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Would you be interested in this coin?


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I'm just curious about the general geocoin public's interest in a Helena, Montana coin?


Let me first start off by saying that there is a Montana coin in the works, I've tried to get information about it over the last month and haven't heard anything. Second, this coin is not a replacement for that coin.


This coin represent Helena, Montana and it's cachers (no we don't have any organized caching org.) I've contacted quite a few local cachers for their input and those that have replied back are supportive of the coin and funny thing is, everyone has suggested the same design for the front of the coin when asked for suggestions.


So, the front has been decided and the back is being decided still. I don't want to reveal the design here but I can tell you what it will look like :laughing: It will be a 1.75, round, antique silver and antique gold (oro y plata is the Montana state motto which means silver and gold). It will have a 3D front. The design is simple and elegant, no colors. It will be trackable w/ a unique icon (the front of the design). It truly is tailored to our community. I will be minting it myself and I have offered coins at cost to Montana cachers (if youhave not seen any of my messages Montana cachers, please drop me an email and I can give you a link to needed info.)


The cost wouldn't be a whole lot more than what I am charged for the entire process. All profits would be used to fund a meet and greet down the road, since we don't seem to do much of those. I'm only minting 250 off the bat and I don't know how many would be left over after they arrive.


Essentially, I just want to know if any of you are interested in this coin, I will post a picture/artwork after everything is decided upon.


Again this is not the coin meant to represent Montana as a whole.


Thanks...tsun :rolleyes:


Thanks :rolleyes: Although I do have to admit, this isn't the typical 'tsun' type design (which usually means there is an animal design involved, lol). I'm keeping a small list for the time being. I'll make sure you are all kept up to date on the design and status as this thing picks up steam :P


tsun :)


I'd love it more if you'd put your name on it, but sounds like a great coin! I love two-tone coins...and you make some nice designs!


I'm interested in this, will have to wait to see the artwork to put a definite behind it, but I'll be watching!!

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