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Another Cointest


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As promised, here is the final Anthus cointest for today.


I'm trying to stay with the computer theme as the winner gets a Laptop LE Red geocoin.


One guess per post

No less than 5 minutes between your posts

More than one guess per post and/or less than 5 minutes between posts disqualifies your guess

Edited posts are disqualified

I have final say on the winner

MWGB participants ineligible -- you guys are already having lots of fun at the event

Previous winners from my other cointest today are ineligible

First one to answer correctly wins

Most importantly, let's keep this fun! I'll give out hints as needed.


Ok. On with the question...


How much hard drive space is left on my laptop. The size of the hard drive is 80GB.


Good luck!


2 gb (after optimizing and defrag)


I didn't even get that after optmizing, defraging, and moving old files off the to file server. Too many programs. Too much family video making.

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