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I am trying to use a zire 21 to download my cache pages to. I am having trouble and wonder if the software is compatible with windows vista. Can anyone help me? Thanks, Hunters2


I know that my daughter had compatibility trouble with Vista and her Sony software. She had to run it on another machine that had XP on it. Fortunately,(?) her Sony got broke, and she upgraded to a Palm, which solved the problem. Evidently, Vista requires that software be tweaked to run with it. :unsure:


Vista is evil. I can't even sync my Pocket PC and MicroSoft writes the software on all end of the problem.


I don't know what issues you've had, but activesync is now called Mobile Device Center in Vista. I'm not a fan either, but did run into sync issues setting up a Vista laptop for a client. Once I found MDC, it was a cinch to sync.


Vista is evil. I can't even sync my Pocket PC and MicroSoft writes the software on all end of the problem.


I don't know what issues you've had, but activesync is now called Mobile Device Center in Vista. I'm not a fan either, but did run into sync issues setting up a Vista laptop for a client. Once I found MDC, it was a cinch to sync.


I have found MDC and there is even a Mobile Device Update to it...But all I can do is get my PDA to sync once. Then never again. I had this issue when first installing Vista and upon reformatting in vista.


I synced hers using bluetooth. What pda and connection are you using?


In all honesty, I am about to purchase a new laptop. One of the first things I will be doing is shrinking the Vista partition (I'd like to hold onto it to learn more about Vista) and installing XP so I can dual boot and use XP primarily. At least that is the plan until MS issues its first service pack to fix a lot of the problems I've been seeing.


I synced hers using bluetooth. What pda and connection are you using?


In all honesty, I am about to purchase a new laptop. One of the first things I will be doing is shrinking the Vista partition (I'd like to hold onto it to learn more about Vista) and installing XP so I can dual boot and use XP primarily. At least that is the plan until MS issues its first service pack to fix a lot of the problems I've been seeing.


HP hx4700 with WM 5 for the OS. using the USB cable. I tried BlueTooth but that never even got me the initial sync.


I just got a new Laptop with Vista Home Premium. So far everything is working well, but I haven't started loading it up for Geocaching or my Palm yet. If Sunrise XP will work at very least I'll be able to update Plucker with new cache info and files via SD card. I hope..... ;)


How long ago did you update the pda to WM5? Have you been able to succefully sync it with XP?


It's been about 6 months. WM 5 is less table than WM 2003 SE was and In my opinion a step back as an OS even if the applications are a bit better. I haven't been to the link.

I've bookmarked it and will try it out during my next Vista Troubleshooting Session...I've got a lead on getting media center to work as well...


Thanks for the link.


Vista does work with the .pdb files......yet, according to the Palm web site.


I use my desktop which is running XP to hotsync my Palm m515 for loading GSAK files onto it.


My laptop is running Vista and I'm waiting for the day Palm and Vista can get things worked out.


All I can say is if you get a machine with Vista on it, keep your XP license. I recently bought a laptop with Vista Home Premium installed and it was a dog. I had to wipe the drive and reinstall with XP. MUCH faster. Of course, my Ubuntu partition sees a lot more action!


My laptop has Vista. Magellan's MapSend can recognize my GPS however, the Magellan's GeoCache Manager does not. It thinks the GPS unit is an external hard drive. I think we all will have to wait until everyone updates all the drivers to make them compatible with Vista


I just got a new laptop with VISTA on it. I ran into problems trying to sync via bluetooth right out of the chute.


After looking around a little, I found that Microsoft had an update (6.1) for Windows Mobile Device Center.


I installed it and had my treo syncing in minutes.


My laptop has Vista. Magellan's MapSend can recognize my GPS however, the Magellan's GeoCache Manager does not. It thinks the GPS unit is an external hard drive. I think we all will have to wait until everyone updates all the drivers to make them compatible with Vista


My MapSend Topo 3D would not install to my new Windows Vista laptop, but downloading MapSend Lite (link through Groundspeak or Magellan) works but has no detail map. Since I discovered MapSend Lite, I never use Geocache Manager.


Do a pocket query and open the .gpx file with MapSend Lite. You can than save to your gps as a .gs file. You will be amazed at how much info you now download to the GPS. I have been so impressed with this that I haven't even checked out GSAK.


On Vista I have to have GPS turned on when I plug in the USB port, otherwise it does not recognize the device.


DO I GET MAD AT MICROSOFT OR MAGELLAN FOR NOT BEING COMPATIBLE WITH VISTA?????? (Magellan tech support stated that they were working on making it compatible with Visa. Most likely as a whole seperate program.)


All I can say is if you get a machine with Vista on it, keep your XP license. I recently bought a laptop with Vista Home Premium installed and it was a dog. I had to wipe the drive and reinstall with XP. MUCH faster. Of course, my Ubuntu partition sees a lot more action!


My Dad is trying to get me interested in Ubuntu. Any idea if Map Send Topo 3D would work on that OS?


My laptop has Vista. Magellan's MapSend can recognize my GPS however, the Magellan's GeoCache Manager does not. It thinks the GPS unit is an external hard drive. I think we all will have to wait until everyone updates all the drivers to make them compatible with Vista


My MapSend Topo 3D would not install to my new Windows Vista laptop, but downloading MapSend Lite (link through Groundspeak or Magellan) works but has no detail map. Since I discovered MapSend Lite, I never use Geocache Manager.


Do a pocket query and open the .gpx file with MapSend Lite. You can than save to your gps as a .gs file. You will be amazed at how much info you now download to the GPS. I have been so impressed with this that I haven't even checked out GSAK.


On Vista I have to have GPS turned on when I plug in the USB port, otherwise it does not recognize the device.


DO I GET MAD AT MICROSOFT OR MAGELLAN FOR NOT BEING COMPATIBLE WITH VISTA?????? (Magellan tech support stated that they were working on making it compatible with Visa. Most likely as a whole seperate program.)


I'll give this a shot. Thanks. Right now I keep using my desktop for uploading anything to my GPS. Don't get me going on the tech support issue.


All I can say is if you get a machine with Vista on it, keep your XP license. I recently bought a laptop with Vista Home Premium installed and it was a dog. I had to wipe the drive and reinstall with XP. MUCH faster. Of course, my Ubuntu partition sees a lot more action!


My Dad is trying to get me interested in Ubuntu. Any idea if Map Send Topo 3D would work on that OS?


I don't have the software, so I couldn't answer definitively. I do still have an XP partition for the Windows-only software I use. I've tried the emulators such as VMWare (commercial) and VirtualBox (free), but they still have their issues on various things. There is also Crossover Office (which is a version of WINE) that will allow you to run some Windows software without needing the full OS installed in an emulator.


I'm using a Palm Z22 with Vista, with no issues. You might try checking Palm's web site for the latest software.


I would love to know how you did it. I just got a new Vista laptop running GSAK and I cannot get it to synch with my Palm Z22 using Cachemate. I E-mailed Brian Smith and he does not know how to fix Vista/Cachemate compatibility. The Vista laptop talks to the GPS (Garmin 60 Csx) just fine, but I can't load the *.pdb files into the Z22.


I think I have the latest software, the Palm OS is 4.2 and the Cachemate is v4.1.2.


Jim aka MD Crab


I'm using a Palm Z22 with Vista, with no issues. You might try checking Palm's web site for the latest software.


I would love to know how you did it. I just got a new Vista laptop running GSAK and I cannot get it to synch with my Palm Z22 using Cachemate. I E-mailed Brian Smith and he does not know how to fix Vista/Cachemate compatibility. The Vista laptop talks to the GPS (Garmin 60 Csx) just fine, but I can't load the *.pdb files into the Z22.


I think I have the latest software, the Palm OS is 4.2 and the Cachemate is v4.1.2.


Jim aka MD Crab


It's not a cachemate issue. It's a Palm sync issue.


That being said, I don't own a Pam Z22. Does it have a memory slot? If so, you could export your .pdb file to the harddrive and then manually move it via memory card.

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