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Bad trade items

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Posted (edited)

I don't know about every one else but I'm sick of people leaving crummy trade items in my caches. I know that there needs to be some leaniansy about trde items bet when people a putting things like chewd gum, beat up puzzel pieces (one piece), even used tooth brushes! It goes a littel to far espicialy when their traiding these crummy items for some pretty nice things! I filled one of my caches with some pretty neat things and now it's filled with worthless junk :laughing: !!!

Edited by Colonel Cacher

I don't know about every one else but I'm sick of people leaving crummy trade items in my caches. I know that there needs to be some leaniansy about trde items bet when people a putting things like chewd gum, beat up puzzel pieces (one piece), even used tooth brushes! It goes a littel to far espicialy when their traiding these crummy items for some pretty nice things! I filled one of my caches with some pretty neat things and now it's filled with worthless junk :laughing: !!!

What caches?


I don't know about every one else but I'm sick of people leaving crummy trade items in my caches. I know that there needs to be some leaniansy about trde items bet when people a putting things like chewd gum, beat up puzzel pieces (one piece), even used tooth brushes! It goes a littel to far espicialy when their traiding these crummy items for some pretty nice things! I filled one of my caches with some pretty neat things and now it's filled with worthless junk :laughing: !!!

What caches?


Posted (edited)

Trolling, trolling, trolling, keep them Sock-puppets trolling.


Ignoring the fact this is obviously a sock puppet account, there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop other people putting crap things in 'your' caches.


So how do you deal with it.

1 Regularly check your caches and get rid of any rubbish.

2 Place micro so there is no space for rubbish

3 Ignore it, it's a reflection on them no you.

4 Find something else that you enjoy so this issue doesn' become your soul focus.


edit for fat finger problem

Edited by Kiwi Nomad

I agree with you, I hate it when I do a check up on my caches and find nothing but broken junk. But, I just restock it, and move on. But what bugs me even more than that is people that don't use spell check before posting, when they KNOW they need it!


I doubt if bad traders care enough to read the forums but I agree that if you don't care enough about this game to trade well - then just don't trade and contribute something by removing junk from the cache. I don't wait for the owner to do it. I beleive that if we all take it out - then the norm will appear as good trading. I am talking about real junk like a cut dirty golf ball or broken toy or a negative thought button, broken sea shell.

I personally think your trade items are a reflection of how much you want others to enjoy this game. We can do so much. I try to clean something, trash, dirty cache, spilled liguids, wet ones are a great take along to make it better for the next guy. It is OK with me if someone helps maintain my caches and let me know they did. How cool is that. I do not remove knives from the cache because I have never seen anyone lock them up at home and unsupervised kids is an adult problem not a caching one. I both like the idea of trading them or not - some are really neat. Anyway junk is a problem and is hurts the game.


people a putting things like chewd gum, beat up puzzel pieces (one piece), even used tooth brushes!

Those are bad things to put in caches? Oh heck! I guess I'd better stop doing that! :)

Posted (edited)

Start with an empty cache. It's all good after that.

Or hide a cache like this.

Excellent!!! Now I know what to do with that extra larger ammo can in my garage - an extra large dumpster cache! BTW Toz, I find it interesting that although your cache was Hidden: 10/10/2004, it has only been visited 18 times. Does that mean folks are finding/carrying only quality stuff these days?


Oh, and I always leave a ziploc baggie filled with my favorite massage oil :):)

Edited by Jhwk

What's a negative thought button?


It is a pin on button that says something that indicates what you hate in a bad way. Something that leaves a bad taste in your mouth and doesn't help anything.


We found a cache once that had an animal skull (pretty sure it was an opossum) in it. Talk about a cruddy trade item. Got hit with a nasty stench when I opened the container. Darn thing stunk to high heaven! :o


I'm one of those who could care less about finding trinkets in a cache. I've always been a TNLN cacher, other than TBs or Geocoins. I do have a strong dislike of finding larger caches that are filled with junk. In fact, I've never once seen anything that I would want, anyway.


I pulled one the other day that was a trash bag inside a large tuperware container. The bag had a number of holes in it and inside the bag were what seemed to be a few hundred random lego pieces. So when I unknowingly pulled the bag out of the container legos went everywhere. pain in the rear and time consuming to pick them all back up. Plus it increased the risk of a muggle coming by while I was stuck there picking that crap up. :huh:


Start with an empty cache. It's all good after that.


I think that may be what this guy had in mind. :huh:


BTW it's a pencil box. Some sort of sealant placed between the lid and the container. Never meant to be weatherproof. Perhaps next time I'm heading upstate I'll replace the container, drop a log book, and check the swag, since the owner has moved.


Well, it IS a neat spot.


Trading items other that trackables is obselete as far as Im concerned. I loaded one of my caches with good stuff and it is all history. I just try to make my caches large enough for trackables. My other one was a spontaneous cache and holds nothing but a log.




Even sock puppets need proper grammar.

Ahem... As a lifelong devotee of linguistics, semiotics, grammar and semantics, I wish to suggest that your sentence above might better have been phrased as:


"It is my considered opinion that even the shadowy and decidedly unsuave pseudonymous operators of sock puppet accounts, when posting, need to employ proper grammar."


Thank you for doing the needful and editing your post to conform to my prescriptive remedial suggestions.


And, as far as the grammatical and spellological (sic) improprieties exercised by the sock puppet OP, I realized upon reading his post that he was a proud user of the software package known as:


Anti-Spell Check ver. 2.3.1, Anti-Grammar Check ver. 1.0.9, Anti-Semantics Check ver. 3.5.1, Anti-Sanity Check ver. 6.6.6 and Anti-Semioitics Check ver. 1.0.1




What's a negative thought button?


Something like this or this would be good examples.


Hey! Thanks for the links.. I was wondering where I could get a gew dozen of those!


No lie. But do you feel political statements are appropriate?


What's a negative thought button?


Something like this or this would be good examples.


Oh.. Just a thought.. Those buttons - regardless of who wins - could be very collectible in the future!


No, I don't want to know what your politics are any more than you want to know what I like in my chilly. I want to know what you want to have others enjoy as a useful item. I once got a paper little book that told what leaves go with what trees. A button that tells me how you feel about capital punishment, abortion, or the like is coming out and going in the trash where it belongs. We are treasure hunting for fun. Lets treasure hunt - I can use a tape measure or a garden hose repair part or a letter opener and be happy about it. Trade up! INteresting, useful, neat stuff.


No, I don't want to know what your politics are any more than you want to know what I like in my chilly. I want to know what you want to have others enjoy as a useful item. I once got a paper little book that told what leaves go with what trees. A button that tells me how you feel about capital punishment, abortion, or the like is coming out and going in the trash where it belongs. We are treasure hunting for fun. Lets treasure hunt - I can use a tape measure or a garden hose repair part or a letter opener and be happy about it. Trade up! INteresting, useful, neat stuff.


I guess I see this in a slightly different light.


I often drop by a local toy store or craft store for swag and trade in stuff to make the game funner for the kids. Recently I pulled out an expired discount card and dropped in a score of glow in the dark dino's.


I'm not trying to call you selfish, I just think this game should be kid friendly.


I hate finding junk in any cache, and by junk I mean broken and dirty things. For me, it's about the hunt, but sometimes I find some really cool stuff in a cache and I do trade. And as much as I want something in a cache, if I can't trade even or trade up, I cannot bring myself to take that item. One time I found a cache that had a cool rhinestone necklace and I really wanted it, but I had nothing to trade. Of course, when I went back, it was gone-oh well.


Also, I have noticed that a lot of people consider the MacDonald happy meal toys as junk. I like finding these (provided they aren't dirty and broken) and so do my kids. I guess one person's junk is another person's treasure.


I am trying to come up with an idea for a signature trade item, but I can't think of anything to make that I feel would be cool enough to put into a cache as a trade item (any ideas out there?) Those are the things I like to find, although, I must admit, I have only found one to date. I have a lot of foreign pins that I usually put into caches.


I hate finding junk in any cache, and by junk I mean broken and dirty things. For me, it's about the hunt, but sometimes I find some really cool stuff in a cache and I do trade. And as much as I want something in a cache, if I can't trade even or trade up, I cannot bring myself to take that item. One time I found a cache that had a cool rhinestone necklace and I really wanted it, but I had nothing to trade. Of course, when I went back, it was gone-oh well.


Also, I have noticed that a lot of people consider the MacDonald happy meal toys as junk. I like finding these (provided they aren't dirty and broken) and so do my kids. I guess one person's junk is another person's treasure.


I am trying to come up with an idea for a signature trade item, but I can't think of anything to make that I feel would be cool enough to put into a cache as a trade item (any ideas out there?) Those are the things I like to find, although, I must admit, I have only found one to date. I have a lot of foreign pins that I usually put into caches.


Funny you mention this.. I was cleaning out the garage the other day - ok.. well, I've made a little dent - but I found a bunch of these fast food toys still in the wrapper from when my kids were little. Why I kept them I'll never know but they are all going into an ammo box for a new cache. Now if I can just come up with a good name and spot to place it!


There are people out there who don't respect the creed (www.geocreed.info), you will find them in every group. :P When we are out and find broken items or trash in a cache we remove it and replace with better trade stuff. Making it more enjoyable for the next seeker.


I recently found the discarded packaging from an item that was taken from a cache. The item was logged on the cache page. I almost wrote a note on it. but didn't think it was worth the trouble. I just took the trash, left some swag and let my boys swap some stuff.

Just sayin'...


I know about the "no food" rule and have obeyed it thus far. Thing is, I'm a beekeeper and would love to leave little samples of my honey as a signature item. ;)


My question is would a sealed glass jar (unbreakable due to it's size and shape) in a strong cache box (like an ammo can) still be a hazard and attract unwanted animal attention? Someone told me that even our beeswax candles may attract said attention. ;)


Please advise, as I too would like there to be more meaningful "treasure" in these caches, especially the ones I bring my kids to.


I know about the "no food" rule and have obeyed it thus far. Thing is, I'm a beekeeper and would love to leave little samples of my honey as a signature item. ;)


My question is would a sealed glass jar (unbreakable due to it's size and shape) in a strong cache box (like an ammo can) still be a hazard and attract unwanted animal attention? Someone told me that even our beeswax candles may attract said attention. ;)


Please advise, as I too would like there to be more meaningful "treasure" in these caches, especially the ones I bring my kids to.


Hmmm... Well we don't exactly have bears in my neck of the woods but we sure do have ants, racoons and other critters that would be able to smell honey a mile away. Maybe some sort of coupon for a sample?


I know about the "no food" rule and have obeyed it thus far. Thing is, I'm a beekeeper and would love to leave little samples of my honey as a signature item. ;)


My question is would a sealed glass jar (unbreakable due to it's size and shape) in a strong cache box (like an ammo can) still be a hazard and attract unwanted animal attention? Someone told me that even our beeswax candles may attract said attention. ;)


Please advise, as I too would like there to be more meaningful "treasure" in these caches, especially the ones I bring my kids to.


Hmmm... Well we don't exactly have bears in my neck of the woods but we sure do have ants, racoons and other critters that would be able to smell honey a mile away. Maybe some sort of coupon for a sample?


Good idea.


I love honey and have even done some beekeeping.


However I don't consume anything I find in a cache and no a little slip of Ad paper from the company will make it okay.


Give'me a free coupon, even if it's just a little smackerel of something. No half off or buy one free.


Thank you.


I am strong on this subject and have witnessed the mess. Not only don't put food in a cache but don't put anything that will spill and make a mess. Remember that liquids expand in heat and water expands when it freezes. Any item with an odor or smell will invite an animal to try and chew its way in.


Bad items - water bottle - soap bubbles from wedding - soap of any kind - candles - seeds - sample makeup - gum - small bottle of liquor - candy - Sunscreen - ink cartriges - etc. Think about the mess before you do it. It took many minutes to pick up all the mess from a destoryed container that had seeds it.


I don't recommend anyone eat from a cache. Good Grief - Charlie Brown.


Put something in there you are proud to have someone else have. It make the games a WOW experience.

Not trading at all is fine. Bad trading hurts the game. Spend your non-caching time find great trade items and be clever. As someone pointed out, be kid friendly and put some in there for the little guys.

Put something in there you are proud to have someone else have. It make the games a WOW experience.

Not trading at all is fine. Bad trading hurts the game. Spend your non-caching time find great trade items and be clever. As someone pointed out, be kid friendly and put some in there for the little guys.


Personally I'm more known for leaving something and taking nothing. Generally when I leave something it's Well honestly, it's usually dollar store items, but dammit they're COOL dollar store items. Or dice, or old coins.. I'm not exactly rolling in money so I can't afford to spend a lot on my swag.


If you ask me. Swag should either be something just spiffy and abnormal (like the antique barbed wire I picked up out of one), something kid friendly, or something useful.


But I always try to leave something decent at very least. And Dr. Steel propaganda. But that's entirely beside the point >.>


I recently placed a cache and had really hoped it would be maintained with quality swag. My daughters and I put a fair bit of time into filling the cache and it’s placement.


We posted the following on the description page;


“We worked hard to fill our cache with items that would appeal to adults, teens, and kids… please re-stash our cache and leave something behind that will make the next casher love this game more than his fellow cachers.”


Today were out to check on it, and someone had left a piece of junk. It is very discouraging.

Since I know when the junk was left, it was pretty easy to determine which cacher left it… would you send them a note, or just accept it as the way things are?


Please understand, I go out because I enjoy the outdoors; I love the hike, I love the company I’m with, and I love the satisfaction of the find. However, my daughters are very young… and although I’m sure they love to spend time with Dad, I also know they love the idea of finding a special treasure.


I pulled one the other day that was a trash bag inside a large tuperware container. The bag had a number of holes in it and inside the bag were what seemed to be a few hundred random lego pieces. So when I unknowingly pulled the bag out of the container legos went everywhere. pain in the rear and time consuming to pick them all back up. Plus it increased the risk of a muggle coming by while I was stuck there picking that crap up. :D

On the other hand legos aren't exactly inexpensive. As long as they were clean IMO it is a great thing to leave. Maybe in a better container or baggie, but i know my kids would love that.


Trade items don't matter to me like they don't for most cachers. But my kids love the trade items. As long as it is clean, it is probably good. Heck, even McToys are nice. Just because you (general term) doesn't like them, doesn't mean they wouldn't mean something to a child.


I removed 3 live 9MM rounds from a cache today which I thought was very inappropriate. It wasn't even an ammo can.

Unless you used them how do you know if they were live? They could have been inert. Easy to do if you reload your ammunition.

Posted (edited)

We have left a Barbie, Barbie clothing, hot wheel cars, gift certificates for movie rentals and a few other things which my girls have picked out.


Most visitors to our cache, or cache's we've visited, either TNLN, or trade even or up. However, as posted, it is discouraging to see the junk that others will leave.


The value of swag is personal... what I may love, you may hate... but I'd still suggest that junk is junk. My kids are too old for a McToy, but I'm sure there are plenty of children that would love them. However, to exchange a $10-20 Barbie for a free toy seems to contravene the sprit.


Please don't misunderstand... it isn't about the money, but I think people should at least try to trade up or even. Leave something that other kids will enjoy... and you as a parent, guardian, or friend, would be happy they got.

Edited by daddio101

I guess I see this in a slightly different light.


I often drop by a local toy store or craft store for swag and trade in stuff to make the game funner for the kids. Recently I pulled out an expired discount card and dropped in a score of glow in the dark dino's.


I'm not trying to call you selfish, I just think this game should be kid friendly.

Bingo. (Bold added by me.)

Posted (edited)

I removed 3 live 9MM rounds from a cache today which I thought was very inappropriate. It wasn't even an ammo can.

Unless you used them how do you know if they were live? They could have been inert. Easy to do if you reload your ammunition.


Rule #1 with a gun. Treat it as if it is loaded at all times.

Rule #1 with ammo. If it is still intact - it's live.


I have never seen an inert primer and I have killed small animals with 'inert' .22 cal BB Caps using just the primer.


Ammo of any kind appropriate or not should always be handled with caution.

Edited by Zop

Rule #1 with a gun. Treat it as if it is loaded at all times.

Rule #1 with ammo. If it is still intact - it's live.


I have never seen an inert primer and I have killed small animals with 'inert' .22 cal BB Caps using just the primer.


Ammo of any kind appropriate or not should always be handled with caution.

I am not really worried about it or saying that you are wrong. I know that at least one cachers leaves inert rounds in caches. I cant remember who it is, but have read about it before. Maybe they arent real primers. I dont remember. Honestly, i dont care either way. I mean, i am not going to leave them in caches!


If they are going to leave something maybe they should leave a whole box. :D

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