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Canadian Poppy Coin


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I have just sent an email to C&P's to ask a question relating to their new release of the coin using the Poppy as a part of thier coin.

I am asking if any proper permissions where given to use this as a novilty item in gest of an scare made previously by someone with nothing else better to do.

The Poppy is a national symbol where our war heros and veterans who by giving thier lives may be remembered as a symbol of our freedoms which they faught and some died for.

Be that as it may, this coin however does look like it has been done in good taste and is what it is supposed to represent...good fun and humor.

But again be that as it may be, this symbol should not used without permission.

My intention is not to stir up trouble or create any controversy but to bring to the attention that this may have infringments to a possible trade mark or copy right issue.

Posted (edited)

Down here in NZ we also have the Red Poppy as a symbol to remember our war heroes, it dates back to WW1 and flanders field where a huge number were killed. Every year we celebrate ANZAC (Australia, New Zealand Army Corps) on the 25th April, prior to this date we have "Poppy Day" where Red poppies are sold to raise funds for the Returned Services Assc. Although the last time NZ was involved in a major "War" was very many years ago ANZAC day ceremonies are being attended by more and more people, this is surprising considering there is not that many "Old Diggers" left, what I see on ANZAC day is an increased number of young children attending. It is great to see that we can still remember the sacrifice of those that have provided us with the freedom we have today.


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.


Back on topic... I know where you are coming from with regards to the use of the Red Poppy, considering the significance and use of it world wide to remember those fallen in wars but guess it is very hard to stop a "Naturally" occuring item being used for other purposes, at least in the case of this coin it does not offend.

Edited by Team chelmo

I have done no research on the matter but my guess is that it isn't the "Poppy plant" that is a protected symbol but rather the poppy "design" that is used but I could be wrong . . .


Thank You for Reading what I was trying to write.

As I stated I had or have no intention to cause unnessary discussion regarding this topic but to bring to light what i now call not being as informed as I should be.

I had a short discussion with several coin collectors producers and through them I had the opportunity to view the actual copy-right of the poppy and it's use through the Canadian Legion.

I am satified that this coin has enough alterations to not infringe on any copy right laws or take away from the true meaning of the poppy and what it represents to Veterans and Families world wide.

It is up to us to regulate what is depicted and to protect the rights and symbols used to honor Veterans and to those who gave so much so we can enjoy what we have today.

I take this as the learning I needed to have and will share this last thought:


IN FLANDERS FIELDS the poppies blow

Between the crosses row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.


We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.


Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.


Thank you to everyone who took the time out to remember and to share their thoughts with me.


OMG - I was actually starting planning to do a ANZAC poppy geocoin, with the hope of having it ready for ANZAC Day 2008. I was going to approach the RSA to seek permission to use the red poppy/black centre. Idea was the a set amount from each coin sold would go to the RSA. Was going to do it was a Geocoin/pin set.


OMG - I was actually starting planning to do a ANZAC poppy geocoin, with the hope of having it ready for ANZAC Day 2008. I was going to approach the RSA to seek permission to use the red poppy/black centre. Idea was the a set amount from each coin sold would go to the RSA. Was going to do it was a Geocoin/pin set.

That's a great idea; I'd still do it. There's nothing wrong with having another Poppy coin, and having it honor and benefit servicemen would be a wonderful thing.


OMG - I was actually starting planning to do a ANZAC poppy geocoin, with the hope of having it ready for ANZAC Day 2008. I was going to approach the RSA to seek permission to use the red poppy/black centre. Idea was the a set amount from each coin sold would go to the RSA. Was going to do it was a Geocoin/pin set.

That's a great idea; I'd still do it. There's nothing wrong with having another Poppy coin, and having it honor and benefit servicemen would be a wonderful thing.


Done then. It will be a while before I have anything concrete.


Plan was to do a poppy each year and change it slightly so that it will be different from previous years. Be it a slightly different design, different metal, etc.


Be assured that I did not mean this coin to offend anyone, especially veterans and remembered war dead, but to poke fun of American "intelligence" in the field. And maybe there would be fewer wars and war dead to be remembered if we had more intelligent intelligence. Or at least someone willing to ask intelligent questions before they put everyone on high alert. :blink:


I hope people, esp. Canadians, think it's a fun coin and not an rude coin!



The Alethiometrists


I cant see a problem with copyright issues either...Not that im a pro. I didnt even hear about this crazy Spying quarter scare!...Sounds funny though :blink:


I would say for KeeWee to go with the coin...It really has nothing to do with this coin, other than having the same flower on it and it has much more meaning too its purpose.

I just went to the Liberty Memorial WW1 Museum in KC and would be moved at the purpose of your Red Poppy coin...GO FOR IT...They all deserve it!


I cant see a problem with copyright issues either...Not that im a pro. I didnt even hear about this crazy Spying quarter scare!...Sounds funny though :anitongue:


I would say for KeeWee to go with the coin...It really has nothing to do with this coin, other than having the same flower on it and it has much more meaning too its purpose.

I just went to the Liberty Memorial WW1 Museum in KC and would be moved at the purpose of your Red Poppy coin...GO FOR IT...They all deserve it!


I'm currently working on getting permission as I know that he Red Poppy is very sacred to the Returned Serviceperson Associations, and I do not want to offend or step on any toes. I will post a new thread when I have that permission and some more details (like vendor, design, etc). I am thinking that it will be a coin and pin pair. I am proposing that a set amount from each sale would got to the R.S.A.


I cant see a problem with copyright issues either...Not that im a pro. I didnt even hear about this crazy Spying quarter scare!...Sounds funny though :rolleyes:



Its only funny if you didn't actually live through it! I still flush all my quarters down the toilet - just in case!


I need to go readjust my tinfoil hat now...





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