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Geocache ready question


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Silly question but I have to ask. Does this mean that the caches will automatically show up on the unit or do you still have to load it? I have read some posts on caches that people had said that it "popped" up on the screen as they were driving through so they stopped and grabbed it. Thanks in advance...


No, I think you got that one wrong. :ninja: You still have to load the available geocaches to the unit, either by hand input each cache, or transfer from Mapsource or from the GSAK "send to GPS" option.


Geocache ready, means that the unit recognizes the "Open and Closed Chest" icons and when such a waypoint is loaded it is sorted into a list on its own when you search for geocaches. After you found a cache it would ask you if you wish to find the next nearest. It actually only will show you the "Closed Chest" under Geocaches. All "Open Chest's" are to be found under the normal listing of waypoints.


There is also another way of uploading thousands of cache waypoints using the "Garmin POI Loader".


Sorry, but that I believe is the answer to your question. :)


I think when someone refers to the "popped up", they are, like I usually do, traveling with the GPSr in "nearest waypoint" mode, which automatically shows me the 6 nearest caches to me at any given moment, up to about 70 miles distance.


They have the cache loaded into the GPSr, or it wouldn't know of it's existence.


You have to load caches to your GPSr for it to recognize them. When people say a cache 'popped up', they mean that they had previously loaded all caches for a large area into their GPSr, and left the GPSr on as they drove through the area on some other errand. If a cache pops up, they'll stop and grab it.


Silly question but I have to ask. Does this mean that the caches will automatically show up on the unit or do you still have to load it? I have read some posts on caches that people had said that it "popped" up on the screen as they were driving through so they stopped and grabbed it. Thanks in advance...

When you become a Premium Member . . . :ph34r: , you will have access to the "Caches Along a Route" feature, as well as Pocket Queries. Then, using a program such as GSAK (Geocaching Swiss Army Knife), in just a few seconds, you can load as many waypoints as your GPSr will hold. For some, that is 500. For others, that is 1000. If you have an 'x' GPSr, you can load thousands of caches into your GPSr as POIs. :(


Depending on the zoom level you are using on your GPSr, you might see one, or dozens of caches, "pop up" as you drive down the highway, or down a city street. B)

Silly question but I have to ask. Does this mean that the caches will automatically show up on the unit or do you still have to load it? I have read some posts on caches that people had said that it "popped" up on the screen as they were driving through so they stopped and grabbed it. Thanks in advance...
You always have to load them.

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