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Dog Days of Summer Mission!

Tank Hounds

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I think I am up for another mission but will have to figure out a sig item. I have seen so many cool ones that I think I will find one of those to send and keep it a secret who it is from :D


1. Participating - email sent 7/12/07

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!

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I think I am up for another mission but will have to figure out a sig item. I have seen so many cool ones that I think I will find one of those to send and keep it a secret who it is from :D


1. Participating - email sent 7/12/07

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


Heh, I was kind of thinking the same thing. If you include your own sig item, it pretty well gives away who your "secret" sender is doesn't it? Still not sure if I'll be sending my own sig item, a sig item of someone else's that I've received, or maybe both!

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I've tried to add my trade lists to my tagline: I'll see if it works here.


Rats! back to the drawing board.


Well, I have a tagline now - but no hyperlinks. I'll try again tomorrow.


For the benefit of whoever gets my name, my owned list is here and my seeking list is here - though I'm happy for any geocoins - even if they are duplicates.


and . . . sucess at last (I think)

Edited by tokencollector
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I've been thinking about the trackable vs non trackable coins in the missions to decide what I would like to send and that got me to thinking about micros and geotags. I know that they are frequently "thrown " in as an extra added bonus. Some love micros and some don't. Some will only trade a micro for a micro and others don't care. Maybe there should be a discussion of the use of micros as an actual mission coin rather than an added bonus just as we talked about trackable vs non trackable. For me, I have received some very nice micros, nontrackables and of course trackables but maybe others haven't been as lucky?! I have heard some grumbling behind the scenes so lets put it up front (or am I talking a taboo subject here?) LOL

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I've been thinking about the trackable vs non trackable coins in the missions to decide what I would like to send and that got me to thinking about micros and geotags. I know that they are frequently "thrown " in as an extra added bonus. Some love micros and some don't. Some will only trade a micro for a micro and others don't care. Maybe there should be a discussion of the use of micros as an actual mission coin rather than an added bonus just as we talked about trackable vs non trackable. For me, I have received some very nice micros, nontrackables and of course trackables but maybe others haven't been as lucky?! I have heard some grumbling behind the scenes so lets put it up front (or am I talking a taboo subject here?) LOL


i think if you join one of these missions, you should have an open mind to receive any of the coin types, trackable, nontrackable, micro, tag, etc. If you end up "hating it" there is nothing to say you cant trade it in the next mission you do. nobody shuold be disappointed with what they get :laughing: . just my opinoin

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i think if you join one of these missions, you should have an open mind to receive any of the coin types, trackable, nontrackable, micro, tag, etc. If you end up "hating it" there is nothing to say you cant trade it in the next mission you do. nobody shuold be disappointed with what they get :) . just my opinoin

Very good point. I figure I'll take what I get and it will be pretty hard to disappoint someone anyway. And like ByrnedFish says, if you really are unhappy with what you got, join another mission and send it out.


Though there are people like me who have only a few coins on my seeking list. Why? Well, those are the only coins I'd actively seek out. But as long as the coin I receive is not a duplicate of what I have, I'll be happy. It most certainly does NOT need to be a coin on my seeking list. In fact I would be EXTREMELY surprised if it were.


So the way I plan on working it when I get my name is I will check their seeking list and see if I have anything. If not, I'll check their keeping list and see if I have anything they don't have and send that. If I don't have anything but duplicates of what they have, I'll probably send one at random and a note saying sorry, I don't have anything you're seeking and only have duplicates. Not a whole lot you can do if you get someone like AtlantaGal who has what seems like every coin out there.


I know AG, you don't, but taking a quick look at a list of several hundred coins makes it seem impossible to get someone like you a coin you actually want. And yes, there are others out there that have larger lists, you were just the first person to come to mind.

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I've been thinking about the trackable vs non trackable coins in the missions to decide what I would like to send and that got me to thinking about micros and geotags. I know that they are frequently "thrown " in as an extra added bonus. Some love micros and some don't. Some will only trade a micro for a micro and others don't care. Maybe there should be a discussion of the use of micros as an actual mission coin rather than an added bonus just as we talked about trackable vs non trackable. For me, I have received some very nice micros, nontrackables and of course trackables but maybe others haven't been as lucky?! I have heard some grumbling behind the scenes so lets put it up front (or am I talking a taboo subject here?) LOL


i think if you join one of these missions, you should have an open mind to receive any of the coin types, trackable, nontrackable, micro, tag, etc. If you end up "hating it" there is nothing to say you cant trade it in the next mission you do. nobody shuold be disappointed with what they get :) . just my opinoin

I gotta agree with this. I think that it is silly to be so picky...isn't part of the fun being surprised? Trackable/non-trackable...who cares? We have a lot of fun in the "sending"...the receipt of a package is just a bonus.

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1. Participating - email sent 7/8/07

2. Received Name - 7/14/07

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


Whoever gets me, I'm not picky at all. I love trackable and not trackable. I also don't care if I get one that I already have. I just like the fun of sending a mission and seeing the recipent post.

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1. Participating - 07/08/07

2. Received Name 07/14/07

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received


^_^ Researching... To be continued.... :)


Ditto..... "I thought this mission would be easy!!! I will have to do some investigation since my recipient has no list!"

Edited by 57chevy
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I have really enjoyed everything I have ever received from any mission I have been part of. Trackable, non-trackable, micro, geotag, coins I already have or brand new to me coins, everything!


My very favorite thing is signature items and the cool stuff people toss in. Its like opening up a cache!


So if whoever gets me wants to send signature items only or whatever they want to send, I am thrilled!


I just love presents. There, I've admitted it.


Oh, and I am a rockaholic too. Hard to send rocks, but I might as well admit that too, while I am at it.

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I think that Toojin & Bart summed it up well...I love presents!

Christmas is my favorite holiday. My husband has started a tradition with us that I get to open the "12 days of Christmas" presents...starting 12 days before the 25th! It helps my anticipation and it's fun to get to open one present each day (and they are usually "little" things like a bag of candy or whatever) ^_^

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2. Received name!!!! 7/14


Maybe your person is having the same problem I have... doesn't know how to attach the tag line!


My seeking list


At least not so it shows up at the bootom of my post every time! ^_^


[url=http://www.geocoincollection.com/cointrade/showlist.asp?type=3&owner=544]My seeking list[/url]


Take that code, go to your profile, click edit profile, paste code into box titled "forum signature". Save the changes. Log out of the forums sign back in and check to see if it got added.

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1. Participating - email sent 7/12/07

2. Received Name-7/14/07 Research Started!

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


Yep, got my name. Could be tough. And as one stated before, I'm happy with anything that isn't a duplicate, and since I've only got just barely 100 coins, it shouldn't be too tough.


Thanks Tank Hounds for doing this mission!

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