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Log Translation

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Can someone please help me translate this log to English? Babelfish was not much help as I am really not even sure what language it is, so I hope someone here can help me. Thanks!


Log Link


It's in Norwegian, similar to Swedish.


I'm an American in Sweden and my Swedish is ok, so I'll give it a shot... hopefully someone will come in and correct my boo-boos.... one benefit of living here is that Danish and Norwegian are both fairly understandable if you can speak Swedish!


8 på veien til gardemoen flyplass.Grabbet med meg 3 TB og 1 Geo Coin.Skal finne noen fine plasser til dere snart. 1 av dem allerede i dag.

TFTC botta


8 on the way to Gardemoen Airport (in Oslo, Norway). Took with me three tb's and 1 gc. Going to find a nice place for them soon. One of them already left today.



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