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Travel Bug Photo Album


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Posted (edited)

I think this will be of some use to some of us at some point. I would like to start this thread with a few pics of the Travel Bugs I have just released and some that I haven't but will be this week. That way their image is burned into your brain...LOL. We all can remember alot more about it when we VISUALLY see it.

So keep your eyes peeled for these Travel Bugs.


If nothing else, it may be of some help to those who have lost their TB's. They can post a photo here and while we are out caching, we can keep an eye out for it. Hopefully everyone takes a photo of their travel bug from now on, BEFORE sending it out! I even attach a laminated card stating it's origin (my city and state) along with it's mission. Use a FREE program like Photobucket.com to upload your images, then you can highlight and copy the image URL and post it here. Very Simple.


So please fellow cachers! UPLOAD THOSE PHOTOS! Welcome to the Travel Bug Family Photo Album.



Ranger Bill: Not yet released.




Lucky Moto Chug Lure Travel Bug: Not yet released.





Rusty The Travel Bear/Bug: Released 7-17-2007





Tonka the Travel Bug: Released 7-16-2007



Edited by trsrhuntr
Posted (edited)

I notice that is a photobucket picture. I am not sure if photobucket gives you the IMG code for thumbnails but it can save other dial-up cachers some time and aggravation if you use the IMG code for the pictures. I know imageshack gives you the code needed. It is very handy. Here is an example.


The code will look similar to this:


Edited by knight2000
Posted (edited)

You know, it's never a good idea to post the tracking number of your travel bugs online.


There are bad guys out there that would like to mess with your bug.



Oh Lord......How childish...Just once can't we all get along like adults??? Edited to keep the childish, immature, trouble makers away....LMAO!


Now...Let's see if we can keep this thread on topic.....

Edited by trsrhuntr

Yes, it gives you the IMG code. Just copy and paste. Super cool. And Always FREE....FOREVER!!!

My PB account has the IMG code but doesnt have the IMG code for thumbnails :unsure:


This is Grey Furby. I sent him to my sister in Maine.


It took him 11 months and 2000 miles to travel from New Jersey to Maine. (Thanks to all who helped!)

My sister attached the tag to a camoed pink flamingo to send back to me.


Unfortunately, seven months later, she disappeared at an event in Manchester, New Hampshire. I moved her to 'unknown location' to try to avoid the bar bill that she has run up since then! (No one at the event knows what happened to her?!! Golly gee, she's a rather large pink flamingo!) On. well. It was a fun experiment.




I'm rather computer illiterate :ph34r: . But I guess old ladies have the right to be challenged by something. Anyway, here is one of my bugs. His name is Chris. He started here in Columbus, KS, and his goal is to visit all of the places named Columbus in the U.S. It's been less than a year since his journey started and he's at his second goal. I'm anxious to see how far he makes it.

Posted (edited)

Ultimate Fishing Object

This is the first one, missing. It is a 6 ounce, UFO lure. The treble hook points are covered in epoxy putty. The replacement, a similar lure has also gone missing. In addition to TB tag, other tags describing what a bug is, and simple goal.



Edited by EScout
Posted (edited)

My newest one :rolleyes: .... Not yet placed. It is a Specific Mission Bug!!


Upcoming 8th Grade Project Bug! His mission is to visit as many National Parks in the US and then be returned back to school with as many photos as possible.


Hummer H3 National Park Service Travel Bug





Edited by trsrhuntr

Here' Dolly the Dolphin


Activated 7/24/07


She wants to see all 50 states and as many lakes, rivers, streams, creeks and oceans as she can. Pictures would be great to share with her owner!




My favorite TB pic is of me! Of course!



Could a Modererator fix this message for me and then tell what I'm doing wronfg when I try to enter a photo in a Forum post? This "sasa frasa rasa fras" HTML is driving me nuts,,,,.....


All you need to do to post a photo after copy the link is to make sure you clear out the http stuff that is already in the box. So clear it out, then paste your code.


I notice that is a photobucket picture. I am not sure if photobucket gives you the IMG code for thumbnails but it can save other dial-up cachers some time and aggravation if you use the IMG code for the pictures. I know imageshack gives you the code needed. It is very handy. Here is an example.


The code will look similar to this:



photobucket DOES have a clickable-thumbnail option for the photos...you need to select the photo and at the bottom of the page there is the option to generate HTML


I notice that is a photobucket picture. I am not sure if photobucket gives you the IMG code for thumbnails but it can save other dial-up cachers some time and aggravation if you use the IMG code for the pictures. I know imageshack gives you the code needed. It is very handy. Here is an example.


The code will look similar to this:



photobucket DOES have a clickable-thumbnail option for the photos...you need to select the photo and at the bottom of the page there is the option to generate HTML

You seem to be right. Notice i didn't say that PB didn't have that option. I said that i was not sure.


The point is moot anyway. People dont seem to care if others use dial up or not, as long as it doesn't affect them.


Here's the next travel bug I'm going to send out. I've been skydiving for 16 years and have been a member of USPA for almost all of that. This bug's goal will be to visit the National Skydiving Museum in Fredericksburg, Virginia...


... and - MAKE A SKYDIVE with someone!!!




Don't worry, trsrhuntr, I'm not going to take over the thread. I'll just do this one post and call it quits...


...unless I send out any other interesting bugs soon! :anitongue::anitongue:


Model Citizen - Zero Discipline


I have a morphing travel bug. Each time it reaches its goal of getting to the person I'm sending it to, I have it changed with something that reminds me of the person its heading to see. It's called mtn-man's ride. First it looked like this:



It went to mtn-man, who I had cached with in Long Island, and then I sent it to Lapaglia, who I have chatted with, and changed it to a purple pony:




It came home, and now it's heading for CyBret, who came to CT once to marry GeoHo and Mopar, and we cached 4 states the next day, so now it's a little lamb and going west to try to get to CyBret:




I don't know where it will go next :rolleyes:









Currently roaming around the Pacific Northwest



U P Michigan



If I had my way this one would always be heading for another cache but I have to spend some of my time working, shopping or mowing the lawn.

Posted (edited)

Travel Bug: Discover Scavok - TB894


It really does travel from cache to cache and has 217,000 miles under its belts, but simply exists to be discovered (:



Edited by scavok

Greetings from the UK! Here are some of my TBs....


Archie the Archer, currently travelling around medieval and Tudor sites in the UK:



Little Bunkins (TB194XD), wants to travel to places where my ancestors lived:



Doris the Anti-Cellulite Fairy (TB1CP2X), whose mission is to make girl cachers feel good about themselves:



Little Lambkin the naughty gambling lamb (TB1CZJ0), who wants to visit Las Vegas (he's currently in California):



Little Bald Russian Tat Dude (TB1CZF), an item of utter tat who wants to have his photos taken with other kitsch/rubbish items:



Little George Bear (TB1CWRZ):


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