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Geocaching vs Etrex Vista CX


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This is the first time I use my Etrex Vista Cx for geocaching purposes and I have question regarding the Compass Page. I have downloaded on geocaching.com a few cache near my location, caches are in my GPS unit, but is it normal that I don't see the Geocache Navigation Mode in my Compass Page when I'm navigating to a cache?


Here is what I have done: Find menu -> Geocache -> Select one cache from my list -> select "go to" and then I go to the Compass Page. The compass show me the direction, but I don't see the "found", "note" and "stop" buttons.


Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?




The icon must be the yellow treasure box - unless the default icon has been changed. You can change it to another icon, but I left my Venture Cx at work and can't tell you the button sequence to hit. Whichever software you use to download waypoints should have the treasure box icon.


It also only shows the cache menu items if navigate "off road" is selcted.


Thanks Mach2003, "Follow Road" option was selected. I have changed to "offroad" and it is now working.

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