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Hippie Bus Race to Sacramento


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Just a quick question for you?


When I check the standings page I see everyone up to 48 and then 49 is cut in half :D . Is it my computer or my computer stupidness :angry: . Yes I am back to ID10IT :D

Probably an issue with the way I'm laying out the table and the images...if the table displays differently on your browser, any overflowing text gets chopped. That and since I'm puttering around on a Mac... just tested the page on a PC and it crops as you describe. :rolleyes: Time to go flog some web building tool! :D


But really, who cares about the racers behind you anyhow? You want to catch up to the ones ahead of you! :anitongue:


Edit to add: Ok, stretched the page a bit, looks like I'll have to remember to add some extra slop at the end of the page to account for browser differences. Oh, and fixed Dave's & Meg's racer names, apparently it didn't like the curly quote mark that somehow snuck in there, changed back to straight quotes. Ah, the joy of HTML. :D

Edited by dflye
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Just a quick question for you?


When I check the standings page I see everyone up to 48 and then 49 is cut in half :D . Is it my computer or my computer stupidness :rolleyes: . Yes I am back to ID10IT :D

Probably an issue with the way I'm laying out the table and the images...if the table displays differently on your browser, any overflowing text gets chopped. That and since I'm puttering around on a Mac... just tested the page on a PC and it crops as you describe. :anitongue: Time to go flog some web building tool! :D


But really, who cares about the racers behind you anyhow? You want to catch up to the ones ahead of you! :D


Edit to add: Ok, stretched the page a bit, looks like I'll have to remember to add some extra slop at the end of the page to account for browser differences. Oh, and fixed Dave's & Meg's racer names, apparently it didn't like the curly quote mark that somehow snuck in there, changed back to straight quotes. Ah, the joy of HTML. :angry:


That worked, and you are correct sir about not worring who is behind me. But I like to see who is chokeing on my exhaust. :D

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Two more buses all gased up and on their way to North Carolina from PA.

Sure hope they don't end up in the Jersey River :D

Make that 4 buses from PA...we just sent ours out too!

Wow, you must have had the pedal to the metal the whole way down I-95! :D:D


The two DresselDragons racers pulled in today, arriving neck-and-neck, guess we'll have to wait a bit to see which one of the two gets the early lead in their race-within-a-race! :D

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I think someone's been taking 'pot shots' at LadyBee4T's Hippie Bus Chugging Along the Road to Sacramento ... or are they aeration holes... to let the smoke out? :lol:


Could be how they got air conditioned!! LOL Hey it is an OLD bus and if they kept all of that funny smoke IN they'll never get anywhere!!


Hmmm... depends on what you define as anywhere! :lol:


I think that a close eye will be kept on the altimeter in this bus to determine the "elevation"

Far Out :lol::P:P

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A couple of quick questions (well 3 I guess)


Should the release be listed as Oct 6,2007? Any release date is fine.

Should the origin be NC? Origin of your home state/country would be great, that gives me easy-to-locate demographics on where the racers are originally from without having to dig through my box of recycle mailers.

Do the owners drop them into the event? My plan is that once I start the drilling/tagging process, I'll "grab" each racer and drop them into the event cache when they are fully prepared to hit the road.

Just ordered some heavy duty lamination pockets to resupply my stash, so the race preparation should begin in earnest next week.

I definitely need to get movin' on this, here's a pic of most of the racers I've received so far (a few were still hiding in their envelopes when the camera came out), received about 30 of the approximately 50 registered racers so far.


For some odd reason (I swear it really wasn't intentional) Damenace's racer is JUST ahead of the diesel fume spewing Avroair bus, hope that keeps him safe out of the river! :lol:


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P.S. Which ones are ours (me & rattusbaggus)?

Good question! Only knew a few of them by their tag-along attachments, had to go find where your racers parked in the spiral, good thing I've been jotting notes on the insert cards instead of going just by tracking code....


Apparently your racers are still suffering from jet-lag, as after this test-drive around the local hemp farm, they were in:

  • 2nd to last (where the middle of the spiral is dead last): keewee's Mean, Green, Racing Hippie Machine
  • 5th from last: The rattusbagus Rat Road Racer
  • 6th from last: keewee's Banged Up Old Bus Racer

As for the rest of you racers.... you are in "the loop" there somewhere! :lol:

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A couple of quick questions (well 3 I guess)


Should the release be listed as Oct 6,2007? Any release date is fine.

Should the origin be NC? Origin of your home state/country would be great, that gives me easy-to-locate demographics on where the racers are originally from without having to dig through my box of recycle mailers.

Do the owners drop them into the event? My plan is that once I start the drilling/tagging process, I'll "grab" each racer and drop them into the event cache when they are fully prepared to hit the road.

Just ordered some heavy duty lamination pockets to resupply my stash, so the race preparation should begin in earnest next week.

I definitely need to get movin' on this, here's a pic of most of the racers I've received so far (a few were still hiding in their envelopes when the camera came out), received about 30 of the approximately 50 registered racers so far.


For some odd reason (I swear it really wasn't intentional) Damenace's racer is JUST ahead of the diesel fume spewing Avroair bus, hope that keeps him safe out of the river! :laughing:




Ohhhh I see ours, I think, maybe, could be, oh well, just can't wait for the race to begin.

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So do you have a GC # where we can drop our racers yet?

Since I was unable to get a separate event listing for the race launch vs the GCF event, the racers are being launched at the GCF event in NC, GC14NR4


For racers that are to be hand delivered to the event, having the owner drop them directly into the event would be great. For racers that I've received in the mail, I plan to "grab" them at the point they are heading into the shop for tagging, and then I'll drop them into the event cache once they are fully assembled.


Since your racer arrived pre-drilled, it will be in the first batch out of the shop.

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So do you have a GC # where we can drop our racers yet?

Since I was unable to get a separate event listing for the race launch vs the GCF event, the racers are being launched at the GCF event in NC, GC14NR4


For racers that are to be hand delivered to the event, having the owner drop them directly into the event would be great. For racers that I've received in the mail, I plan to "grab" them at the point they are heading into the shop for tagging, and then I'll drop them into the event cache once they are fully assembled.


Since your racer arrived pre-drilled, it will be in the first batch out of the shop.


I'll just drop it into your event now myself :laughing:

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The Hippie Bus Race to Sacramento web site has been updated with the latest status of all registered racers.


If your name is on the list and your racer isn't marked as 'Activated received', please contact me ASAP to verify that you either plan to attend the launch event in person or have/will have shipped your racer by Monday the 1st. Late arriving entries will be accepted, so don't waste a bunch of money on expedited shipping.


If you don't see your name on the list (either because the Race Coordinator dropped the ball, or because you haven't sent in an email requesting to enter the race), send the usual info to HippieBusRace@MacFlye.com: gc name, number of racers you'd like to enter, if you plan to attend GW6, if you plan to attend the launch event.


If you are interested in joining the race but do not have a racer: you have several options; purchase one from Geoswag and have it sent directly to the Race Coordinator as it is unlikely that you will be able to order and reship the coin to arrive prior to the race launch; scroll up to find a few that are available for trading; post here or the pinned trading thread to see if someone else has one available for trade/sale.


Good luck in the race, only a week until the launch at GCF NC! :)

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Hippie Procrastination Prize!!!


Hi, I'm dflye, and I'm a procrastinator!


If you know any procrastinating fellow cachers / coin collectors (or anyone else for that matter with a pulse and a credit card :) ), and think you can convince them at the last minute to send in a race registration request to me by the end of the week and order/acquire a Road to Sacramento hippie bus racer to arrive in the hands of the Race Coordinator prior to the launch event on Sat Oct 6th, you may win a prize!


And just what sort of prize are we talking about here? Vanna, show the contestants what they are playing for....



Yes, Vanna, that is indeed an antique gold Rot13 Dragon Spinner as well as the coveted Earth Turtle in antique silver!


Each newly registered racer that you lure out of the land of procrastination and into the race gets you a chance at the prize! So, the more you motivate, the better your odds! :D Just make sure they mention that they are entering the race based on a referral from you, otherwise only their name will be in the contest, and not yours as well! :)


Oh, and nothing against motivating yourself to add an additional racer or two if you are already registered. This is all about getting those last minute procrastinators to the starting line! :D


For expediency, if you are ordering new racers, here is the shipping address to use when completing your transaction:

Hippie Bus Race Coordinator

5028 Bartons Enclave Lane

Raleigh, NC 27613-8564


So, for each newly registered racer after this moment in time that arrives prior to the race launch event, both the racer and the referrer get one chance to win. Self-referrals only count as one chance. Minimum of 5 new registrations needed in order for the drawing for a winner to be held.


Winner will be determined by random drawing at the end of the GCF NC event!


Good luck getting those procrastinators going! :D:D

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Dan, the website is awesome! :) You sure have put a lot of work into it.


Will the cachers who move the hippie buses during the race have a chance to win prizes, too?

Thanks, hopefully the website isn't too sluggish when loading the pages, the tool I'm using to build the pages sure likes to generate hefty pages! :)


The plan is to have a monthly drawing of those who move a racer along, just debating if a particular cacher's name should be in the drawing more than once if they moved multiple racers, and if the drawing should start from scratch each month, or roll non-winners over from the prior month.

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The following list of racers had the misfortune of using the sample TB description text prior to someone pointing out that I'd spelled Sacramento as Sacremaneto!


You may want to edit the description of your racers to correct to the typo I made, sorry for the inconvenience! The typo will appear in a heading near the bottom of the description, look for "Hippie Bus Race to Sacremaneto"

  • 007BigD --- 007BigD's Hippie Racer to GW6 runnin on Bio and Racin to Sac!!!...Move me Quick!
  • Accordiangal --- Road to Sacramento Geocoin
  • bvnlj --- Zepplin Connection of the Hippie Bus Race to Sacremento
  • coreynjoey --- CoreyNJoey's Road to Sacramento Hippie Bus Racer
  • creacher --- Creacher's - I Need a Miracle - Hippie Bus Racer
  • DresselDragons --- DresselDragons Road to Sacramento Geocoin
  • DresselDragons --- DresselDragons Road to Sacramento Travel Bug
  • glennk721 --- glennk721’s Road to Sacramento Geocoin
  • sillygirl & jrr --- The Love Machine
  • Solan109 --- Solan109's Road to Sacramento Hippie Bus Racer
  • steel city babes --- Road to Sacramento Geocoin- Steel City Babes Racer
  • usyoopers --- usyoopers Racing the Hippie Bus to Sacramento

The "Zepplin Connection" bus has a double-whammy in that Sacramento is misspelled in the racer name as well. :)


Almost time to fire up the drill press and start making some "modifications" to the racers! :)

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"The "Zepplin Connection" bus has a double-whammy in that Sacramento is misspelled in the racer name as well."


Thanks for the heads up...took care of it.


By the way, would you mind spraying some carb cleaner on ours before the actual take off to help them run a little better :)

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Cleaned up the webpage. Looked at the standings page, don't understand what

"log cleanup needed" means.



Whoops, I forgot to send you a note about the status I'd posted for your racer, sorry about that.


Basically, you need to delete the log entry that placed your racer in the "Practice Line" cache. Otherwise, after the racer is placed into the event cache, it will add that distance to the racer's mileage. Which will make calculating the racer standings more difficult, as that mileage wouldn't count towards the standings, as only miles logged after the race event count.


Sorry for the inconvenience and lack of message on my part.

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Cleaned up the webpage. Looked at the standings page, don't understand what

"log cleanup needed" means.



Whoops, I forgot to send you a note about the status I'd posted for your racer, sorry about that.


Basically, you need to delete the log entry that placed your racer in the "Practice Line" cache. Otherwise, after the racer is placed into the event cache, it will add that distance to the racer's mileage. Which will make calculating the racer standings more difficult, as that mileage wouldn't count towards the standings, as only miles logged after the race event count.


Sorry for the inconvenience and lack of message on my part.



Thanks for the explanation. Deleted the log entry.



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I sent my two buses on 9/22 and they still haven't arrived! (Michigan to NC)


I sure hope that they will move a bit faster after the race starts! But then again, the USPS won't be moving them! LOL

Yikes, that is pretty sluggish, even for the good ol' USPS. :( Crossing my fingers that they show up soon! :ph34r:

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The DresselDragons reminded me to get mine sent in so they went out today.

Glad to hear they are on the road, wasn't sure I had the right email address for you in the mailing list.


Have to see if yours arrive before LadyBee4T's do, things from the east coast and west coast usually arrive here faster than ones originating from anywhere in the middle of the country. :( The east coast part I get, but how does a package from WA get here before one from MN? :ph34r::o Then again, maybe all those "ventilation" holes in her racers are slowing them down on the freeway! :(

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So after drilling a bunch of buses tonight, strung them onto a wire to make sure all the owner-drilled racers were up to spec, here's the whole pack idling around the track... just noticed one of them ended up wrong-side up in the pic, I think AtlantaGal's racer already crashed, looks like the hole she drilled through the window got the driver! :ph34r:



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Have to see if yours arrive before LadyBee4T's do, things from the east coast and west coast usually arrive here faster than ones originating from anywhere in the middle of the country. :o The east coast part I get, but how does a package from WA get here before one from MN? :(:( Then again, maybe all those "ventilation" holes in her racers are slowing them down on the freeway! :D


Yes I bet they now aren't as aerodynamic as they could be! :ph34r: But they are airconditioned!


Hmmm maybe the postal workers are inhaling all that funny smoke that Keewee talked about and that will slow everything down a bit.....

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Just to give everyone fair warning....I'll be "grabbing" racers that I have in hand tonight after I verify names / numbers / drilling. You may have already got the notice, as I already did a few before thinking I should post a note here. Once a printed racer tag is laminated and the racer is ready for final assembly, I'll drop them into the event cache where the launch will be held.


I'll post sample pics of the expected layout of the final assembly once I have a laminated tag done, at which point it will be open to a free-for-all of suggestions for about....oh...30 seconds before I start crimping cables. :ph34r:


For racers owned by cachers who will be attending the event, I'll probably leave their assemblies uncrimped so they can be part of my drilling and tagging demonstration at the GCF event.

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So after drilling a bunch of buses tonight, strung them onto a wire to make sure all the owner-drilled racers were up to spec, here's the whole pack idling around the track... just noticed one of them ended up wrong-side up in the pic, I think AtlantaGal's racer already crashed, looks like the hole she drilled through the window got the driver! :(




Well what do you know, it appears as if I am still ahead of Avroair :o !!! I am pretty sure this will remain true for the duration of the race :( !!!


Maybe his bus will get stuck in a snow storm :ph34r: ?

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Received 7 racers in the mail today B) (2 of which I'd forgotten to show as registered on the race web site, whoops!)


Updated the race standings page with the most recent status and racer name for all racers that I'm aware of. Please let me know if any of the information listed for your racer is incorrect, as what you see there is what will be used to fill out the template for the laminated racer tags.


There are still a few teams that appear AWOL at the moment, can't find an activated racer or email indicating if their racer(s) have been shipped. If anyone is in touch with ParentsOfSAM, they are the biggest ? on the list. :)



Almost time to fire up those engines!! :);):D

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