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René wants to go to America


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Hi Everybody,


I'm french and live in Normandy. I dropped off my first travel bug :




He's in my cache in the Normandy Bridge for the moment (GC1284B). But he would love to travel to North America. He would like to have a very long journey there and have pictures of a lot of areas in United States and Canada.


So, if you come in holidays in Normandy and visit my area and then my cache, please, take René with you. He dreams now for a long time of America (as me).


Thanks in advance for taking care of my René :D

Bliss to you





I'm not laughing of you, but René is a boy's name ;)


Anyways good luck to René! I hope he'll come to visit Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean...


Um - my sisters name is Renee.


in fact, it's like a lot of name in French


a "e" at the end for the ladies







but if you see the picture of René, you'll see on his head that he's a boy. He's a gallic rooster !! :laughing:

Symbol of France since french revolution.


I'll soon drop off Gandhi my new travel bug (in the honor of my ex.dog and of the great man of India)

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