thunder home with them... not! :D


I was a cache (sort of) once, and met the people placing "us". :laughing: This was in 2005 (I think). I was an archaeology major and I had to do a field school. My university owns a large block of historic property and a nice museum in downtown Pensacola, FL (it's pretty cool if your ever in that area. They've got a living history village and the museum is free). The field school was in the grassy area behind the museum, and UWF's archaeology program is really into public outreach programs. So, since this was an urban area, we were sort of "put on display" for the curious public passing by....which was REALLY ANNOYING when it's five thousand degrees outside, your trying to concentrate on what your doing, and you have every single person walking past you going "Soooo, find any buried treasure yet. Hur hur hur" :D , but it was a major grade so I dealt with it.


Anyway, so these two people came walking by us with a GPS. They talked to the site supervisor and said "we're geocachers", explained what that was, and asked if they could put our dig site on the website as a cool spot to find. She said sure, but I don't know if anything ever came of that, as I didn't see any other people walking around with GPS's that summer, and I didn't really know what geocaching was at the time so I never bothered to check the website.


I was just wondering if anyone was ever checking over their cache(s) and another geocacher came at the same time. What do you tell them?I don't know why, but I'm always checking behind my shoulder to see if someone else would appear while I'm checking my caches...:D:laughing:

Yep! I was out checking on one our caches to see if it needed any maintenance. I had just jumped back into the jeep and was getting ready to drive away when another cacher pulled up beside me asking me if I was also searching for the cache. I told him the cache was one of ours and we introduced ourselves. It was really neat to meet a fellow geocacher who lives in the same area.


Once we ran into the cache owner while trying to find his cache. Then, just the other day we met a cacher while checking on one of our own. Each occasion prompted a half hour discussion spoken in the foreign Geocache language.


I have a Trackable Hotel outside of my home so I am always meeting cachers while they are looking for it. I haven't met allot of others while maintaining my other cachers, but. I really enjoy meeting other cachers at events. It is a great way to meet other cachers, and place faces with the logs you see.


first time happened to me about a week or two ago. After attending an event, i went to check up on one of my caches in the area that had it's 1 year anniversary. as i was contemplating on placing in a new log sheet, a car pulls up beside me. Turns out it was a couple i was talking to(and already know from our local forum) from the same event that i just left from. told them that they won't be able to find the cache, since it's sitting in my lap.


A few years ago I met some cachers while checking on my cache I had about 1,100 miles from home. It was my first time back in over a year and I only would have been at the site a minute or two.


I also met the FTF group on one of my caches when I went back after a DNF.

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