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Northern Right Whale Geocoin


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Hello :laughing: I just wanted to post a note here announcing my newest coin & pin. This is a North Atlantic Right Whale Geocoin. I wanted to design a few coins of endangered marine mammals. This is the first. Here is some information about the Right Whale.


The Right Whale derived it's name from whalers. For hundreds of years this whale was hunted to the point of extinction. Whalers named this whale the Right Whale because when it was killed it floated due to it's abundance of blubber, therefore it was the "right whale" to hunt. While the Southern Right Whale has made a slight comeback (it's numbers exceed 3000) the Northern Right Whale's have not, it's number are estimated to be between 300 - 350 and declining.


The coin is 2 inches in diameter & 3mm thick. This is a quality coin & is stunning. The coin is trackable on geocaching.com with an icon that looks similar to the front of the coin. There are two versions of the coin, both minted in black nickel. There is also a lapel pin to match :anibad:


Regular version - $7.75 - no limit - Link to purchase Regular Edition



LE version - $8.25 - no limit - the LE version has glitter in the water & the moon glows in the dark. - Link to purchase LE version



Designed by the Mad Hatter's Neverland - Minted by Castle Coins & Pins


A portion from the sale of this coin will be donated to the Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies. You can read more about them here: Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies


edited to add links to purchase - duh

Edited by dorkfish
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Wow! Those are some very cool coins :anibad: Dorkfish


As the migration route of these whales southern cousins has them passing the coast of New Zealand it would be a crime for me not to get a some of these coins...


Ordered a couple of the LE glows. Thanks :laughing:

Edited by Team chelmo
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Yes, the minute I ordered a Regular, and returned to the site, the LE's showed up - bad timing, but I'm glad they are there. Got a couple of those too, so you can combine the orders if you want. They look great, but cetaceans are my weakness - Thanks.

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df the pins turned out EXCELLENT! I am absolutely amazed at the incredible detail on them. And the glow and glitter LE's are stunning. But I have to say the side that looks like the whale is my favorite as once again, the detail is so good. Makes me smell the salty air right now.

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Too early in the morning for me, can't read, lol.


I will combine all orders that were placed last night or this morning and refund the shipping difference through paypal. If you'd like to add more coins to your order please do so within the next 2 hours.


As far as quantities go:


Regular coin - no set number, will mint as many as people would like to purchase.

LE coin - I believe it was 200 or 225, I need to count them as I have a horrible memory

pins - 150


I am examining each coin very closely before I send them out. I've had a few issues with recent coins including incomplete tracking numbers, unreadable tracking numbers & minor flaws. I will continue to update quantities as I have a for sure amount as I am pulling the questionable coins out as I go along. I don't want to list everything & then not have enough coins. If you collect flawed coins, send me an email and I'll let you know what I have. It'll save me the trouble of sending them back to the mint :laughing:


Thanks for all the kind words. I really love this coin, it is a beauty!

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Wow..... I can only parrot what others have already posted.... the vibrant colours are a sensation. You've truely outdone yourself, K. I'll be looking forward to your others in the series of endagered species.


EDIT... there were 26 LE's left when I exited the site a few minutes ago.

Edited by Droo
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:lol: I ordered the regular early this morning because I didn't see the LE. I trusted that the website was up to date. I can't order an extra coin to get the LE now, because it was a big struggle to order anyway, because I'm not supposed to be buying any coins. So I'm disapointed that I didn't get the exact coin that I wanted, but I suppose I'm glad to at least get one of them. :unsure:
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I like glitter when there is a good reason for it ... and the water on this coin really screams for glitter! Great looking coin! Too bad I only just noticed this thread this morning ... the LEs are SOLD OUT. :unsure:

If anyone would like to make a trade, I'd sure love to get an LE. :(

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Thanks for all the great comments :rolleyes: I wish I had minted more of the LE's so everyone had a chance to get some. Some folks bought quite a few so I'm sure they will be available for trade.

I placed an order today for an additional number of the regular editions. They should be here on August 7th. I also had a small number of LE's reminted due to errors with the coins. Watch my site for a contest or two in August to win one. The remainder of the LE's are spoken for, sorry. I will send out a newsletter to all the subscribers on my site so everyone can know when the reminted coins arrive.

Thanks everyone for making this coin such a huge success! The next marine mammal coin will be here in early September.

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