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Geocaching Nurses

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Posted (edited)

Just thought I would check to see how many nurses Geocache. I know I won't get a totally accurate count as there are so many cachers who don't read the forums. Stand up and be counted fellow nurses. And while I am at it... how many FIREFIGHTERS or EMS geocachers. I bet they are the biggest group between Docs, Nurses, Firefighters, and EMTs. :unsure:


One nurse here... ER

One Firefighter/EMT


Edited for grammar.

Edited by Team FIREBOY



What a small world. The Fireboy is also CRASH FIRE RESCUE at the airport where we live. Don't you just love the BIG trucks! They got a new Snozzle about 2 years ago, the one with the piercing nozzle, gotta love when you can poke a nozzle into a C130 and spray the inside without even getting out of your truck. ;o)




What a small world. The Fireboy is also CRASH FIRE RESCUE at the airport where we live. Don't you just love the BIG trucks! They got a new Snozzle about 2 years ago, the one with the piercing nozzle, gotta love when you can poke a nozzle into a C130 and spray the inside without even getting out of your truck. ;o)

mmmmmmmm love the smell of diesel exhaust and Jet-A in the morning - quite the rush, hmmmm I think I need some more drivers training.


going off topic, sorry, does Fireboy trade patches? Send a PM if so and I'll see if I can dig one up :unsure:




What a small world. The Fireboy is also CRASH FIRE RESCUE at the airport where we live. Don't you just love the BIG trucks! They got a new Snozzle about 2 years ago, the one with the piercing nozzle, gotta love when you can poke a nozzle into a C130 and spray the inside without even getting out of your truck. ;o)

mmmmmmmm love the smell of diesel exhaust and Jet-A in the morning - quite the rush, hmmmm I think I need some more drivers training.


going off topic, sorry, does Fireboy trade patches? Send a PM if so and I'll see if I can dig one up :unsure:


Been in EMS 33 years, Paramedic for 27. I'm an EMS bureau-cat :unsure:


Nurse Nanna is a good friend of ours...she's also a very active (and fun) cacher! Was glad she was around during our last event, I burned my thumb cooking the ribs! She quickly wrapped it up...never healed so fast after such a burn!!


PezNurse checking in! I am, of course, a nurse - I am an operating room nurse for the last 7 years and love,love, love it! Before that I was a pediatric nurse - I worked at the local childrens hospital as a med/surg nurse on the transplant and post-op unit, worked as a home healthcare nurse with children on ventilators and as a phototherapy nurse (that was fun - got to help all those jaundice babies!) I love being a nurse!


I work with another nurse whose is a geocacher and with 4 surg techs who are geocachers as well! We have a lot of fun talking about geocaching at work, or talking about work when we get toghether to geocache! A couple of the surgeons we work with are interested in joining us geocaching sometime - maybe we can add a couple of MD's to the mix soon!


One geocaching nurse here. I work home health and love it. Been working in home health for almost 4 years. I am new to geocaching and love to go with my daughter and my parents on days off. Wished some of my co-workers knew what geocaching is. When I tell them what I like to do or even mention it they are like "huh" Being new to this it is hard to explain it to them.


My 1st post. My first geocaching trip was last Friday and Konacoffee and I found 3 caches.


I've been a nurse for longer than I want to admit. I work in surgery. It's still great. :) leeroyboy


I'm retired from the FDNY, have been an EMT and worked home health as an HHA for awhile. I cache with PAbabe who is a nurse. I know several FF both active and retired in the area, a number of EMT/Paramedics and Nurses. Great people to cache with.


Hmm EMT EMS ?? what are they ?


Lynn is UK qualified nurse.


Mark is a Quality Manager


Sorry, assumed. EMT = Emergency Medical Technician: can be a basic, and intermediate or a Paramedic

mostly they are the ones who work with people pre-hospital (not always though)

EMS = Emergency Medical Service : anyone who works to help people through an

emergency. Like the radio dispatchers, EMT's, Police, Fire ect...


Hope this helps.


Nurses = 17

Firefighter = 4


Lab tech = 1

OT = 1

Manager = 1


See, I knew that there are people out there who care about their fellow man and who enjoy caching too. I agree that this group of people are great to cache with. B) Even more so if you get injured while caching. :DB)


Hmm EMT EMS ?? what are they ?


Lynn is UK qualified nurse.


Mark is a Quality Manager


Sorry, assumed. EMT = Emergency Medical Technician: can be a basic, and intermediate or a Paramedic

mostly they are the ones who work with people pre-hospital (not always though)

EMS = Emergency Medical Service : anyone who works to help people through an

emergency. Like the radio dispatchers, EMT's, Police, Fire ect...


Hope this helps.


Thank you different terminology over here.


Lynn is an RGN (registered general nurse) but has done District Nursing and is currently and Occupational Health Nurse for the Police force.


I don't know if this counts, but my wife is an ER Nurse (now an educator) and very active in local, state, and national organizations. Because of me, she has added Geocaching to her list of hobbies. She doesn't have her own screen name but has helped me find quite a few of the caches that I have found to date (about 150). She does enjoy spending the time with me but doesn't always like communing with nature! Congratulations to all of the medical personnel out there who find the time to "use multi-billion dollar satellites to find tupper-ware containers"!


Did Team Paubon say MASTER'S DEGREE in Nursing? I also see that she has over 1,000 finds and is 70 years old. How awesome is it that we have a Geocacher who nursed with Florence Nightengale!


Also, my wife is an RN, currently working in the Cath Lab at Mercy Regional Medical Center here in Durango, Colorado! So add another nurse to the list!!




PS: Just kidding mom. We are so proud of you. Plus, you got us into Geocaching.


Two nurses here; one Informatics nurse (RN) and a nurse educator (RN). We have a "Nurses Rock!" geocoin released in the wild a couple weeks back: TB1KJ3T. :anicute:


Add another nurse to the list..just passed my 10 year mark of being a nurse. Became certified (CMSRN) in med/surg nursing last year and am looking forward to doing some caching in Las Vegas in October when I am attending the annual Medical Surgical Nursing Convention.


Currently I work as an RN study coordinator


Ya, it's a desk job, but have also worked in long term care, IV transfusion (Blood bank) service,

Hospital based float staff-floated to 40 some different patient care units, medical, surgical, ortho, cardiac, peds, neuro, heme/onc, transplant, gyn, stepdown units, plastics, just about done them all

RN Staff educator, Home health case manager.


Darn, so many years to work yet!!!


Also know 3 more nurses who are cachers. (Zuma, Wi-Robin, Mrs. Honeybunnies)


Hospice RN, maybe that's why I like cemetery caches so much :( Being a home care nurse sometimes I can do a quick cache between patients! Almost 30 years a nurse, how could I be that old?? Taken some nurse friends out with me, we have fun hiking and chatting and they like caching with me.


Another nurse here. Night Nurse Practitioner (Old fashioned title would be Night Matron). There seem to be a lot of cachers involved in the alturistic professions. I wonder if any cachers out there arn't Drs, Nurses, Firefighters or the Fuzz.


Are we SURE these threads are geocaching related??


Um, I don't know.... do you think the words "how many nurses geocache" make this a geocache related thread?


Would it be better if I asked " How many nurse geocachers out there have placed a cache made out of a peanut butter jar, shrinking it using one of the cool cache container threads instructions, to place said shrunken peanut butter micro cache under a lamp post and how to you keep your log from getting soggy, how often do you maintain your cache, do you have any muggles or geocaching thieves who have stolen your cache and what did you do to solve your missing geocache problem, has anyone reported you for using a pb jar and it being a "lame" hide and did they do so by writing a "needs archived" log or did they just thrash you on your caches listing page and O.B.T.W. who made your geocaching forum avatar?


I must go back to counting cheese now. :rolleyes: But that is Off topic. :anitongue:

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