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Which one of these Units should I chose?

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Hi guys,

I am just about to get started with this hobby and I have been looking for an inexpensive unit to purchase to start with. I posted on Craigslist looking for a unit and I recieved 3 responses. All units are used but in good condition and all people want $100 OBO for their units. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on which one to chose or if I should go with a different unit all together. The units are as follows:


Magellan Sportrak Pro - Not Color

Garmin GPS 48

Garmin GPSMap 76


I appreciate your time!!

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Hi Antjaw,


Personally, I would not take one of these...


I would rather go for a Garmin Etrex (i.e. Legend or Venture (not CX version)) or the Magellan Explorist 210. If you are willing to buy second hand, you will surely find those for $100 (Try this search on eBay).


In my opinion these devices are very good starter models (I started with the magellan Expl. 210).




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When I started, I bought an eXplorist 100 that was on sale at a local bigbox drug store. I found the 100 very easy to learn and very accurate. I have completed over 225 caches with this unit.


Just recently, I switched to a Garmin eTrex Legend as Wal-Mart was have a sale on a bundle of a Legend and Topo map software for under C$200. I find the Legend a little harder to use as I really like the interface on the Magellan, but the mapping software and PC interface is what finally made to me switch.


Short answer: if you are just starting, try a eXplorist 100 or 210 (depending on price) or an eTrex Yellow or Legend (again, depending upon price).


Happy caching!

Edited by Fuzzywhip
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I have found on craigslist (and seen on these forums) that people often want way more than an item is worth.


I was inquiring about a used Lowrance go2 on CL today. They were asking $125


New it is $87 online

eBay sells for $35-$50


The person would only go down to $85 citing that eBay "sells" for $85 - $199 (Of course those are eBay store prices and those items may never sell. But that is what eBay store owners are asking.)


Check items on epinions to see how good they are or search on here.

Check recent past eBay sales for a current market value.

Try to be patient. It is hard to do though when you want to go caching!

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