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DNF - Meaning


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Posted (edited)



When should I make a log as DNF?


Does it have a special meaning? If I just go looking and don't find the cache after a poke around is a note more applicable?


Does DNF signify I didn't find it, or something more serious, i.e. I looked for ages and I think it's missing.


Thanks <_<

Edited by BillW

It means whatever you want it to mean. I generally post one if I think I've given a good try at locating the cache and can't find it. I won't post one, for example, if I arrive at the area and for some reason don't want to get close enough to look around well-- maybe there are lots of thorns and I'm not dressed for them or (as happened this week) I come across something that makes me feel unsafe in the area. If I feel that I've made a serious attempt at locating it, I will log a DNF. Some people never log them, and others will only do so after they have failed to find a cache multiple times. I think logging them after the first attempt is best because it alerts the cache owner that there may be a problem. If no one ever logs a DNF, then they might not know that a cache is missing.


I agree with niffir. Log a cache as a DNF if you think you had a fair search in the area and were unable to locate it. This gives valuable feedback to the cache owner. Some cachers don't/won't log DNF's, (for whatever reason) although it's obvious from their other near-vicinity finds for the day, that the cache would have been on their hit list!



I too tend to log a DNF if i've had a goodish look. As a cache owner I wouldn't go rushing to check mine unless I had two or three DNFs in a row and also taking into account the experience of the cachers involved.


I wouldn't expect anyone to take my DNFs any more seriously than the fact I can't spot a cache the size of a barn. I wonder if there is a log of the caches where only one cacher has failed to find it. I suspect I'd hold the record! <_<

Posted (edited)

Also in agreement - I find DNFs very useful on both my own caches and those I am thinking of doing. I always submit them unless, as has been said, I didn't even search unless the reason is particularly pertinent ie fenced off by workmen, flooding, escaped lions circling the area etc. Also DNFs can be amusing to read (laughing with the author, not at the author!)

Edited by Mr Nibbler

It means whatever you want it to mean. I generally post one if I think I've given a good try at locating the cache and can't find it. I won't post one, for example, if I arrive at the area and for some reason don't want to get close enough to look around well-- maybe there are lots of thorns and I'm not dressed for them or (as happened this week)

That actually could be a valid reason for a DNF. If you post that there are thorns then at least others will be aware if they read the old logs and it could avoid another wasted visit for someone else.


To the OP DNFs are very useful for owners and searchers alike. Don't be afraid of logging them.

Posted (edited)

It means whatever you want it to mean. I generally post one if I think I've given a good try at locating the cache and can't find it. I won't post one, for example, if I arrive at the area and for some reason don't want to get close enough to look around well-- maybe there are lots of thorns and I'm not dressed for them or (as happened this week)

That actually could be a valid reason for a DNF. If you post that there are thorns then at least others will be aware if they read the old logs and it could avoid another wasted visit for someone else.


In the case of the one that freaked me out (the entrance to the wooded area appeared to be serving as camp site and bar for a homeless person, and I didn't really feel like meeting them while alone and on my way to the cache), I did put a note to warn others. As far as the thorns go, I was thinking of a cache I chose not to go for on that same day-- I was dressed in a kind of dressy shirt (and had pants pulled on over my skirt). Didn't want to risk ripping the shirt on the thorns, so I didn't even bother entering the area. Could have posted a note about the thorns, I suppose, but figured those wouldn't deter most cachers.

Edited by niffir
Posted (edited)
It means whatever you want it to mean. I generally post one if I think I've given a good try at locating the cache and can't find it. I won't post one, for example, if I arrive at the area and for some reason don't want to get close enough to look around well-- maybe there are lots of thorns and I'm not dressed for them or (as happened this week) I come across something that makes me feel unsafe in the area. If I feel that I've made a serious attempt at locating it, I will log a DNF. Some people never log them, and others will only do so after they have failed to find a cache multiple times. I think logging them after the first attempt is best because it alerts the cache owner that there may be a problem. If no one ever logs a DNF, then they might not know that a cache is missing.
This is the way I do it too. :) Edited by TrailGators



When should I make a log as DNF?


Does it have a special meaning? If I just go looking and don't find the cache after a poke around is a note more applicable?


Does DNF signify I didn't find it, or something more serious, i.e. I looked for ages and I think it's missing.


Thanks B)


I think DNF logs should be made when serious attempt has been made.


Notes are good for flagging problems with the area or cache.


Personally I would like to see another category ABORTED ATTEMPT for all those occasions when you go totally numerically dyslexic, or can't get near for muggles etc.


And as for logging a find when you haven't opened the box. :):)B)


I think DNF logs should be made when serious attempt has been made.


Notes are good for flagging problems with the area or cache.


Personally I would like to see another category ABORTED ATTEMPT for all those occasions when you go totally numerically dyslexic, or can't get near for muggles etc.


And as for logging a find when you haven't opened the box. :):)B)


I agree, this makes perfect sense.

Posted (edited)

:D Agree with all that stuff.


I had a couple of DNFs against one of my caches and popped along for a look (only 10 minutes from home) It was perfectly fine and in the right place.Thing was, they were not inexperienced cachers... (Names witheld)


June 11 by careygang (152 found)

The Cache is still present and accounted for. See ($$$$) comment. says it all really.

[view/edit logs/images on a separate page]


June 8 by (xxxxxxxx) (177 found)

(%%%%%%%) says it all really - I hate to have a DNF especially when I think it might be down to muggling.




June 8 by (%%%%%%) (210 found)

This should have been the fourth of the day, out on a caching day with (xxxxxx), who introduced me to this sport a year and a half ago. Today is the first time we have actually been caching together. We found a very obvious place for the cache but alas no booty was found hopefully the cache is still there and its just us giving up to easily when we couldn't spot it in the obvious spot!!

Hope its not been Muggled.


May 29 by ($$$$$) (222 found)

Found this after alot of searching around the obvious place identified in the spoiler. Virtually given up when we found it in the next obvious place! Nettles got me. TNLN.TFTC.


So the moral of this tale is YES, do use the DNF as it might be important for the owner.

Edited by careygang
We found a very obvious place for the cache



Sometimes the cache is NOT in the obvious place! :D


Thats half the fun! ;)


We DNF if we've had a real search and found nothing.

If it's an aborted search due to muggles/weather/unable to get close it's a note.




I only use NOTES for TB drops or for TB SWAPS at caches I've already found.


I DNF if I've been there and looked for it, even if I couldn't find it cos a muggle was sat on it or the sheep looked at me funny :blink: . I do this because as an owner I like to know how many people have visited the area specifically because of my cache, I think it gives a better reflection of how attractive the cache is.......if you get my meaning. :(


I DNF if I've been there and looked for it, even if I couldn't find it cos a muggle was sat on it or the sheep looked at me funny :mad: . I do this because as an owner I like to know how many people have visited the area specifically because of my cache, I think it gives a better reflection of how attractive the cache is.......if you get my meaning. :(


As a log reader I totally agree, When i read a log saying "Finally after 2 DNF's I found it ..." I feel cheated if I can't read the DNF stories in the log history :(


We’ve logged 7 DNFs to date, a fairly low number probably due to checking cache availability and reading recent logs before setting out for the day.


Its right to log a DNF if you’ve had a good hunt around :mad: and also stopped and thought about where the cache might be :( We’ve often been about to give up but then got the find following a thorough re-read of the notes/clue and some good old common sense :(


When logging a DNF we try to think what others would like to know, we add info that the cache owner will hopefully find helpful and try to keep it light hearted, suggesting it might be our incompetence :(




Good topic and helpful to us newbies. Only yesterday I logged 2 DNFs, a note and 1 Find! What a frustrating evening.

  • Runway's End was due to a likely lst cache due to "deforestation" [:mad:] So I asked the owner to check.
  • Valley Of The Kings was due to it being hard for me to find - but I logged that I would return undefeated.
  • 0 to 60 was only a note - to show an aborted attempt as the place is Muggle Central. I will return after dark.

So it strikes me that DNFs are useful in many ways for owners and future hunters to check. I'm currently trying for a record of most DNFs logged in a month. :(

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