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Uploading to PC from GPS - how to?

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After 4+ years of using the same GPS (Garmin Etrex Venture), I've gotten the opportunity to upgrade. Now, I've got a whole lotta waypoints in the old GPS. Never hooked it up to the computer before. Tried that, but couldn't seem to get it (the GPS to be recognized (by the PC). What I want to do is pull off the data in the old GPS, put it in the new GPS. This *should* be possible, yes??


Note: I did try to search for this in the forums, but either my search-fu is lacking strength, or I'm just not syncing in to the right set of keywords to not get back 5+ pages of posts. :o


Any help, assistance, thoughts, etc on the situation?


Because there is an pc interface (serial) on the Venture, this should be possible, yes. That's why the interface exists :-)


Try this:

- install mapsource

- menu>edit>preferences>transfer

- activate "search for garmin ..."

- port: auto

- click "OK"

- menu>transfer>receive from device


Follow the transfer wizard. Check the left "waypoints" pane, there should be listed some waypoints.


I don't know what your new/upgraded device is, but let's guess it is a USB enable garmin device: Make sure you have the latest garmin usb driver (downloadable from support.garmin.com). Hook it to your computer, click send to device.


This should do it...




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