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broken screen!

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Hello All! I dropped my Garmin 60maps GPS and broke the front glass. works great but need to replace glass. If you have an old one in good shape I would buy from you OR, if you know where I can order one I would sure like to hear from you. I know I can probably get one from Company but sure would like to NOT have to wait 6-10 weeks Probably longer, to get it back, would rather do it myself.

Please email me if you have any ideas to help.. --> olcowboy@yahoo.com

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Garmin turn around time on repairs is pretty darn fast. Nothing like 6-10 weeks, more like 6-10 days. I've returned Garmins twice and Magellans twice for repairs. All four times I'd guess the units were repaired the day they arrived and shipped back the next business day. Just an observation.

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Garmin turn around time on repairs is pretty darn fast. Nothing like 6-10 weeks, more like 6-10 days.


6-10 days is long. I've had them back in 4 days from Garmin. It was a different unit, but that was fine with me.


The first time I sent one back I couldn't imagine being without a unit for a couple of weeks so I ordered one from REI the same day I sent mine to Garmin. 4 days later a GPS came in the mail and it wasn't the one from REI.

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Contact Tony Savage at kiwigps@paradise.net.nz. I got a replacement screen for under $20 CAN delivered to my door in 6 days....took all of 10 minutes to install and required nothing but a pocket knife.The only draw back was the letters on the screen read GPS MAP60 (tho he has some 60C's...no others) He also had some empty cases (including screens) for various Garmin GPSrs for very resonable prices.

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